060 SpiderBiteXPlus

Back at his tent, Silver thought back on what he gained during his meditation. He found out that during his 'deep meditation' he had successfully completed the 2000 bouts required to own the Spider Bite ability. He thought back that his ability might have counted each bite from the individual hornets as 1 bout cause he could swear he took more than 200 from them. Good thing his muscles are rock hard and Grylls ability is so convenient in healing them. 'I should learn his ability, never know when I need Survivor in this excursion'.

He activated his sharingan ability and used In at the same time. This way only those who used Gyo and looking at his eyes can see Nen being concentrated on it. At the same time the Nen Spike during his activation would also be hidden.

{A voice that only he can hear came to him.

To own the ability Spider Bite:

• Get bit by a spider.

• Accompany Peter investigate the death of Benjamin Parker.

• Tell Peter that "with great power, comes with great responsibility."

• Fight and hone your reflexes 2000 times.

• The condition must not be told to the owner.

• Sharingan is not required to be active while completing the tasks

Spider bite plus: Gains the setules of the spider to stick to any surface with. Gains immunity to all spider venom while boosting resistance to other types of venom. Gains spider sense that alerts you of danger and incoming attacks. Allows you to sense Aura and Nen better.}

If anyone asks about Nen activation on his tent, he'll just excuse himself he learned it during the three day 'deep meditation'. He is also proud of himself to modify the skill spider sense to now not only sense danger and attacks but also be more sensitive to Aura. With this, he no longer needs to be in state of zetsu to sense other's Aura or Nen in the vicinity around 10 meter radius. And since this is a body enhancement, it can be applied to himself semi-permanently without others even realizing he is already a Nen user.

He is also amazed by the setules he gained. He could not see them with his naked eyes but he can feel them. Billions of spider setules scattered all over his body to which he can control to stick to any surface.

However after the ability improved further he is able to feel that the setules also got more sensitive to his aura as well. Due to the change in sensitivity he is again unable to fully control the setules in sticking to any surface.

And unlike the first time around he doesn't have a whole year to familiarize himself with the new ability. So instead he opted to spent two whole days of full concentration to finally able to control them and not to stick his butt and legs on the ground.

That's right, he only needed the night to improve his spider bite to spider bite (plus) since at the time he really wanted to sense aura of others, to which his ability answered his desire. The rest of the 'deep meditation' was to train himself to control these upgraded setules not to stick uncontrollably, again.

Controlling them was hard at the start but once he relearned the trick he easily got accustomed to it. To him, it felt just like any other muscle he needed to accustom himself while moving.

That is not the only gains, though. After relearning the ability to control the billions of setules, he came to realize that controlling Nen has never been easier for him. To him, exercising and retraining these muscles of his also improve his nen control. 'This ability has so much potential! I wonder if Peter is able to do this too in the future?'

Silver used transmutation and In to count from 0 to 99 in breaking speed using Nen. He didn't stop there and continued with the alphabets. He then remembered the first time he met with the group and Marco tested them to 'read' something. 'He must have used Nen to transmute a word or a sentence.' He then tried it himself to create 1234567890 using transmutation but found it hard on the 5th digit. Right now he is comfortable maintaining for digit number or words but watch it crumbles when he adds another one. 'Better than before indeed.'

He then easily conjured 8 Nen balls and added In, 4 in each hand and move them around in different directions. 'I can't wait to get back and train.' He grinned. 'Oh wait, I can train transmutation and manipulation with In inside the tent. But for now I need a massage. My butt and leg hurts.' He conjured beatiful magician using In and had a massage. 'Oh how I missed this.'

He ended his massage after 30 minutes and went to sleep.

<30 minutes before, the time Silver activated Beautiful Magician>

Outside on his personal tent Slade opened his eyes and activated Gyo. He went out and observed everyone and his surroundings. Outside, he saw Bradford and Grylls talking near the fire. Bradford and Grylls both have their uncontrolled aura leaking ever so lightly. The others missing and must be on their tents.

He tried to remember the direction of the Nen Spike but could not do it. 'The user must have used In immediately and from the speed it vanished he must be a master.' He quickly eliminated Nellie since she wasn't a Nen user and Silver, even if he learned Nen it wouldn't make sense for him to learn In the same day. He then looked at the tent of Lara and Marco before taking a long look around the trees. He watched for a while and get back inside to sleep. It is not yet his time to be a look out.