061 SurvivorXFee

<8AM the next morning>

"For the last time are you sure you don't want to bring any change off clothes with you?" Grylls confirmed for the nth time.

"No, I'll show you that not even the wild can keep me grounded the fourth time."

<6 hours later>

"Well this is disappointing. Why are there no animals and birds to beat?" Silver complained.

"It's a vast forest. In the first place we are supposed to be looking for clues on the Xians. It's not like we're here to fight the animals all day long."

"Wooooow" both of them took a breather as they marvel at the sight. In front of them is a majestic waterfall with clear water falling to the basin below. The basin is then connected to a long river with no end at sight. The atmosphere is so serene and inviting you would wish to jump on the basin and have a dip.

The duo then started walking to the shore of the basin with Grylls in front and Silver two steps behind.

Half-way through Silver stopped as he perceived with his new spider sense (+) multiple auras slithering to their direction and sensing danger from them.

"Grylls there are snakes around!" Silver shouted as he jumped a few meters back and readied himself for any attack. However contrary to his expectation, Grylls didn't react to him calling and continued to walk strangely to the direction of the basin.

Then the unsightly thing happened. 5 or more white-ish scaled snakes jumped out of the shore's sand and bit on different parts of Grylls. Grylls didn't react to the bite and just continued walking to the basin's direction.

Silver wanted to chase Gryll and pull him over but noticed that the previously clear and serene waterwall area is now covered in yellowish spore.

Silver retreated further and took off his clothes and tied it as a makeshift mask. Seeing that Gryll is still walking to the basin he looked around and for anything that he could use as a rope. Then remembered the web thrower Peter gifted him as an apology.

He hurriedly look for it on his backpack which contains food, water, clothes, first aids and luckily the web thrower. Yup, although he denied not bringing some clothes he did bring clothes similar in style and color of what he is currently wearing, for reasons that is surely not about being beaten again by some random animals.

He got the web thrower and aimed at the back of Grylls which is now knee deep into the waters. He fired and watch nervously as the web quickly connected to Grylls.

The moment it connected he pulled as fast as he can towards him dragging along 2 snakes currently wrapped in each of its legs.

Taking no chances Silver used Ren all over his body and smashed the two heads of the snakes constricting Grylls when they reached him. From his active spider sense he knew that there are only two snakes that was dragged the moment they were near enough for his senses to kick in.

He was about to apply first aid to Grylls when he heard a big splash from the basin. He looked at the spore filled basin and saw in the middle a female head with snakes on top of her acting as if they are her hair. Feeling goosebumps from the sight he dragged Grylls and the two snakes he killed then ran away from the area, even using Emission Nen on his feet soles for a sudden boost in a unidirection.

He calls it flash step technique. Instead of using emission to his feet to jump higher, he use it to leap forward in 1 step. It is fast but can only go 1 direction and need training and coordination. He tried it many times in an obstacle course during his 1 year training but most of the time he ended up hitting an obstacle. This time, however, he was able to easily control the amount of Nen to use to not hit any trees and land where he wants to. This is due to his sudden improvement to Nen control and Micro Muscle control of the setules. If he feels he will over shoot he would use his setules in the feet to stick to the ground.

(A.N. Don't ask how it penetrates the shoes, it just happens)

When he was a over a hundred meters away from the basin he heard a loud shriek from the basin's direction which is filled with frustration. He didn't stop running until he was a kilometer or two away. He then placed Grylls to the ground and applied first aid. He tied the latter's two legs tight with a knot once he saw fang marks on them. He also put a tight knot on both of Grylls biceps.

He then gently slap the charmed face Grylls is currently showing. "Come on wake up, wake up, wake up. I don't have any antidotes on me."

He tried slapping a couple more minutes before Grylls responded with a groan.

Then focus started returning to Grylls eyes, then confusion and suddenly pain on his legs, then his arms. Then his right cheek started burning. He sat up and immediately took in his surroundings. He first saw his thighs each tied up then his legs with tattered pants from knee downwards. He saw several fang marks on his legs which are now inflamed and have black goo coming out from them. He then saw similar situation on both of his arms and concluded he got bit by something venomous.

Without any further delay, he conjured a phlebotomy vial that has a needle to draw blood and an injection gun. He then pressed hard on his leg with the needle to draw blood into the vial. He then shook the vial until it turned green, which if counted would be 8 times. He loaded the glowing vial to the injection gun and shot himself with it.

He then felt relieved and went back to lie down the ground.

Behind him, Silver was looking at him with his Sharingan active and In activated. A creepy smile escaped from his face. 'That would be the fee, thank you.'