076 SilverXNaga

The three gentlemen and a kid all scattered to their designated spot.

'Four Nagas? Are they underestimating me? Oh right, I just killed one.'

I then reactivated my sharingan and listened to the tasks.

{A voice then came to me.

To own the ability Fire Bender:

• Get burned from your neck down.

• Burn a human to death.

• Get your parents killed before 10 years old. X

• Get a hold of the Dagger of Xian.

• Tell Marco Bartolli you also like to watch the world burn while using his own ability.

• The condition must not be told to the owner.

• Sharingan is not required to be active while completing the tasks

Fire Bender: Transmute your Nen to create fire and control the fire you generated. The larger burnt body you have the stronger the flames created.}

'Neat. Now this is what we are talking about. Woah...'


'That was close. That arrow would have been game over for me. Thank god for spider sense. Now where was it again.' I thought to myself as I try to remember the spot the traps are laid.

'Here it is.' I jumped high and landed with a spider-man landing at the center of a small clearing now facing the upcoming four Nagas. 'Spider-man landing?', how come I am making things up and making sense at the same time.

I knocked an arrow in the bow and started charging Shu on the tip as big sis Lara taught me.

*swoosh* *swoosh* another set of arrows were fired at him which he evaded casually as now he is facing them.

"Graahhhhhhh." The fastest Naga growled  at me and continued his pursuit.

'Here it comes.' I waited and anticipated as the first naga approached the area I jumped from.

When it reached that point, he activated a trap which tied his tail and flung him upwards and upside down.


I let go of the arrow and hit the target's center mass. Must be because of being surprised from the trap, the Naga let go of its Ten/Ken which was a terrible mistake during  Nen battle as my arrow passed through him like hot knife through butter.

"Hmmmmph.. Amateur!"

I then dodged another arrow by turning to the right. As the arrow pass by me, I sensed another attack coming from my back aiming at my waist area. From my mental image, I saw a tail swinging at me. Having no time to dodge, I could only use ko as a total defense to the back.


The tail hit me and forced me to slide a few meters. However, due to my defense not much damage was done. 'No matter if I could see or sense the attack coming if I can't react fast enough, it will still hit me.'

There are three Nagas I am currently facing. Two spearman in the front and a bowman at the back.

I dashed forward and slid down as a sweep from a spear of the first Naga came at my direction and then jumped as another sweeping tail threatened to hit me from the second Naga.

*swooosh* an arrow came flying in fast and hit my shoulder. 'Pure muscle power, they're not even using Shu.'

It dug 1 cm to his flesh and put him out of balance and left open for the tail coming in from the first Naga.


I was flung to the ground and struck a tree. 'Urghhh this is just another whip-wolves moment, just stronger.' I then jumped away as an arrow struck the tree where I was before.

'Well then, this will be a good practice for my new senses. Don't let me down now.'

I dodge another tail sweep by jumping high to the tree. The two spear users readied for the eventual fall of their prey but looked confused as they watch me stick to the tree.



"geez, stay calm will you?" I jumped off the tree as another arrow struck where I was. "You first then! Graaaahh!" I imitated the growl. As I used the web shooter to stick to the bow user Naga. Then while I was on air, I pulled hard on the web which launched myself downward while shouting "Spider drop kick!"

I then launch a kick to the bow-Naga and launched it to the tree. "Now you know, how much it hurts to be swung on the tree." I then duck forward as a tail sweep pass by.


"Were you trying to hit the air or something?" * Swoosh* as I dodge the spear tip by bending my back. "Woah woah come down. Everyone will be beaten down eventually." I added and back flipped to dodge another low tail sweep.

*graaaaahhh* The first Naga growled.

*graaaaahh* I answered back which stopped the rest of the Naga with confusion on their eyes. "Yeah right, you should be afraid." Taking the sudden opening, I rushed to the bow user who has yet to recover fully, with my claws out on the right hand.

'A last attempt effort to defend your kind... Futile.' As I dodge to the right from the spear thrown from my back. 'I am getting used to this now! I could see everything within 200m radius or 50 without Gyo on the ear but I can't focus on them all at once. But with my spider sense, I could detect the attack coming and focus on the attack just on time. I can even see the dagger you are hiding from your back, goon #3!'

I jumped just on time to dodge the dagger that was aimed to my head. And as I passed just above the head of the bow-Naga, I used Ren on my claw and flung it to shred its head to pieces.

"3 down!" I muttered as I found myself sticking on the tree again like spider-man and looking at the two Nagas, one with spear and the other without. 'Spider-man a good moniker, Peter Parker should use this if he wants to be a hidden superhero.' I smiled.

"No you won't!" I slashed my claws backward to the snakes falling from the tree also shredding them to pieces like the head of the Naga. 'I am liking this sensing abilities more and more.'