077 GentlemenXNaga

"Hooooo~ five Nagas. This might be tough." Grylls thought to himself as he ran through the forest. He then stopped in the center of a small clearing similar to Silver's.

"Since we are here, let me show you what I can do. Survivor." Grills summoned his medical wraps on each hand.

He waited for the five Nagas approaching him to be at a certain distance before stretching his two hands forward. The wrap conjured in Nen sprung forward and enclosed the first Naga. He then pulled it hard which lifted the Naga to the sky and then smashed the Naga to the ground head first with enough force to knock out the Naga.

The Naga losing consciousness lost its defensive Ken activation. With a flip of Grylls hand, he broke the defenseless neck. "1 down." He grinned. 'My ability might be restorative in nature, but there are no rules not to use them in a fight.'

The suddenness of the attack halted the advance of the other four.





The four nagas growled in anger as another one of theirs just died in front of them.

"Is that all you can say?" Grylls taunted further. That infuriated them as they spread out and charged forward towards Grylls.

Suddenly one of the Naga fell down a trap filled with spikes. However, the spikes didn't penetrate much since the Naga is protected by Nen. But even so, Grylls did not let go of the chance.

He jumped high to evade the pincer move from the other Nagas and jumped to the pit to further push the naga down the spikes.

Grylls again controlled his wraps to the one who fell down and fully enclosed it like a mummy while it is still struggling from blood loss and the spikes. "You know a fun fact about cast wraps? They harden." He grinned.

And with that, the mummified Naga stopped moving as the wrap harden also effectively closed out his source of oxygen.

Grylls jumped out of the pit and faced the remaining three. All who are left are spear wielder nagas.

The four started to fight as spears and wraps clashed with one another.

Grylls was very elusive during the fight. He would use the the wrap to anchor himself to the tree and pull himself away to either evade or redirect himself while in the air as if his wraps were made of rubber but not made of gum.

The Nagas are having a hard time hitting Grylls for they are all close combatants. Their only bow user is currently mummified in the pit and most probable than not, is already dead.

"Got you!" Grylls swing across the branches using his wrap to bypass the two Nagas in front and went to the last Naga alone in the back.

As he drops onto the unsuspecting victim, he controlled his wraps to model a pole with a sharp edge on one end facing the Naga.

Grylls then impaled the solo Naga from his chest to the ground as he dropped from the air. The naga retaliated for a while but eventually stopped moving.

"I already told you, cast wraps tend to harden."



"I may be just a survivalist. But I improvise. I adapt. And most importantly, I overcome."

Marco ran for a while until they were in the area with stones and scarce trees and grass. He waited for another minute as the Nagas surround him in five different directions. "*Sigh* monsters, they lack intelligence." Marco shook his head in disapproval. "You should all be wondering why I brought you here."

Marco created a fire on his feet which ignited the gasoline they prepared beforehand quickly following a straight line outside the encirclement of the Nagas.

Then, they were suddenly enclosed within a fire ring. The Nagas were surprised with the current development and started to back away slowly from the fire.

"You see my ability doesn't allow me to control all the flames, but it sure does allow me to control those it help created." He grinned evily. "Why don't we watch your world burn." Marco controlled the prison flames and burned all the Nagas at the same time.

*shriek of utter fear, desperation and death filled the area.*

"Didn't even have time to use the traps." Slade walk back to the direction of the river.

On the area he just left, 5 Naga corpses are lying on the ground and uncountable number of snakes in pieces.


A.N. : Grylls cast wrap ability allows him to create object mostly circular in nature and simple geometric shapes.