078 BowXThrow

"That's the last of them." Silver breathed and watched the devastation their fight caused. His clothes have clear signs of being slashed by spears and some puncture wounds from the arrows.

He looked at his left thigh which is tied tightly to slow down the naga snake venom. Just a second ago he let a snake bite him before killing it. 'All I do for love. Huhhh? Where did that expression come from? Gotta hurry.' He then hurriedly run to Grylls designated spot.

The day before they decided to have, Grylls' fighting spot as the meeting spot after fighting. After all, anyone might get bitten by a venomous snake and not finding Grylls on time will be the reason they'll die.

He reached the spot to find that he is the last one to finish his fight. "Sorry, I'm late. Had to help an old lady cross the forest."

Marco raised his brows with that remark. Slade just breathed without any show of emotions.

"Can you help me on this one? Got bitten when I wasn't careful." Explained Silver as he showed the knot on his thigh.

"You too? Why am I the only one not bitten? I'll take this as a win. Haha. Come here. Survivor." Grylls summoned the vial and needle. After 2 shakes the vial turned green which he load to the gun and shot Silver but not before raising his eyebrows. "Weird, the snake is less venomous on your area."

"I don't think so. Maybe because I only got bit once while you were bit all over." Compared Silver. 'However it might have something to do with my spider bite ability.

"You little shit!" Grylls wanted to continue but was shot off by Marco.

"Shut it, we need to check on Lara." Marco said his piece and started running to the cave's direction followed by Slade.

"We're not done yet." Grylls looked at Silver sternly before following.

"Whatever you say, old man." Silver followed too but stopped and looked around on the battle scene. He saw a dead Naga with a broken neck lying in the ground. A mummy with blood dripping in a pit. A Naga being hung on its neck on a tree. A naga impaled to the ground with a white hard 'spear' and another Naga impaled to the tree. 'Are these cast wraps?'

"Hey Silver, you coming?" Asked Gryll.

"Uh- Yess. How'd you do that?" Silver asked as he pointed with his thumb to the battlefield.

"Oh that. A magician never tells his secret." -Grylls.

"You're not a magician." Silver rolled his eyes and only got a louder laugh from Grylls.

Lara is currently riding her eagle flying above the river. Below her are bodies of Nagas either laying or floating around. With her summon beast, the Nagas can't do a thing but wait and be shot at. She shot all she could see and just left her with the female Naga as her opponent.

However, the female Naga seeing her minions die one at a time opted to stay below the river where she can't be shot by a bullet. After all, a bullet could only penetrate 3 feet and even if she charged it with Nen, it only extends to 9 feet. By then, a bullet will feel just like being poked by a finger.

It could not penetrate the Naga at all. "Urghhh, only if I have the bow." She regretted giving the bow to Silver for a moment.

"Big sis Lara!!!" Silver shouted from the forest. Silver with his ears heard Lara complaining about the bow.

"Catch!" Silver held the bow in a throwing motion and threw it to the direction of Lara.

The bow rises, rises, rises and then halfway through started dropping quickly.

"????" -Grylls/Slade/Marco/Lara/Silver/Female Naga

"Sigh... I'll forgive you this once." Lara muttered as she commanded the eagle to sweep down and catch the falling bow. She soared back up and stared at the female Naga in the clear blue river now holding the bow in hand.

"Hey, you can say hello to your friend for me." Lara draw the bow as a nen arrow automatically nock on it. "Two fingers are enough."

Feeling death nearing her. The female Naga tried to escape by swiming inside the cave.

Then darkness greated her as she entered the cave for all eternity.

'All-Ammo special effects on drawn weapon such as bow: instead of charging by the number of seconds like her desert eagle, the charging is shortened by the number of fingers used to draw the string.

Lara then looked at the unmoving Naga being swept down the river.  After 1 minute without further movement, Lara landed and cancelled her Nen beast.

The rest of the group exited the forest and approached her.

Lara went and necked Silver with her left arms while knuckling his head with her right hand. "What kind of throw was that?"

"I'll be honest. Not my best throw, okay." As Silver tried to escape from the head lock.

"I'll call the airship here. Drop us some supplies before we enter the cave." Marco says as he called Jack over.

<1 hour later>

The group are now separated into two groups each group riding a rubber boat. Silver, Grylls and Lara on one boat. Marco, Slade, Bradford on another boat. Each rubber boat is equipped with a motor and spotlight however only the spotlight is on. Silver complained that with the motors so near to him he could not hear a thing. They relented since 'visibility' is more important than mobility at the moment.

The groups quietly rowed their boat as they let Silver do his magic on the darkness of the underground river. Although they have flashlight and a spotlight they can't see a thing under the water or behind the stalagmites and stalactites.

Silver broke the silence a few hundred meters deep. "There is a-"