087 DeathXBat

"Light? Is this the light to the next world?" Lara reached out to the light with both of her hands. "Father, I'm sorry. I too couldn't save the world from destruction."

"You know, I also wondered where the light came from. We're inside a mountain passed 6pm by now and yet, here we are seeing things as if it is noon." Silver chimed it.

"What? Silver you died too? If you are here, I guess we are not in heaven then." Lara asked confusedly.

"Oi oi oi... What do you mean by that, big sis Lara? You are making me regret saving your life 5 minutes ago!" Silver flusteredly asked while being massaged by Cookie chan.

"Saved me? What happened to Himiko?"

"That tortoise really delayed me for too long. I hope I'm not too late... Meh. who am I kidding? The world hasn't ended yet so the dagger should still be safe." Silver dashed ahead with the use of his flash step.

Even with all the pillars and rocks as obstacle, he was still able to leap forward in a rapid motion without hitting any. 'I'm getting better and better at this.' Silver smiled as he applauded himself of creating such a technique.

*bang* *bang* *bang*

Silver stopped. "What's this? Sounded like a gun being fired. It came from this direction."

Silver followed the direction of the sound until he was able to get 100 meters near them. By then, the mental image of the two combatants can be seen. 'Big sis Lara and Nellie, no should be Himiko if I remember it correctly.'

<50 meters distance>

*bang* *bang* *bang*

'Looks like this fight might take a while, big sis Lara's Nen bullets are being absorbed by the pillar while Himiko can't get a clear shot either.'

<20 meter distance>

*bang* *bang* *bang*

Silver continued to near the fight and used In to hide his presense. Add that to his quiet gait walking ability he copied from Killua, no one can know he is even there until someone literally saw him with his eyes or used En to detect him.

*bang* *bang* *bang* *bang* *bang*

'What? How did she get hit?'

"Niyahahahaha... My poison perfume spread apart. They don't just vanish out of thin air. It might take a while longer but it does its work." He heard Himiko talk as she move out from her hiding spot.

'Damn! I need to get to her.' Without revealing his presence Silver cautiously approached the 20 meter distance from Himiko's back side.

"Niyahahahahaha. Next your head will feel heavy, then vertigo kicks in. Then, the poison spread to your system and one by one your organ stops to function." She is now standing within arms reach of Lara and took out a poison covered knife.

Because of Himiko's monologuing and sarcastic laughter, she has failed to notice the threat looming from behind.

"Goodbye Lara. Trinity won't miss you."

*swoosh* Silver's right hand with potruded nails came out from Himiko's chest holding her beating heart.

*urghhhh* Laras Blood splattered in the ground as she coughed one last time. 'I'm going to see you soon father.' Thought Lara for the last time before darkness took over her.

"How???" Himiko looked at her beating heart being held by a hand that came out from her chest. "Put it back!!!"

"No, you should burn in hell" Silvers hand started burning as fire envelope Nellies heart then spread to her whole body.

*Arrrrrhhhhhhhhh* "It hurtssss, please stop... Aaaaaaaahhhhhhh" Himiko shouted in agony as she burn to death.

"So much blood. Killua could take her heart with much finesse."

"There she is. I took her heart out and burn her to death" Silver pointed to a burnt body 20 meters away from them.

"I used Survivor to get rid of the poison inside you, but I'm not sure about the damage done inside." Silver conjured a healing salve from Survivor and offered it to Lara. "Drink this, this is healing salve for flesh wounds. There is no restriction saying that you can't drink it, and internal wounds are basically flesh wounds just inside. I'll use the shot if you feel anything else other than being healed if it is poisonous."

Lara nodded and drank the Salve. A minute later she felt better but her tiredness level went up a lot. "I think it helped, felt much better but I am feeling drained."

"That is good to hear. Yup, the salve and the cast for broken bones only need my Nen for conjuring them. They use the wounded remaining stamina to hasten their own healing process." Silver nodded. "So if you are dying, this miraculous ability might not be able to save you."

"How long was I out? We need to get the dagger before Marco gets it!" Lara tried to stand but couldn't as fatigued took over.

"You were out for 5 minutes. You should rest here for a while and recover as much as you can with Cookie-chan. I'll try and delay Marco for you. Every minute you rest with Cookie, is equivalent to an 8 minute rest. Take advantage of it." Silver explained.

"I just got a 40 minute worth of rest, I'm feeling refreshed." Silver cracked his knuckes and neck like a badass.

"Cookie-chan, massage Lara to recover her Aura. If she leaves and I am out of range, disable yourself."

Silver stood up was ready to go eastward before being stopped by Lara. "Here take this bow with you. The faith of humanity is now in your hands."

"Ok. Don't take too long. I might get rid of Marco without your help."

"Bragging, are you? If you could really do that, then I don't mind. But don't risk your life for it. I'll be there with you before you know it."

Silver raised his thumbs up and transformed into a full Manbat. His upper body gained bat hairs as his arms transformed into bat wings. He held the bow with his now three fingers at the tip of his right wing and thought. 'More than a month of hiding myself and almost forgotten I have this ability. Man this transformation is really not good other than flying. Can't even hold a bow properly now.'

"Wow, Is this your Bat's full ability?" Lara inquired.

"Yes. But can only fight close combat with this." He showed his now three finger hand at the tip of the wing holding the bow awkwardly. "I'll just use this to position myself then."

"You can create fire now, can you not?" Reminded Lara.

"Tha- that is indeed true! Then, I guess I don't need this bow?. Thanks for reminding me big sis Lara!" Silver hugged Lara with his expanded wings.

"That felt like being covered by a blanket." Lara complained.

"Hey there's always room for first time." Silver laughed.

He returned the bow back to Lara then flapped his wings as he started to float in the air.

"Stop!" Lara hurriedly said before he could get far.