088 LuckXChase

"Stop!" Lara hurriedly said before Silver could get far.

"If you don't find Bradford in there, go to the top of the Pyramid." Lara pointed to the Pyramid at the center. "If you go there, you can overlook the general situation and find Bradford and Marco much easier. I'm guessing Bradford will also go there.

These pillars might be stopping us from going higher than 30 meters, but I'm pretty sure that doesn't count the area near the pyramid. After all, the dagger was first placed there before it was handed to Bradford."

"Got it." Silver using his wings, hurriedly flew eastward direction.

'Fast! This kid will eventually surpass as all with this kind of progress.' She then looked at the conjured Cookie. "I am ready now."

She laid down the ground as Cookie started massaging her. "Ohhhhh that is the Spot. Put more pressure into it. Ahhhh~~~"


Bradford kept running until he reached the foot of the pyramid. He looked up and become somewhat hesitant. He just realized that if he climbs up, although he can see the rest of the group they can in turn see himself as well.

Coming here was a mistake, I should have just went ahead to Lara's direction and that would have given me more chances of survival.

He then started walking north  to Lara's general direction.


Bradford had a bad feeling after hearing it. He looked at the dagger on his right hand and saw it shining. Then, light burst out of it and extended up to the roof like a beacon.

"Oh f*ck you! Shit shit shit, he then just climb up the pyramid. If he continued going north as planned Himiko might see him too. At least if he climbs up, he can see where everyone is and go to someone he thinks he is safest with.


Marco saw the beacon of light so close and smiled.

"Hehehe. Luck is truly on my side. Good thing I deduced half-way, correctly. As the dagger holder, Bradford should have been given free reign to roam the map without facing those monsters. If not, he would've died already and Lara would be the first to find him with her Nen beast. And if I was Bradford, I'd also go to the Pyramid and decide from there." Marco grinned." The stars are finally lining up for me.




                              Bradford              Silver




"He really went to the pyramid's direction! Need to be faster." Silver flapped his wings as fast as he could without hiding his presence.

The beacon has stopped a minute later but Marco kept on going to the Pyramids direction while Silver is catching up to him.


"You should stop struggling. You can't keep this up forever." Slade slashed his katana to remove Grylls' blood from it after his latest attack.

"I may not be as strong as you but I pride myself in being a survivor." Grylls is currently breathing heavily. His attire from his shirt down to his pants are all covered by slashes and blood. However, if you look closer the number of cuts in his attire does not match the number of wounds currently on him and healing. 'The salve I drank earlier is taking its toll on me now. There are just so much wounds I have already healed. If nothing else happens, I'll escape after another 10 min. Sorry Lara, I can't hold any longer than that.'

He looked at his opponent Slade. 'He is a monster himself. He is strong, fast and has inhuman reflexes I feel like being stared by a tiger. Is that related to his Ability, Enhance his overall capability? I can't even get a hold of his shirt. In a straight up fight, I would have died a hundred times already, good thing all I need to do is focus on defending.'

"Shouldn't we stop already? The victor will be decided soon. That beacon 5 minutes ago should be the mark of the end. And I doubt you can kill me in the next few minutes." Reasoned Grylls.

"You are right, we should finish this." Slade looked at Grylls like a prey under his metallic mask. "Fer-" He was about to activate his full ability but a barrier enclosing both of them put a stop on that thought.

'What was that? I thought I felt death for a second. As I thought this man is very very dangerous.' Grylls thought to himself as he created distance between them and observe the new challenge ahead of them.

"Screeeechhh" A a giant spider 3 meters tall and 5 meters wide materialized in the center of the barrier. It has massive fangs which are dripping of venom. Its limbs are pointy at the tips.

'Good timing! In!' He then pick up a rock and threw it in Slade's general direction.

*tak tak tak*

Hearing the sound of the stone dropping, the spider looked at its source and found Slade escaping. However, Slade was a bit late to react and was seen by the spider.

*screeech* *swooosh* The spider chased slade and threw in a pointy leg to impale him.


Slade parried with his katana and avoided being hit. 'It is fast and has a hard exoskeleton. Tsk. I should not have played around earlier. And why is it so strong already when the previous one was just a tortoise?'

Seeing its attack failed, the spider continued its attack now with two limbs.

*clang* *clang* *clang* *clang*

Slade continued to parry the incoming attacks from the spider. Then on the fifth strike, the spider went for Slade's head with one of its left limb. Slade dodges it by bending backward and continued his momentum to backflip his way out of the attack range.

The spider is taking none of it and threw a spider web from its mouth. Slade tried to evade by going right but had its left hand caught by the web.

'Darn! It is a web spitting spider.' He then felt a tug from the spider web he is connected to which put him out of balance. He then swung his katana to cut off the thread. However, from his peripheral view, he saw a spear coming to him fast. Having no other choice he blocked it with his left shoulder and used Ken to try and minimize the damage while cutting the web.

The web was cut but the spear made of cast wrap embedded 1 inch into his shoulder. Having the freedom from the web he put distance from the spider first and hid behind a pilar. He then pulled the spear from his shoulder and look at it with narrowed eyes. "This!"

Grylls hid behind immediately as soon as he saw the spider. One look from him and he knew that it is a web spitting spider and uses its venom to paralyze its prey and eat it alive. It's venom, although not lethal can put 3 elephants in paralysis for days.

Once the spider chased after Slade, he took the chance to create a spear and smear the poison on the ground that dripped from the fang to the tip of his spear. At the same time, he conjured a vial to store some of the poison.

He didn't know if the poison will last if the spider dies and vanish, but he won't take any chances. He then again used In to hide the conjured spear and waited for his chance.

He didn't wait long, once he saw Slade's left hand was caught by the Spider he took his chance and threw the spear. And since it was hidden by In, it escaped Slades high perception until it was too late.