101 HotterXFlames

'Urghh this body is too slow to dodge. Gotta take it as a Hydra then.' Silver closed his eyes to brace the incoming fire.

"Stop pacing out and move out of the way!" Urged Grylls who is currently on top of one of his heads and have his arms stretched out as a cast barrier is being burnt to crisp fast.

Silver slithered out of the way but still had his tails burnt by the fire. He then looked at the burnt cast and barrier and couldn't help but curse on himself. 'Darn it! Should have known better that I still have other abilities even when I'm in Hydra form.'

One of Silver's head then looked at his burnt tail that is slowly recovering and grinned. 'What if?' He summoned a healing salve and swallowed the whole bottle.

Grylls at this point felt numb when he saw a familiar salve was conjured in front of one of Silver's head and was then swallowed.

The speed Silver's burnt tail is recovering has vastly increased and was fully healed after 5 seconds. 'This transformation is truly for a mythical one, combined with Survivor and I'm vitually unkillable!'. With the increased recovery of the Hydra transformation plus the increased recovery of the salve his healing factor is through the roof. The negative side effect of having stamina drained faster is offset by the Hydra's recovery which affect the overall recovery including his stamina.

Silver then stared Tiamat with a big grin on his face. "Oh you're f*cked. Hold on Grylls, and try your best to get hold of the dagger. I'm going to let loose." Warned Silver as he slithered straight to Tiamat.

Tiamat shivered as he felt the unusual stare from Silver. It is as if a suicidal maniac stared and planned to bring her along to death's embrace.

She then shook all four of her head and didn't back down to the challenge as the two monsters again faced off.

*booom* a loud explosion occurred as the two monsters slammed with one another.

Then, carnage was unleashed. Silver attacked with abandon. He would tear apart chunks of meat from Tiamat with every bite he could manage. He would also suffer similar or worse bite from Tiamat due to having more heads and generally being bigger and stronger.

However, if one observed closely the number of bites the two takes skews more on Tiamat's. The reason for it is that Silver, although looking like he is attacking randomly, is in fact, also evading. With his 'En' and three brains working in tandem, he is able to evade attacks and return a bite on undefended parts. He is always aware of his surroundings. On top of that, Grylls would put a well-placed barrier, time and time again, to further lessen the attacks Silver received.

'Why am I losing in a brawl? I am stronger, older and have more heads than this kid. Why?' Tiamat despaired inwardly. She could not believe she is losing a fight again after just being revived. 'It is all because of those damn Freecss. I should have cleansed these lands the moment I arrived.'

As if she lost all reason, Tiamat's eyes turned crazy. She then stopped evading and breathed in a large volume of air, her lungs can muster.

Silver noticed the change and knew he can only take this head on. With his tail, he swatted Grylls on his back away from him.

It was just in time as a largest breath of fire came out of Tiamat's four heads and enveloped Silver's entire form.

Silver suffered a huge setback as his silvery scale turned red to black. His enhanced recovery tried to heal the damages done but the heat from the huge fire would only burn it back again.

"Aaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh!" Silver screamed in pain as he is being burned alive.

Grylls shivered from the scream he is hearing. If Silver hadn't swatted him away, he should also be screaming in pain right now. No, he thought he wouldn't even last this long to scream.

"Silver!" Lara called out to Silver from far away. All this time, she has been focused on charging her gun and has successfully charged it for 5 minutes now. She couldn't have imagined that things would turn to worse in just a matter of seconds.

Silver inside the fire although in pain still managed to retain his ability to think. It might be because of the additional two brains, one focusing on the pain being received while freeing the other two to think of a way to get out of this.

'Can't use Manbat or I'll burn to crisp immediately. I don't have hands to cup for Kamehameha. Cast wraps!'

He then summoned cast wraps but before he could do anything else with it, it was burnt to crisp immediately.

'Spider sense is already blaring with danger. Magical Beautician wouldn't be able to do a thing. Fire bender!'

He then thought of and tried to remember the firebender ability specifics when he first got it. 'I think it has something to do with the larger you are burnt, the stronger the flames. Well I am very large and I am well past third degree burn, I can no longer feel pain.'

"You have made your last mistake." Silver roared. "Hasta la vista, baby!" And then blue fire came out of Silver's three open mouth as he fought back with all his strength. Then, the blue flames overpowered the red flames as Silver turned the situation around. Now Tiamat's form is being engulfed by an even hotter flame.

"Aaaaaaaahhhhhhh!" Shrieked Tiamat as she is being burnt to crisp. With hotter flames attacking her and without the increased recovery from the healing salve, her recovery could not take it. One by one, her heads are burnt to ashes as she slowly decreased in size. From four heads, to three heads... down to two heads.

'I can't die like this!' Tiamat focused all her Nen in her heart to defend it. And finally her last head burnt down as she slowly turned into an old white haired empress. Time could tell that she was beautiful at her prime. But that only lasted a second as Silver didn't dare to stop breathing fire into the figure.

Silver's body also started to recover from all the damage. Eventually, his charcoaled parts slowly dropped to the ground as new tissue and skin forms. Next, silvery scales regrew all over his Hydra body along with it the decrease in his fire breath temperature. From blue to white then yellow and eventually falling back to red.

A few more minutes later, Silver has fully exhausted his aura as he is no longer able to spew more fire. In the wake of his attack, lies a burnt body still fully in human form with a dagger's handle in the middle of the chest. The only thing that tells it is a female is the bulge in its chest area and the lack of a certain limb.

He also couldn't believe it as his bat ears could clearly still hear a beating heart.

"She can't be still alive after all that." Silver can't help but mutter in denial.