102 HydraXAbility

"She can't still be alive after all that." Silver can't help but muttered in denial.

"Move!" Demanded Lara as she jumped off Aquila and landed on top of the burnt body. She pointed her two guns in the human Tiamat's heart where the dagger is sticking out and said. "I don't know what you've done in the past that you have to suffer like this, but planning to kill everyone after just being revived from the dead and not expecting a retaliation is a bit stupid from a self-proclaimed Empress."


Lara released her powerfully charged shot on the dagger sticking out of Tiamat's chest. The heart exploded as the dagger was lodged out of the body. Incredibly, the intact body was not damaged at all other than the heart.

*clang* *clang* *clang* *clang* *clang*

The dagger fell right in front of Lara.

"How come?" Then Silver's Sharingan ended due to exhaustion. Along with it is the deactivation of the Hydra transformation.

{A voice that only Silver can hear came to him.

Failed to own the ability Hydra:

• Get struck in the heart by the Dagger of Xian.

x Lose the ability if the dagger is removed.

• Stand on the land of Pangea within a month.

• Release all nine heads.

• Kill a Freecss.

• Survive a lethal venom/poison. X

• Kill a muscular enhancer Nen user that have a name that starts at H.

• Drown 10,000 sentient creatures as a hydra.

• The condition must not be told to the owner.

• Sharingan is required to be active at all time while completing the tasks. -Failed

Hydra: Transform yourself into breathing living Hydra with nine heads. The more aura you used to transform the higher the number of heads are created with 9 as maximum Hydra are water based mythical creature and has its physical abilities doubled when fighting on the water. Increased physical strength and regeneration. Can only be encapitated if all heads are severed at the same time. Cannot be killed while the dagger of xian is still stuck in the heart.}

Then, Silver understood why after all those attacks, Tiamat still managed to survive albeit clinging to life.

"Did you get the ability?" Asked Lara. She thought it would have been pretty strong ability if Silver learned of it.

"No, I failed the last conditions which is to have my ability active at all times when I exhausted my Nen. A pity, it was a mythical beast ability afterall." Silver shook his head in denial. This is his second time failing a task.

"It's okay, the extraordinary in us is in what we do, not what we have." Lara comforted him and took the dagger. "This dagger is dangerous, I'll keep hold of it and make sure no one does something stupid again with it."

Silver nodded to agree.

Grylls came in after that and looked at the burnt body with a missing heart on the floor. "What do we do with her body?"

Lara looked at the top of the pyramid and said. "We should place it back in the shrine and let the Pillars do its work to finally drain her aura to death. The dead should remain dead."

"I wonder how strong were the people who originally defeated her 4000 years ago. We barely defeated her and to think she barely recovered 30% of her power." Silver contemplated while looking at the hundreds of pillars still intact. 'Who are the freaks she keeps blaming?'

"Nevermind that, why is she still alive after 4000 years without a heart?" Asked Grylls pointing at the missing heart.

"Let's find out ourselves. First, we should bring her back at the top. Restrain her, Grylls." Lara commanded.

Grylls used his ability to wrap her back into a mummy and even hardened it for good measure. They then climbed the pyramid again while Aquila carried the mummy with its talons.

"Is it finally over?" Asked Bradford when he saw the group arrived while eyeing warily at the mummy being carried.

"Yes, it is. We are here to complete the steps." Answered Lara. She then ordered Aquila to rest Tiamat's body inside the shrine as she started reading all the hieroglyphics without rush this time. "This might take a while. The rest of you can take a rest."

Silver and Grylls finally collapsed on the ground after hearing that. Their body is broken and Nen exhausted. Both of them used Zetsu as they sat.

Bradford wanted to talk to them but seeing the quiet moment, he didn't dare disturb them.

After a few minutes, Silver laid on the ground face first as Cookie was conjured and started massaging him. "Ahhhhh. That's the spot."

Lara saw this and just smiled. Grylls however could no longer hold himself back and asked. "What is all this about, Silver? You have a Nen ability similar to mine and earlier you transformed into a hydra similar to Tiamat and now this?"

Silver wanted to reply but was beaten to it by Lara. "You should not ask him about his ability, and just be thankful that we are alive. I told him to hide it from everyone, and it has proven to be a correct decision." Lara lied for him.

"Fine, but you two owe me."

"That wouldn't be a problem. I have the funds for all you and you can claim Slade's share." She then looked at Bradford and offered Nellie's share in return of not telling anyone about anything they saw and heard in here, to which Bradford immediately agreed. After all, nothing good happens to those who break an Official Hunter contract. Especially, from a double hunter like Lara.

"What would you like to have, Silver? In terms of contribution, I think you have the biggest." Asked Lara.

Silver contemplated for a while before answering. "If you don't mind, I would like to take a good look at Aquila." Silver answered while still lying down and being massaged.

Lara smiled and nodded. She then returned to reading the hieroglyphics.

'Sharingan!' His eyes turned scarlet as he looked at the eagle approaching him.

"You-your eyes!" Grylls and Bradford both shouted the same thing.

Lara was also intrigued by the noise and looked back at Silver. 'Scarlet eyes? A kurta?'

They saw Silver's deep scarlet eyes that is shining due to the activation of the Sharingan ability. The scarlet pupil also has an uncanny tail that makes his pupil into a large tomoe.

Noticing the unusual reaction of the trio, Silver reached out to his eyes and realized that he is no longer wearing his contact lenses. 'Must have lost it in the fight.'

"Oh this, this happens when I activate my ability." He answered without further explanation.