103 AquilaXAragog

{A voice that only he can hear came to him.

To own the ability, Air Guardian:

• Free an eagle from captivity.

• Hunt a prey for consumption. X

• Soar high like an eagle. (300 meter)

• The condition must not be told to the owner.

• Sharingan is not required to be active while completing the tasks

Air Guardian: Summon Aquila, an eagle guardian that can fight for and with you. You can also use the eagle's eyes as your own like another set of eyes when the eagle is around.


"Need help with this one?" Asked Lara. She wanted to volunteer to help if possible.

"I just need to know a pet store that might be selling some eagles." Replied Silver as he again deactivated his ability returning his eyes to normal crystal blue.

Lara just shrugged and continued reading. Bradford and Grylls didn't understand the exchange and opted to remain silent. A lot has happened and they needed rest.

30 minutes later, Silver stopped from being massaged and offered Grylls the service which he happily took. Who wouldn't agree for a magical massage that helps you recover at 8 times the normal speed.

While Silver was waiting, he then remembered the abnormal aura that entered his body after his fight with Marco. "Oh yeah I still have the one. I wonder if I could use it now." He focused on that ability and activated it.

"Screeeechhh" A giant spider 3 meters tall and 5 meters wide materialized near Silver. It had massive fangs which are dripping of venom. Its limbs are pointy at the tip.

Everyone was alarmed and readied their weapons. Lara immediately started charging her guns while Grylls who was lying on a massage rolled to the side and knelt while conjuring wraps. Bradford was surprised by the sudden appearance of a monster and jumped right in to the shrine along with the mummified Tiamat.

"Stooooop!" Silver shouted as he placed himself in between the Spider and Lara's guns. "You won't hurt us right, bud?" Silver asked while tilting his head to the spider's direction.

"Screech screech!" The spider answered while nudging Silver's undefended back.

"See! He is a good little spidey. Got to know him when we were fighting together against Marco." Silver explained.

"Little?" Asked Grylls in doubt.

"Huh, you gained another Nen beast." Lara said while lowering her gun. "I gained Aquila while on my 3rd treasure hunt. It is one of the best day in my books." Aquila showed her gratitude by offering her neck for Lara to scratch.

"Wait! You mean you can gain Nen beast from the wild?" Grylls asked for both Silver and himself.

"Of course, Nen beasts are created through Nen and Nen doesn't necessarily disappears when the user dies. So it is only logical to believe that Nen beast without owner roam the world."

"If only I have known! I would have tamed the ones we fought here." Grylls dejectedly said in realization.

"It wouldn't have mattered. Nen beast are not like the regular animal or monster. They have a mind of their own, so if they don't like you they don't like you. And you can't use carrot and stick too. They are not afraid to die, at most they can't be summoned for another 30 minutes." Lara explained.

*Tsk* -Grylls.

"Ohhh, so that's why I am unable to use this ability before. Cause he just died and I need to wait for 30 minutes." Silver said in realization too.

To which the spider agreed. "Screeeech!"

"Is everything safe?" Bradford asked as he peeked out of the shrine.

"Yup everything is fine. You can come out, unless you want to accompany our empress in there." Lara jest.

"Shit!" Bradford jumped off the shrine in a hurried manner he lost balance and fell down. "I'm not going back in there!" He announced as he stand up.

"Screeeech!" A massive spider came face to face with Bradford with its massive fangs dripping with venom threatening to bite him.

"Eeeeek!" A high pitch voice came out of Bradford as he again jumped into the shrine with his dear empress.

"Hahahahaahaha!" Laughter broke out of the group.

"I hate my life." Bradford could only comment to himself after realizing he was joked upon.

<1 hour later>

"Hmmm, so you can spit web, inject venom and crawl on the wall. What else can you do?"

*screeeeech.* The spider answered.

"Sorry bud, but I couldn't fully understand you." Silver shook his head. "Also from now on, I'll call you 'Aragog'."

"Screeeech!" Aragog cried in delight as he bursted into twenty small little Aragog, the size of a bird eating tarantula each, all over the place.

"Woaaaah. What the hell." Cried Grylls while on guard. "Nothing wrong is happening right?"

"No, nothing is wrong." Silver immediately reassured everyone.

"What is happening now, then?" Grylls asked again.

"I don't know." Silver answered honestly.

Lara stood up and walked to the group while carefully not stepping into each mini Aragog. "Aragog, that what you call it right, has awakened his Nen ability. You have to feel what changed to understand its ability. Unlike ability we create on our own and understand by heart, Nen beast we acquired from the wild doesn't give us their ability in writings, per se. For me, I can use Aquila's eyes to see everything she sees."

"Hmmmm." Silver acknowledge it and closed his eyes to feel what changed. "I can sense each of them and somewhat understand what everyone is thinking. I can't use their eyes though."

"Hmmmm." Lara hold her chin and think. "I think you can use them for scouting, spying and reconnaissance. Why don't you try it around while we eat dinner. I think it is way past dinner time." Lara suggested as the group finally settled down and dine.

"This is great, I can sense every one them and understand the general situation of each spider. They even told me where Nellie's ashes are." Then Silver was quiet for a while.

"Anything wrong?" Asked Grylls.

"You said Slade's corpse should be in that direction right? However I can't seem to find him." Silver furrowed his brows.

"Maybe you just haven't covered enough, he shouldn't be walking around with the spider's paralyzing venom and the spear sticking out of his brain." Reassure Grylls.

Silver acknowledged and nodded.

"So Lara, what have you found?" Asked Grylls.