106 SilverXCroft

Three days later at the mansion, the duo Lara and Silver, is eating such a sumptous meal.

"Have you gotten what I requested for?" Asked Lara.

"Yes, I have. Let me get them for you." Winston left the dining area for a while and returned with a caged eagle and an envelope.

"Is this all you need, Silver?" Lara asked.

Silver nodded and thanked her. "Thanks big sis Lara."

"You can just call me, big sis or just sis if you like." Lara corrected him and smiled.

"Really?!" Silver was genuinely surprised by the casualness of the request. He then saw a nod from Lara and a smile from Winston. He doesn't have his ears active to check if they are showing their true feelings but Silver has a feeling that it is a genuine approval from the both of them. "Okay, big sis! Let me just do the thing with this eagle really quick." Silver took the caged eagle hastily and left the room. His smile and teary eyes couldn't escape Lara's and Winston's sharp eyes.

After Silver left the room, Winston broke the silence. "Are you certain you want him to be the next Croft?" Winston asked as he gave Lara an envelope.

"Why, do you doubt my decision?" Lara curiously asked as she received the envelope.

"No, I am merely a Croft's butler." Winston smiled and shook his head.

"I have a feeling that he will be one of the faces of the next generation. He has a unique ability to copy every Nen ability out there, no matter how complex they are." Lara paused while opening the envelope.

"Had he successfully took control of the Hydra ability back there, I can genuinely believe he would be among the strongest Nen user out there now, fighting wise. You weren't there Winston, he was virtually unkillable."

Winston's face showed a rare surprised emotion. A few seconds later he accepted and trusted Lara's statement. "When do you plan to break the news then?"

"When we give him his Hunter participation card." Lara answered while reading the documents. On top of one of the documents spells 'Certificate of Live Birth'. "From this day forth, Silver Uchiha is dead, Silver Croft has finally been found. Have you made all the leg and paper works?"

"Yes, all records we can find about Silver Uchiha has been processed as dead. These 2 years absence has been like a blessing for this kind of thing. The question is, will he accept this kind of arrangement?"

"I'll talk to him about it. I don't think he'll care about it that much knowing he can't even go with his real name right now." Lara reassured Winston.

"That only leaves us with his bank account, then. I believe there are still a little less than 2 Billion in here." Winston answered while holding Silver's phone.

"Leave it, it will just add paper trail. Create a new account for him and deposit 4 Billion." Lara answered without batting an eye. "How about his residence in Heaven's City?"

"As you wish. I'll get him a new account and phone then. We have one of our subsidary company buy it under their company 'a year ago'."

"And the Zoldyck's? He mentioned he had dealings with them." Lara raised her left brow.

"I called and they said they do not know who I was talking about."

"Hmmmm. They are professional after all." Lara nodded in approval. "That leaves us with those who were on the trip."

"Should I talk to them?" Winston suggested.

"No need. It is impossible to completely erase all the trails. We just have to make sure to delay it as long as possible until Silver is able to grow strong to defend himself." Lara looked at the door Silver exited from. "Make sure you leave no paper trail to Silver. I have a feeling that the Kurta massacre was mediated by someone influencial."

"The Trinity?" Winston narrowed his eyes.

"Can't be certain. I don't think the Trinity have anything with the Kurta."

The room is then followed by silence.


Outside the mansion Silver summoned Aquila out and scratched her neck. "Up for a flight, Aquila?"

*Creeeeeh* Aquila cried in agreement. "Good girl! Let's bring Aragog as well." Silver then summoned a mini Aragog that appeared at the top of his head.

Silver approached the cage and open the door to set the eagle free. "You can come out, you are now free." Silver enticed the eagle with a turkey leg.

The eagle slowly but surely step out of the cage and then took a bite on the turkey leg being offered by Silver. Once done it looked at Aquila for a while and shriek. *creee* -Eagle

*Creeeh* -Aquila.

As if given permision, the eagle flew to its freedom.

"What was that about? It was as if you were giving permission for him to fly."


"Really, you can understand eagles? That is neat!"

*Screech* Aragog screech atop Silver.

"Oh, you mean you can understand spider's too? That is cool. Come on, the eagle is already far ahead." Silver jumped on Aquila as they too, soar to the sky.

"Wooohhhoooooo. This is a happy day indeed."

{A voice that only he can hear came to him.

To own the ability, Air Guardian:

• Free an eagle from captivity. X

• Hunt a prey for consumption. X

• Soar high like an eagle. (300 meter). X

• The condition must not be told to the owner. X

• Sharingan is not required to be active while completing the tasks. X

Air Guardian: Summon Aquila, an eagle guardian that can fight for and with you. You can also use the eagle's eyes as your own like another set of eyes when the eagle is around.
