107 GoodXMythical

"That took you a long time for a quick thing to do." Lara joked when Silver returned after an hour of flying.

"Sorry, flying was a lot of fun and I lost track of time."

"That is fine. However we need to talk about your hunter exam application. You can't use false name when applying. The Hunter Association might do an investigation if they think something is wrong with your name."

"Really? I mean, how'd you know I was using a fake name?"

"Women's instinct. And the fact that your eyes turns scarlet when you use your ability." Lara drop a bomb shell over Silver.

"I-" Silver doesn't know what to say.

"You don't have to be on guard with me. I'm here to help my little brother." Lara walked over and scruffled his hair. "I had Winston do the paper works of your supposed birth, and this 2 years of absence just gave us the right leeway to do it seamlessly. Silver Uchiha or Kurta died last year from the expedition. We'll give you a new identity by the time your Hunter application card is ready."

"But you just said, the Hunter Association might do investigation on me." Silver clarified.

"As a Croft and a Double Hunter, there are connections I can use to make the documents legal. You just have to wait. For now, you have two months to prepare for the Hunter Exam. You having already learned Nen, is pretty much guaranteed a success. But we can't rule out that other participants also learned Nen."

"Do Hunters need to learn Nen to qualify?" Silver asked.

"No and yes. No, you don't need it to actually pass the exam. And Yes, since all hunters will eventually be assigned a teacher by the association to learn Nen. We can't have our Hunters dying from random adventures after all."

"I see, how do I prepare then?"

"For that, let's change venue."


The duo entered another building in the Croft estate. The building inside is filled with pillars from the floor to the roof almost similar to the one they fought Tiamat with. Target dolls are scattered through out the place and bullet holes can be seen on them.

"Let's continue with your Nen training. On top of that you should learn more abilities if possible. Why don't you learn my All-ammo?"

"Errrhhmmm. I don't really like guns. Pew pew pew. Ahhhhhh.. dead. There is no, you know, 'action'." Silver demonstrated by acting as if his finger is a gun firing. Then he raised his hands while shouting ahhh. Then fell on his back with his tongue out.

"This kid." Lara gritted her teeth and crack her knuckles.

*boom* *boooom*

"Sowwwy, youww abiwity iwss swooo cooww, I wouwd wike to weawn it." Silver apologized while his head is enlarged to twice the normal size.

"Good that you have learned the ways of freedom." Lara nodded while giving a grin. "You don't have to use gun if you hate it that much. As I said, it is All-Ammo, anything that needs to be loaded can be replaced with Nen such as arrow on a bow. Or your web spitter, what happened to it by the way?"

"It didn't last with my fight with Marco. I got it from-" Silver comtemplated for a while and finally settled it with "a friend, Peter Parker."

"Peter Parker, the crime hunter in Heavens City?" Asked Lara to which Silver nodded.

"Well if we happen to obtain them again for you, then you can use Nen as ammo replacement with my ability." Lara enticed further.

"Ok, let's do that. Sharingan." Silver activated his ability which turned his pupils into a big scarlet tomoe.

"Nice eyes, but we need a contact lens replacement, I'll have Winston get you one. Do you have any colors in mind?"

"Get all the colors and types available in the market, if possible." Silver suggested.

"Clever boy, you'll replace your lenses every now and then so that everyone who knows you wear different lenses wouldn't bat an eye if they did see your real eyes." Lara deduced.

"Yup, that was what I am aiming for. Heh heh." Silver grinned wide.

"Ok, will go with that. Now, copy this." Lara picked her gun and pointed to a target doll.


{A voice that only he can hear came to Silver. To own the ability All-ammo:

• Learn how to assemble and use 30 different loadable weapons.

• Hit bullseye on 30 different loadable weapons.

• Hunt a game using any loadable weapons.

• Must wear all-black pants and shirt while completing any task. Shirt must have a white skull logo in front.

• The conditions can be told to the owner.

• Sharingan is not required to be active while completing the tasks

All-Ammo: Able to replace ammo for any reloadable weapons with Nen ammo. Weapon can be charged to increase the innate ability of the replaced ammo. Automatic weapons can be charged with time while finger weapons can be replaced by the number of fingers use to fire the ammo.}

"Huh, this is new. It is the first time I am allowed to tell the conditions to the owner." Silver said in contemplation.

"Really, do you know what changed this time compared to others?" Lara let Silver ponder over it. She thought Silver should know all the ins and outs of his own ability.

"Maybe, it is because you yourself voluntered to allow myself to copy your own ability." Silver said in doubt. "I think that is the difference. Most of the time, I copied secretly or ask others to display their ability so I can copy them." Silver nodded in realization.

"That is good to hear then. What are the conditions for my ability?"

"It says."

• Learn how to assemble and use 30 different loadable weapons.

• Hit bullseye on 30 different loadable weapons.

• Hunt a game using any loadable weapons.

• Must wear all-black pants and shirt while completing any task. Shirt must have a white skull logo in front.

• The conditions can be told to the owner.

• Sharingan is not required to be active while completing the tasks.

"6 conditions, is that good or bad?" Asked Lara.

"I think it means your ability is somewhat good. The lowest condition I got so far are 5 and then 10 would be the most. It was the Hydra one if you were curious."

*whistle* "That was a lot. Well at least it means my ability is above average then." Lara was surprised by the number of conditions the Hydra have. To be fair it was a mythical transformation with a godly ability. "I'll call Winston to prepare the clothes. While we wait, I'll teach you how to assemble and use different guns. Hehe, it will be a bit difficult for beginners like you even if you are a genius. Time consuming as well."

"It will actually be super easy for me, barely an inconvenience." Silver smiled with his scarlet eyes.