108 SharinganXPanel

"That's it, I'm stumped. That makes 30 bullseyes." Lara dejectedly said while her shoulder drops in disappointment.

"Yup, that makes 30. Heh heh." Silver smiled as he lowered the M24 sniper rifle with its barrel still smoking from the shot. 1.5 meters away from him is a target paper with a hole in the dead center. Silver is currently wearing an all black pants and shirt. His shirt has a freshly spray painted white skull with the paint still dripping.

"Are you sure that did the trick?" Lara asked in doubt.

"Having this ability for more than a year and you'll learn a trick or two. But let me verify." After a few seconds of silence, Silver grinned and said. "Yup, it did the trick. I can no longer hear the remaining requirements."

"How does it work exactly?" Lara asked as she was intrigued on how Silver abilities work.

"I just hear a voice in my head that tells me what I need to do to own an ability. Once I completed a task, the task is no longer repeated in my head when I try to reactivate sharingan." Silver answered.

"What happens when you learn the ability, how do you keep track how they work? And is there a limit to it" Lara further inquired.

"By memory, I guess? And no, I don't think there is a limit to it." Silver shook his head.

"That wouldn't work, if you have hundreds of ability it will be very difficult for you to keep track of them. You should keep a diary or something. List all the abilities you have so you could review them in case you forget any."

"That is indeed a great idea!" Silver's scarlet eyes shines as he imagines himself writing a skill diary and browsing page after page of copied abilities. "Or better yet a system for myself, like those fictional books I've read where the protagonist can browse all the skills available for him to use."

Nen surged uncontrollably from Silver and focused on his eyes.

*ding* incorporeal words started appearing before him in a list format.

1. Sharingan

2. Magical Beautician

3. Kamehameha

4. Manbat

5. Spider bite

6. Survivor

7. Fire Bender

8. Air Guardian

9. Acromantula

10. All-Ammo*

"This can't be-" Silver couldn't believe what he is seeing in front of him.

Noticing the abnormality, Lara used gyo in her eyes. Then she too saw line of characters in front of Silver in what looks like a list. "Is this the list of your abilities?"

Silver nodded in silence with an open mouth as he can't put what he is feeling right now into words.

"I can't read any of them. What language are these?" Asked Lara.

"I'm not sure, but I can read them fine. I think it is in English, a language I tried to imagine creating when playing back in the clan. " [A/N: Silver explained as the words are not in the HunterXHunter alphabets.]

'Created his own language at such a young age!?' Lara was again surprised for the nth time for the day. "Well, whatever language it is, keep it to yourself. It is your own advantage."

Silver nodded to that statement and looked back at the list. He then clicked the first one on the list.


1. Can copy any abilities the user can see using the scarlet eyes.

2. Once copied, it can only currently be used using the sharingan ability until the ability is fully learned/owned.

3. Ability that has been fully learned/owned can be used without further use of sharingan.

4. Sharingan can only copy 1 ability at a time.

5. Learning/Owning the ability depends per ability.

6. If user can not fully own the ability, he can forget the ability and try a new one.

7. If user failed to copy the ability once, he can no longer attempt to copy it again.

8. If the other person enhanced his ability, sharingan will take it as another set of ability and owner can then try to copy again.

9. The user can wish to look at a visual upgrade, the lists and descriptions of skills including the one being owned.}

'All seems to be what I remembered it to be, except for the additional line at the bottom. That must be the upgrade just now.' Silver concluded.

'Now how to return-' with just a thought, the panel returned to the original list. 'Acromantula? Is that the ability to call Aragog?'

{Acromantula: Summon Aragog, a web spitting spider that can fight for and with you. The larger Nen used the bigger summoned Aragog becomes. Aragog can split into 100 smaller versions of himself that can be used to survey a wide area.}

From the side, Lara is amazed on the panel that keeps changing from a list to paragraphs which she could guess to be the explanation of the ability. Then back to a list and then to explanation again. 'This kid can't stop showing off. I wanna smack him again just for the heck of it.'

*booom* *booom*

"Whaaww wiww i do?" Cried Silver while holding his bump on the head.

"Nothing, now get over it and check my ability and the requirements. And read it aloud! I can't read it myself." Pouted Lara as she crossed her arms in front of her chest further emphasizing her baggages.

"I get it, i get it." Silver looked at the list again and pressed on the last ability. "It says-

To own the ability All-ammo:

• Learn how to assemble and use 30 different loadable weapons. X

• Hit bullseye on 30 different loadable weapons. X

• Hunt a game using any loadable weapons.

• Must wear all-black pants and shirt while completing any task. Shirt must have a white skull logo in front.

• The conditions can be told to the owner.

• Sharingan is not required to be active while completing the tasks.

All-Ammo: Able to replace ammo for any reloadable weapons with Nen ammo. Weapon can be charged to increase the innate ability of the replaced ammo. Automatic weapons can be charged with time while finger weapons can be replaced by the number of fingers use to fire the ammo.}

"-with the first two with additional character to say I completed them. That means, all that is left is to hunt something and the rest will complete on their own." Silver read the condition and description aloud so that Lara can listen as well.

"Wow, that is pretty much how my ability works. This is a godsend ability you have." Lara can't help but praise Silver for thinking of such a godly ability.

"Oh, are you feeling 'Jealous', big sis?" Silver teased Lara.

*click* *click* Lara raised her two desert eagles and cocked them. Nen surged out of control from Lara and focused on the barrels of her two gun.

"Oi big sis Lara! Oi! Oi! Oi! I'm just joking" Silver tried to make sense out of Lara as his senses started triggering extreme danger.

"Shit! Fiery step! Manbat!" *booom* Silver jumped high quickly while tranforming into a manbat. He feels that whatever that gun is packing will definitely destroy the wall behind him and the buildings after it. So the best way was to aim it high where nothing else can be destroyed.

Lara with dead-eyes looked up and aimed at Silver with her two guns. She then pressed the two triggers as two large explosions occurred.


Two Kamehameha-like auras came out of the barrel aimed straight directly at the flying Silver.