109 ExplodingXLara


Two Kamehameha-like aura came out of the barrel aimed straight directly at the flying Silver.

'Fast! Cookie! Aquila! Aragog! Survivor! Fiery flight!' Cookie, Aquila and 10 human size Aragogs apeared in front of Silver to take on the big ass Nen 'Bullet' as a shield wall form just in front of Silver.

'Come on, make it!' Silver cried as he focused a lot of fiery aura on his feet.

The bullet came in fast only slightly delaying as it passed through Cookie, Aquila and the ten Aragogs. *booooom* Simultaneously, Silver exploded the charged up fiery aura on his feet as the Bullet barrel through the hardened cast wall.

Silver was just in a nick of time to evade the bullet as it pass through him and into the ceiling.

*BOOOOOOM* A large potion of the ceiling vanished as the residual aura proceeded to the stars.

Silver finally sighed in relief as the feeling of death vanished. He is now flying in a corner with his now bleeding feet. His shoes clearly gone and the lower parts of the black pants burnt and destroyed.

He then looked vigilantly at Lara who still has her two arms in a raised in the original position.

*booom* The door was kicked open as the old butler Winston came in with Ren at the ready. He then took in the surrounding and saw Lara in an unmoving manner with her hand raised with the guns. He then warily looked at a large flying bat in the corner with clearly seen wounds on its feet. He then lowered his guard a little when he saw the familiar skull he painted in front of the black shirt the creature is wearing.

Lara then wobbly lowered her hands and fell down with her back first.

*swooosh* Winston arrive quickly to catch the unconscious Lara and lifted her. "I thought I already told you, a lady should never lie down on a floor."

Silver landed on the floor after Winston caught Lara and then worriedly looked at Lara. "What happened?" He asked.

Winston looked at the training building and thought. "It might be her ability Exploding Lara, however this is somewhat different. If it was that ability, the whole building should have been destroyed, but this time only the roof is destroyed. So I cannot be sure. She will be out for an hour. We should let her rest."

"I would have offered my massage ability, but it was destroyed while defending." Sadly suggested Silver.

"It is kind of you, but it wouldn't have helped either way." Winston smiled as he walked to the exit.

"Urggghhh. My head hurts." Lara woke up and slowly sat in the bed. He pressed her temple and complained about her headache.

"You are finally awake, you had me worried there big sis." Silver excited voice came from the side.

Lara looked to the right and saw a familiar child jumped off a high chair and started walking towards the bed. She furrowed her brows as she saw the child with long straight brown hair that is tied at the tip and reaches his waist. It is partnered with light brown jacket and dark brown short. His feet is bandaged with white medical wraps. He has all white pupil which is bordered by thin black lining for an eye. "Silver?"

"Yes, it is me. Like my style?" Silver asked as he turned around so that Lara can take a better look. "I call it, the Hyuga style."

"It is-" Lara paused and thought of the correct term to say. "-different. That is what I can say, different."

"Why are we here? What happened? I can't remember a thing after you showed me that panel." Lara touch her head as she tries to recall the event. "Urggh."

"Well, what happened is -" Silver started

<439 words later>

"I did that? Sorry little Silver. I don't know what came into me." She then looked at her hands then shook her head. "I can't feel my Aura and I was out exactly for an hour. It is as Winston said, it was my Exploding Lara ability. But I can't say what is different until tomorrow around this time."

*knock* *knock*

"I bought some snack and tea. I thought the two of you might be hungry and need of refreshment with what just occured." Winston came in with cakes and tea set.


"Ahhhhh~~~ That was the best cake I've ever eaten! Who created the cake?" Silver asked.

"I created it myself, If I can't even bake a cake this simple, I can't call myself a butler."

"Let me watch you prepare them next time. I want to learn how to cook them too." Silver requested while smiling.

"It would be my pleasure, Master Silver." Winston bowed a little.

"And please stop calling me Master, Silver is fine."

"As you wish, Master Silver."

"Gahhhhh". Silver dropped his head defeated.

*clap* *clap*. Winston clapped his hand to get the attention of the two. Once he got what he needed, he started.

"As requested by, little Lara, I have prepared two sets of bow and arrows in the hunting ground. If you are still up to it, you two can go ahead and do your challenge." Winston finished while looking at Silver.

"What is this about, big sis?" Silver curiously asked.

Lara grinned and aswered. "You said you needed a hunt, so we are going hunting."

"I said I only need to hunt, even a tied rabbit would do."

"I know, but where is the fun in that? I'll be obstructing you while you do your hunt. And no use of Nen or any abilities, so you better cancel all your body enhancement. This time we test your own skill and hunting abilities." Lara smiled as she received a red ribbon from Winston.

Silver saw the familiar red ribbon and sighed.

"Oh it looks like you already know of this, then there is no need for me to explain. Come on, cancel them. I trust you don't want to cheat on your big sis?" Lara asked in a flirtatious manner.

"Ughhh... Fine." Silver agreed while blushing.