110 HunterXHunted


Silver ducked as an arrow misses him by the hair and hit a tree. He then jumped into a bush to hide himself. He then secretly transferred to another area and climbed a tree.

Silver observed the surrounding trees and saw no movement. It is now dark and without Gyo, it is harder to see than in the day. 'How I miss my ears and Nen.'

"The challenge continues until you are able to successfuly hunt something. Or until your arrow is out. There will bo no use of Nen, thus the ribbon. You can believe I won't use my Nen since I can't recover Nen for 24 hours. You think you are up for it?"

"This will be easy enough."

"Oh hoh. Confident, are we? Let me tell you, little one. I have been in the jungle for muc longer time than your actual age." Lara grinned. "You know what, I'll give you a headstart."

"Then, I won't be polite. I'll hunt one before you could find me." Silver dashed to the hunting ground. A small forest at the yard of the Croft's estate where Lara trains her tracking and shooting skills.

'This will be a walk in the park.'

<5 minutes later>

'Ok, maybe this is not just a walk in the park.' Silver though to himself as he still fails to find anything to hunt. 'Come to think of it, how do you track something?'

<30 minutes later>

Silver throw a rock in frustration. 'Breathe in, breathe out.'

<1 hour later>


'I heard that.' Silver silenty walk behind a tree and watch a rabbit jumping arround and eating some weeds. 'Got you!'

He took out his bow and loaded an arrow. 'I won!' *swooosh*

The arrow flew straight into the unsuspecting rabbit, but before it could nail the rabbit on the ground, another arrow flew from the side and broke his flying arrow right in the middle. Noticing the disturbance, the rabbit ran to escape.

"Whaa- Big sis is nearby." He then looked at the escaping rabbit and gave chase. "I won't let you!"

*swoosh* He was stopped by an arrow in front of his feet.

"No chasing the escaped prey. You should learn how to properly hunt." Came Lara's voice from undetermined direction.


<30 minutes later>

'A dear! Now let's see if she is around.' Silver hid quietly and observe his suroundings. No one is arround.

*click* A sound of broken branch alerted the dear, the dear immediately broke off into a sprint.

"You should do better than that. Don't just trust your eyes, but also your ears and nose. You have become too reliant of your abilites and Nen you have forgotten to hone your fundamentals."

'A chicken.' He then silently observe the surroundings again. This time he listened for any noise and took a sniff on the air. After a minute or two, he was able to sniff sweat not from his own. 'She's here. He then looked at the chicken only to find it gone. "How?"

"Don't take too long. These are animals, not dolls. They go where they want to go."

"Urghhh. This is hard!!" Shouted Silver in frustration.

"Oh, our little genius giving up on little hardship. That is not like you."

"I didn't say that. I merely meant to say that the harder the task is, the better the reward."

"Well said!"

*Swooosh* An arrow was shot just millimeter away from his ears and hit the ground.

'I'm confused, why is she targeting me now? I thought she only plans to obstruct me.' "Are you trying to kill me, again?" Silver asked warily.

"Remember, if you use Nen. You lose."

*swooosh* *swooosh* Silver escaped from another valley of arrows.

<20 minutes later>

*swoosh* *swoosh*

'How come she can always find me where ever I go. My walking should be as silent as an assassin.' Silver complained as he again hid behind a tree. 'I need to know how she finds me everytime.'

Silver closed his eyes and listened to the environment. After a few minutes he heard a soft movement in one of the trees. He opened his eyes and shot an arrow and hit the arrow aimed at him. He then escaped to hide in another tree. So it is not sound, I didn't move earlier to draw any sounds.

He then look down on the ground and see if he left any trails. On first glance there is nothing out of the ordinary, but he did not gave up and look further into and even activating his scarlet eyes.

His eyes under his byakugan lenses turned scarlet as his eyes' perception improve. He still can't see anything out of the ordinary, but he has this nagging feeling that there is something. He just needed to find it.

*swooosh* *swooosh* *swooosh*

Silver heard the release of the arrow as he jumped back from where he was before to escape one arrow. However, he found out that the second and third arrow is already flying at the location he jumped into. 1 pointed to his head and the other to his heart.

'Shit. Is she really planning to kill me?' Silver had sweated cold as he stretched his back backwards to allow the arrow aiming to his head pass through and then use his left hand catch the third arrow aiming at his heart, now to his shoulder due to the shift.

He felt relieved when his left hand caught something. Not taking anymore chances, Silver somersaulted with the momentum and escaped again.

"As a Hunter, not only should you know how to find your prey, but also anticipate their next action. Those two arrows were not randomly shot, it was an educated guess after watching you evade arrow after arrow. You have the habit of jumping back at almost the same distance, you should get rid of them while they still are not a problem."