The Silence

I was restless and I wanted to know why somebody wanted to kill me. I knew I had a lot of enemies, and if one was able to harm my bodyguard, it meant everyone was not safe around me.

"Tar, are you sure you are alright?" had to ask Lindiwe.

"I am fine love, am fine." I had to reassure her.

" Tar, I know you keep alot of staff from me especially to do with the time you were in Malawi. But since Malawi, you have been a secretive person. Do let me in sometimes. Am your best friend. Sometimes I feel like Jimmy has taken my place."

"Lindie, there is no one who can replace you as my best friend. Jimmy can't be compared to what you and I have. Come-on, are you jelous of your own crush over me? By the way, when are you guys going to start going out? You are both human and there should not be a problem?"

"Tar you know that's never gonna happen," had to say Lindiwe.

"Girl, come on you know it can happen. Off you go, I need some alone time. God visit him, and give him comfort for he is hurt?"


I wondered if Chloe had something to do with the assailant. There was one way I was going to find out, and that was to go to the dungeon myself and torture the truth out of the assailant.

I was given the name Tatiana as my Grandmother calls me. My mother died while giving birth to me and my father died right at Gran Gran's doorstep with me in his hands. Well they were warriers and died while fighting to gain freedom of our clan. Out of there deaths, a good thing was done for the people of Treasure Land. Since I was young I was trained for battle and I turned to be 2nd place on the most wanted Assassin's list in the world. Not that am proud of being a killer, but that's what I turned out to be.

Gran Gran had locked me in my room and did not want me to interfere with the investigation. She just didn't know that her grand daughter was good at escaping rooms. I quickly changed my cloths and put on my disguise gear and escaped through the secret passage attached to my room. I knew it was not going to be long for them to notice am gone and so I had to be quick.

I found my way to the dungeon while making sure all the guards are knocked out and cameras tampered with.

"Who sent you to kill me?" I had to ask.

"And who might you be? Let me tell you something,.."

"Oh, let me be the one telling you something, I don't care who you are, and just tell me something already. something I would like to hear before I start killing you with the poisonous needles. I will count to three and start injecting these into you."

The man kept silent and I hated being taken as a joke. I threw one needle at him which landed on his thigh. He groaned but maintained his silence.

I lit a lighter and started to burn one needle, when it was hot enough, I threw it on his other thigh.

"You were not bluffing were you?"

"Ma'am, whatever you are doing right now you have to stop. Your granny is going to your room," had to say Jimmy my bodyguard.

I knew he would be the first one to notice am gone from my room. I had to speed up whatever I was doing and get the truth.

" You have one second, the third one is landing on your manhood, start talking"

" Please don't do this please. I gat a family."

"Then start talking,"

"I was sent okay, by someone I don't know. All I was given was an envelope with your picture and let me say this, you were hard to find and thanks to that empire of a business you have, I was able to find you."

"Who is it,? Who sent the envelop?"

"I just said I don't know,"

"Jimmy, what's the status?"

" Ma'am you better hurry. You know your Granny is at your door,"

"That's not what I want to hear Jim," I had to say.

" Get out of there? I have all the information," had to say Jimmy.

I threw my last needle at the man and I didn't care of the aftermath. I rushed back to my room and pretended I was taking a shower.

"Tatiana, are you in there?" had to say Granny at the exact moment I came out of the bathroom.

I gave Jimmy a wink to Indicate that all was okay.

" Hey Gran Gran, I am alright as you can see."

"You know I care about you. I want you to be safe. I imagine someone badging in my home to kill my Grand daughter,"

"Gran Gran, it's alright am fine. Jimmy protected me. I owe him."

" I know. From today onwards, you are grounded. You are not allowed to go out of this mansion without my permission. Am still mad at you for going to Malawi without telling me."

"Gran Gran, please please I need to go to work and learn about being the best Luna."

"You need to find a mate, that's when you will be the best Luna," had to say Gran.

" In that regard, I need to go to work and outside this house to explore boys out there. Dear Gran, this ban is finished right?" I had to say and kissed her cheek

"Ofcourse it's finished and bring me a baby home."

"I definately will Gran Gran. Have a good night."

" Night as well. You have an early day tomorrow and please get to sleep. I can sing you a lullaby to put you to sleep,"

"A strong no Gran, I am pretty tired right now. See you tomorrow,"

"See you tomorrow."