Unexpected change of Plans 1

"Good morning Jimmy," I greeted as I got into the car.

"Morning ma'am. I hope you are feeling better?"

" I am never better. A certain lady complained to me yesterday that I am replacing her with you as my best friend and that's not who I am."

"Ma'am, I and Lindiwe are not in any sort of relationship."

"Jimmy, my best friend likes you and you have been the only man she has been in love with since I could remember. Give her a chance " I pleaded.

" You know I can't love a woman?"

"You deserve to be loved though and she is the right person to love you. Think about it and now tell me what I would like to hear. Who wants to kill me? Any news of Sean?"

"Sean is in the shadows and the one who wants to kill you is the Vice president ?"

"I have no queries with that man. Why would he want to kill me?"

" You know he wants to take over the company and the easy way out is by killing you."

"Let's pretend nothing happened and lay low. I thought it was someone in the Shadows."

"You know you hide yourself well in the Shadows," had to say Jimmy.

"I pissed off some bad people you know?"

" And Sean was right there to save you?

" I miss him. I miss him alot,"

Sean was my crush and the only man I have crushed on since forever, but he kind of disappeared on me. I have no idea of what happened to him. I tried to look for him only to be led to a dead end. That meant one thing for us, and that's to stop looking.

" See you later Jimmy. I gatta go light some fire."

" Don't throw yourself in danger ma'am,"

"Send that dead body to his home and I want surveillance on him full time," I had to say.

" Ma'am,. what happened to laying low?"

" Change of plans, I need someone to play a game with. Deliver the body at the exact time he gets home tonight."

"See you later ma'am. Have a wonderful day."

" Thank you Jimmy. I will make sure I have an enjoyable one as well."

I walked to the Vice presidents office just to see his reaction after his man failed to kill me. I did not bother to knock and just entered the room. He was pacing and when he saw me he almost fell to the floor. I could tell the man was afraid as if he had seen a Ghost.

"Vice president, are you alright?" I had to ask.

"How come? I mean what brings you to my office. You could have just called me to see you in your office," he had to say while making sure his eyes do not meet mine.

" Vice president, are you not happy to see me?" I sad and took my sit. He sat opposite me and I could not keep my laughter in.

"You know what, If someone were to come in here right now, they would think am bullying you. Is that what am doing?

" Ofcourse not ma'am."

"Then relax. I just wanted the file on Global T. How far are we from making a partnership."

" We will round up the discussion this evening ma'am."

"I will take over the meeting tonight. You can rest at home and be with your family. I insist and don't make unnecessary arguments."

"Well if you insist then I will leave the rest to you."

"I will be on my way now." I exited his office and I couldn't help notice that something was off about him.

Normally family photos remain up light on the desk, but it was upside down, his table was disorganized and scattered, he showed he was deeply bothered by something. He seemed to be on his wits end. I called Jimmy to tell him to investigate into the matter. I knew that day I had to find some loopholes in the company especially with all the projects the Vice president was working on.

I spent hours reviewing the documents and I hate it that I was right that something was wrong. Almost half of the board had their shares sold to an unknown person and the Vice president alone had thirty nine percentwith a difference of one from mine. I called my

secretary to cancel all my plans for the day.

My phone beeped and it was Jimmy.

"Well well well, tell me something Jimmy, something that's gonna make me happy to the core," I had to tell him.

"Where are you?"

I didn't like Jimmy's tone in asking me where I was. The urgency in his voice meant there was danger. I fetched my gun from the drawers and carefully tacked it behind me.

"Where should I meet you?"

the Underground parking lot and stay out of the ladder."

Whatever that was, I knew that trouble was coming and I was not ready for it. I quickly darted to the elevator and set it in motion for the first floor and I had to escape through the vent while it was moving. Well thanks to the skills I got as a spy, which was my other job I managed to escape and found Jimmy in the underground parking lot.

" Okay Jimmy, let's get out of this place?"

Seven metres away from the building and the car took an an expected turn.

" I think I have lost the right to driving this car ma'am. It has been hacked." had to say Jimmy.

" Come on Felicia, don't play games with me?"

" Hey Tiana , I have been good thanks and how are you? You can't even say this to me once in a while!" had to say Felicia.

" You know I do miss you. So why hacking the car."

"I can't believe Jimmy has gotten so old. You guys are being followed and you were not able to notice that!"

"Thanks Felicia, for the warm warm welcome. Jimmy am changing my clothes and don't you dare look behind me."

" But I've seen it all," had to say Jimmy.

"And When did you do that?" I had to ask while knowing the exact answer he was going to give.

"You know when and when and when?"

"You have been counting? No wonder my best friend is complaining am getting her man"

" You know it's not like that."

Jimmy had been the one to bring me cloths each time I turn into a werewolf and for that I was always thankful and also for always being there for me. He was not only my Bodyguard, but also one of the friends I had and counted on.