With Adrián in Rome and with all the work that he had and had to do, Adrián did not have time for himself, and that made him immensely happy, because that way he did not have time, to think about Agustín and that kiss that he should never have had occurred.
The same thing happened to Agustín, who was saturated with work. Agustín was overloaded with work, and for this reason, he could not think of Adrián.
To further increase the tension and not have time for anything, one of his few friends, whose name is William Ried, was asking everyone he saw to speak with Agustín.
The reason why William Ried was asking to speak urgently with Agustín or Adrián, is because he was dying and did not want to die, without telling them the whole truth.
They all managed to locate Agustín and relayed William's message to him and immediately, Agustín went to the hospital.
As soon as Agustín entered the room where William was waiting for him, he was impressed to see how his best childhood friend currently looked like.
Of the muscular and full-of-life man that he was, he no longer existed, because he was in front of him, almost skeleton man, totally emaciated, with huge dark circles and blood would not stop coming out of his nose and mouth.
Agustín, when he looked at the room carefully, was very surprised, because, in the place where his best friend was, he was completely covered with transparent curtains and with many oxygen tanks.
Agustín did not know exactly what to feel and could not bear to see that painting any longer, he began to cry.
"Hello, Agustin. How good you are here! I have something very important to say to both Adrián and you, but I found out that Adrián is out of the country; so, I will tell you, and I will not hide anything at all" said William with great difficulty.
"Hello, William. Because you're in the hospital? What happened to you? " Agustín asked, in a tone of sincere concern.
"I have HVI, and I am dying, and that is why I am completely covered, so as not to pass this disease on to anyone," said William, in the same sincere tone that Agustín used.
"I'm very sorry to hear you say that. I'm really sorry and very much. Why did you call me so urgently? " Augustine asked, really intrigued by what William had to tell him.
At that moment, William began to tell the whole truth, and they are omitting nothing, of how things happened and how his and Adrián's grandparents and great-grandparents died.
Likewise, he named all the witnesses, who were there on that fateful day, and how no one could flee from that massacre, and that few people managed to flee.
William told Agustín how things turned out, and that Andrea Skarsten is also a witness to the death of his relatives.
He also told her that the relatives of their respective lovers are the murderers of their relatives and that they were actively participating in that massacre.
Finally, William told Augustine, where he could find all the evidence, to be incriminated and for life.
After six hours, having learned of the cruel reality, Agustín was in shock, and unable to react, in the face of so much evil.
Of all that William had told him, the only thing that made him break his heart was discovering all the hell that Adrian had to go through.
Suddenly, as if he had had a deja vu, Agustín began to connect the dots and realized that his direct boss is nothing more than his best friend, who is Adrián Landaeta Sandoval.
Agustín, it was hard for him to react to so much news, that he needed time to be able to think coldly.
On the other hand, Adrián was experiencing the same as Agustín. He couldn't believe anything his friends were telling him.
First, the suffering of his family, in the face of the loss of his grandparents and great-grandparents, because poor Adrián grew up seeing how his own family suffered in the absence of his grandparents and great-grandparents, and that was a feeling that he was killing slowly.
Second, having a minimal idea of the suffering of the García Garcés family and Agustín himself, because they, like his own family, suffered greatly from both losses.
Third, imagining the suffering of a four-year-old boy, who couldn't even ask about his grandparents; far from it, for his great-grandparents, because by asking, he would be hurting his own family.
Both Agustín and Adrián felt their hearts shattering as they thought about the suffering of the other and that of their respective families.
Finally, Adrián began to connect the dots and realized that the man who is working with him, whom he passionately kissed, and feels a strong connection with, is his best friend Agustín.
Adrián could not believe that discovery, because he had his best friend with him at all times, and he could not recognize him.
Adrián felt bad about it because he couldn't believe that he couldn't recognize it; so, the first thing he did was pack his things, to return to New York.