As soon as Adrián arrived in New York, he went quickly in search of Agustín, because he wanted the face of his best friend when he told him that he remembered him, and the same happened to Agustín, who did not know how to communicate with Adrián.

The day Adrián arrived at the office, he saw that Agustín was immersed in work, and the only thing Adrián could do was run to where Agustín was and hugged him tightly.

"Sorry, for not having recognized you," said Adrián, while he was crying with happiness.

"I tell you the same thing. Forgive me, Adrián, for not having recognized you "said Agustín, while he was crying with happiness.

"If you remember the kiss we gave each other?" Adrian asked, animated and happy.

"Yes, Adrián. If I remember that passionate kiss we gave each other. Why you ask?" Agustín asked, in the same lively and happy tone as Adrián.

"I want to know what that kiss meant to you," said Adrián, intrigued and nervous, at Agustín's response.

"I've been thinking about it a lot, and I came to the conclusion that I love you because it's the only thing that comes to mind, after that passionate kiss we gave each other," said Agustín.

"I also came to the same conclusion with you, Agustín. Now, the million-dollar question is what are we going to do? " Adrián asked, while kissing Agustín.

"I think that, for now, just for now, hide our love, until it ceases to be a love forbidden by the Society," said Agustín, while kissing Adrián.

After kissing for half an hour, they began to tell each other how they met, who helped them meet, and everything they found out.

After several hours of catching up on everything was told and after exchanging information, both Adrián and Agustín felt that it had brought them closer together.

"I can not believe what they did to us. Love, they are going to pay for all the damage they have caused us," said Adrián, as he kissed Agustín again.

"My love, I also swear the same to you," said Agustín, as he kissed Adrián again.