"I'm here to make a deal." The Cat just barely managed to squirm out of Victoria's grip and land on the floor before looking up at Gideon and the others

"I couldn't help but overhear your desire for the high-grade dream sand." It said and locked one of its paws before continuing.

"I can make a few guesses as to why you would need such a thing. So, word of advice, the direction you lot are currently moving in will most likely get you killed." Everyone's faces Darkened.

"And what makes you say that?" Gideon asked coldly.

"You see, within the Dream dimension, the competition for high-grade dream sand is fierce, even amongst creatures of similar origins." The cat started.

"However, there is something else that will make obtaining the sand significantly more difficult." It rose a paw to signify the figure 1.

"Nightmares." Everyone's interest was piqued slightly.