Where is My Cheat?!

Chapter 2 - Where is My Cheat?!

In the one of Bureau Private Room, Municipal Hospital.

Ren already gone through ten kinds of medical check-up and the follow up of cleansing ritual.

As his body temperature seemingly hotter than normal without any sign of lowering down. He was put on cocoon bed filled with sticky unknown medical fluid.

In his heart he could only complain, What the heck with you guys! You already torturing me for hours, and now you put me on this disgusting substance... or so a few minutes ago, when he just left there alone.

Nevertheless he could only wore a blank expression. He didn't know what fate awaiting him ahead. He just wanted to laying down feeling the cooling sensation all around his body.

"They didn't even let me rest peacefully..."


Big guy with strip scar on his nose rebuking the woman officer, "Is there a need to do such a length?"

"Of course!" shout her without being intimidated by his big body.

The big guy, Mr. Putu is actually from support department rather than commanding department. So, she didn't have any qualm even he trying to berate her.

"Mr. Putu, its okay. Pendragon Family would reimburse it at premium cost. Just write down the expenditure within the follow up report." added Captain Lunie from the side trying to mediate both side.

He was called here by the caring woman officer's companion after seeing her colliding with Mr. Putu who known as support department frugal demon. Hurrying up here after cordoning the scene there, he saw both of them still at it.

Mr. Putu always some who is strict when it comes to command team expenditure, it happen after his move to support department. Sometimes he would cut down any opportunities that had no connection with task.

According to rumor around support department, he once a Captain of command team which demoted by Headquarter after being involved in with his subordinate embezzlement of expenditure fund for three years without realistic reason.

After being investigated by Senior Inspector and AI calculation for annual inspection, there was many unknown claims on expenditure of his team. So as to take responsibility, he demoted to support department. Since then, he always someone who was noisy about expended money.

Hearing such explanation from Captain Lunie, he stopped his argument and left to handle them without leaving any words.

"Hmph, what a stubborn old goat! He didn't even back down when dealing with a weak woman. Is this lady looks like someone to be trifled with?"

But as she is gloating at the yielded 'old goat', a strict warning sounded beside her.

"You too, Asahi! You shouldn't make a fuss in the middle of night at hospital. It would disturb patients rest." Beside do you not know yourself, if look like a weak woman with at all. Sigh~

"Ugh... Sorry."

Alfred body got some injection that eventually made him sleep. They sigh in relieves after looking at the rosiness of his face. That injection wasn't a wasted one.

They immediately send him to Pendragons after his heat down and stably at normal temperature.

"Al, oh my poor Al... How could something like this happen to you!" a woman with a looks at her twenties cried hysterically while hugging the boy.

"Thank you for saving him, thank you!"

Captain Lunie nodded, "We only doing our duties. Well, we would come again after doing a thorough investigation on the crime site. Good night ma'am..."


A week later.

Pendragon Family Mansion.

Ren getting troubled with his new life.

"Al, come on. Eat this, Ahn..." said beautiful woman with bluish coat who giving out a spoonful of cake.


"A, Ahn..."

Mn, this cake rather my taste...

Even so, he still gave off a sulky expression. I am full-fledged adult, being fed like a kid.

Its been like this since the day he return to Pendragon Mansion. She's been sticking at him all the time, even at bed.

This beautiful woman, the real Alfred's Mom, she is called Madam Pendragon by others. While the butler and maids called her "Madam Elise", such beautiful name for beautiful woman.

Who wouldn't be worried when their children being kidnapped and used as a living sacrifice by evil believer.

Alfred's Mom hugging him and crying out so loud after he got home last time. She didn't even let him off after a whole day.

Its not like he hate it. But after experiencing her 'care' for a whole week. Everyone would feel annoyed too.

Another things that troubling him was, he realize that he lost something last week.

Something important, something precious, something that connect him to that world.

He lost... the mirror.

Hey, don't kid me! It is my cheat 'right? Why did I forgot that freakin' cheat of mine!

No, he didn't forgot it nor he deliberately leaving it behind. After remembering the whole scene of him being rescued, there is no trace of that mirror. They didn't call out such mirror when they found him neither they found the mirror brought it out.

The Mirror that 'doubted' to be sending him to this world, vanish without a trace.

After such a recount, he could only shout inwardly. "Where is My Cheat?!"

Then in the next moment, he come to sudden understanding.

Why could he recount the scene that particular night in such realistic manner? Why did he could firmly believe that mirror was vanish out of nowhere?

Is this an eidetic memory? Thought him leaking out silly smile. "At least, I am not without saving..." murmured him.

After all, with an eidetic memory that could perfectly memorize detailed event was a useful skill to have. It could help you reorganize his past memories and this body memories.

He might be able to create a new type of business from his past life.

From what he know, this world was indeed highly advanced in term of technology (with their spacecraft and mecha). But, this world still behind in term of art and literature, as if their brain made to be focused only toward advancing technologies and warfare.

Hehe... He could made up a business empire that all encompassing at art and literature. Um, lets made some musical studio and also a karaoke too...

He could already see a mountain of Federation Coins and Earth Credits.

Snap. He awoken from his beautiful dreams.

Sigh~ If there is no cheat, then I need to make one myself. Hey, why not just make an Personal AI System. What a foolish, they only use AI Assistant for Warfare. The most useful things about AI Assistant is how multipurpose they are in daily life.


"It comes again..."

Weng~~ Weng~~

Weng~~ Weng~~

There is a time or two in a day for this kind of things happens. At first, he thought this was an adverse effect of his soul transmigration or that damned ritual. But this already continued for a week, and it only happen for a while without any subsequence activity.

So he could only gritted his teeth hiding the pain. If you need to explain how pained he is then you could imagine two woman doing a dogfight inside your head. It also giving you a loud banging sound that raised to higher level. Fortunately, it only last a minutes or so. Else, he need to find a random excuse or end up being send to another bout of 'medical' check up.

"Al my baby. What happen?"

Ren shook his head. "Nothing, mom."

After finishing the last piece of cake, he hurriedly left her. He run away from his Mother.

"Geesh, Al... Is there need to be so embarrassed. We could bath together like before..."

So, that is the reason...


"Fueh~ Gokuraku, gokuraku..."

This is the only place he could have a peace of mind. After all, his 'mother' still awaiting to hug him tonight.

Weng~ Weng~

Weng~ Weng~


This time the pain seems to be more fiercer than before. It amalgamation of burning fire and icy cold. What the heck really happen?

He got up from a big bathtub that looks more like a small swimming pool. Took a towel to cover his bottom. He unconsciously looking at mirror in washroom.


Something light up around his left chest and fore head. It was tomoe mark of magatama, one white and one black.

"What is this?"

He instinctively touch both of them.


The amalgamation subside, both burning fire and icy cold retreat as if they turned honest after being reprimanded.

The truth is when Ren touch the two marks at same time. He sucked dry the amalgamation energy from them. And now, the amalgamation of that energy was raging his body directly. It was not just a cute fire and ice, it was higher dimension energy of light and darkness.

He tried hard to maintain a tipping balance between them. He instinctively thought he need to find another 'place' to put this amalgamation energy.

While gritted his teeth he jokingly say, "Why don't just drop this troublesome energy to fantasy dimension?"





His vision blanked, he felt some weightlessness. Ren started praying to himself, I just kidding with you(amalgamation energy) when saying it to ease my pain. Please, don't destroy anything and add my trouble...

Then, he suddenly dropped to the 'ground', a white 'ground', no it was a white infinite room filled with blackish fog. Where is this?