Dimension of Amalgamation

Chapter 3 - Dimension of Amalgamation

Tap! Two fingers unknowingly touching both black and white mark on his forehead and left chest.

That unconscious action of him bringing a huge change within his body, mind and soul.

The burning and icy sensation spread all over his body. His mind ravaged by chaotic energy. His soul plunged into amalgamation of darkness and light.

He blurted in pain. "Why not just throw this excess energy to create fantasy world. Hey, from what I knew world started from chaos right?" said him rather sarcastic.

Who know, his consciousness would be plunged into darkness and his body feel like being tear apart by countless small blade. Fortunately, it only occurred for one breath.

As his vision blanked, he felt some weightlessness. Ren started praying to himself, "I just kidding with you(amalgamation energy) when saying it to ease my pain. Please, don't destroy anything and add my trouble..."

Then, he suddenly dropped to the 'ground', a white 'ground', no it was a white infinite room filled with blackish fog.

He sigh in relieve. Where is this?

As he was about to walk he saw a red light bulb flown up from his head.


Ren instinctively avoiding its attempt. He frowned and showed a disgust expression when looking at it. He look at it like looking at a trash bin full of rooting wasted flesh.

How unsightly it was when something like that flying around in front of you? Angry. Very, very angry!

Then like answering the thought in his mind. The whole space trembling, the blackish fog gathered forming a fish net that directly trapped the red light bulb. As the 'annoying and disgusting object' got placed in where it should be, the tremble stopped immediately.

However Ren didn't know what happen as when the whole space start to trembling, his whole body thrown out from that place.

Return to the reality.

Ren awoken from stinging pain on his head, he stand up and left the bathroom. Likewise he only thought it was only adverse effect from his transmigration to this world, that pain like someone battling on your head.

In confusion, he dazed for a while before thought, "Forget it."

Then like a magical spell of ancient words, it resonance with that fantasy dimension affecting his mind consciousness. It directly sealed that precise matter from before as to not showing up on his memories on reality.

As someone whom had his memories strengthened with photographic memory. So long his headache subside and his confusion calm down, he could recall what happened before as clear as the day. But it could cause him another trouble that might very well take his life.

"Thou shan't see God directly."

For someone with low living order, like human mortal, directly looking at mythical creature could cause them melt down, exploded or even vaporized like a drop water before the sun.

Even with his specialness and distinctive reaction about that spawn of evil god on fantasy dimension. He is still a mortal human in reality. By the time he remember the projection of that spawn of evil god that silently resided inside his body all this time. Even he didn't die, he might be mutated into a monster of filthy flesh.

Suddenly, from the hallway a worrying voice sounded. "Al, where are you? My little boy, It's time to sleep. Have you done with your pajama," she looking at his dressing room, but found nothing.

"Al, Al..."

Meanwhile, her little boy sneaking into library looking for historical books there.

You know, well, you would not know about it... As a kid, a shota, his body still on developments phase that need more time to grow up. If you sum it up in one or two words, he is "short" and "weak".

To the short and weak him, looking for books in those high and numerous bookshelves was a big task that take a toll on his body. Albeit his body recovery progress rapidly, he barely had the will to burn a midnight lamp.

In historical section, there is actually only one shelf. The problem is it was being put on hidden corner and higher section. It was a torture indeed, he nearly developed a acrophobia from doing these task.

According to what he read till now. The histories of this world, particularly the history behind Federation era only shown with a simple data about record of periodical change of era. Like two thousand years ago was period of martial arts master, but more than twenty four thousand years ago there was an Era of Great Beast, or more than hundred thousand years ago there a mythical era of Myriad races.

It nearly written like a nonsense compared to the developments of current Federation era.

More importantly, they seemingly avoiding any mention of first centuries of Federation. Any book he read would only stated about how people rise up from disaster that coming from cosmos, then how Federation build up their strength to the current state.

There is a blank of first century.

How could they hide it till present day?

This is unreasonable!

He couldn't found any clue about it. Even in this huge book inventory of Pendragon, there is no clue!

When he wanted to gave up yesterday, there is an old book "History of Religion". He couldn't react at the content inside, aside from surprised look.

There is a sentences inside...

"God Almighty...

The omnipotent and the omniscient god..."

"In order to preserve the world, the universe. He took divine authority of Universe Creator that result in separation of the Omnipotent and the Omniscient. The Omnipotent that sparated suddenly vanished, leaving with the Omniscient and authority of Creator. God made us to erase all kind of symbolism of any deities and erect the new and only figure of Deity. "It" was God new and only incarnation, Deus Ex-Machina.

God of All Machinery,

The Eternal Steel,

The Source of Knowledge,

The All-knowing, Deus Ex-Machina..."

He nearly freak out!!!

What the heck is this God! God of All Machinery? Deus Ex-Machina?

If this God is real then the strangeness he felt about everything revolving in this world would be understandable. No rather than understandable, it should be... what the f*ckin' kidding me! This world is wrapped up by "Him" alone, how could a small and cute creature like him able to produce anything positive from erecting an entertainment industry.

Wait! The God never prohibit human from engaging in such 'recreation'. Well, there is no Church as they erase such practice so everything activity related to praying to God would be deemed a heresy and cultist, but there is Holy Court that doing monthly mass and weekly consultation to 'appease' the believer.

They never put any prohibition on such matter. They indeed strongly stop the gambling act and marital affair, but they allowed the legal brothel activity.

Suddenly he thought an important matter, "There should be many 'treasured item' in black market!"

"What a perverted! There is a need to do some deep research in this area in the future..."

He broke smile that all man know about it. "Hehe..."

However in the next moment his heart nearly jumped out as the beautiful Madam Elise staring at him.

"What are you doing here? Stop smiling like a fool..."


In these vast universe, far from Federation controled space zone.

In the desolate planet that seemed to be devastated by meteorite.

A big mausoleum erected firmly on highest ground.

There is a big hall with a long silver stone table and dozens high black chair. Behind the honor seat were an idol of mummification pharaoh.

While mainly of the seat were absent, there is two people at the lower end while one people looking at both from the honor seat.

"Oracle... We... Please, forgive our carelessness..."

"Oracle, the one who took that things was a Rat God from Rotten Rat race."

"Yeah, Even with our fleet and two sainthood, we couldn't match with him."

The atmosphere turned solemn as they keep defending themselves.

The Oracle whos been silence all this while suddenly raised his head.

He mumbled words like someone being choked by high pills.

"Rat... died... Earth..."

"Omnipresent... Amalgamation... Dimension..."

"Unknown... Divinity..."

Brimming with tears he said, "Praise be the Corpse God! Your revelations help Your subject greatly..."

Then his eyes turned red when looking at two holder of sainthood.

"Rat God already died!"

"That authority vanished in dimension of Amalgamation. Both you need to look for the clue left by those rats on Earth of Federation. If you couldn't find anything... just destroy the whole planet."

"What?! Destroy the whole planet? Wouldn't it attract the wrath of Deus?"

The Oracle thought for a while.

"I think it should be fine. Deus always wanted to erase any trace of mysticism from this universe. That place always been a source of myth and legend. Destroying it would instead helping him from directly use his own hands while not being able to order those bastard from Holy Court."

True. Its right on the spot. As mother plane of Federation, Deus couldn't touch Earth at all. Even if 'He' wanted to erase past history of Federation. 'He' would never touch the Earth, where the source of believer here still under order and higher ups of Federation mainly born from here.

Once 'He' did it, the universe would fell into chaos not order. Then Chaos Faction would prevail and many unknown Deities from other dimension would attracted here.

It basically a catastrophe at universe level.

Then Order Faction authority would be further weakened.

At that times many Deities would fall from divine throne. It would cause another bout of War of Demons and Gods, Ragnarok.

A few Deities likes playing with human beings for their amusements, it could still be tolerated as long as it didn't shake the Order of Universe. And to date, the Order of Universe was Deus Ex-Machina. The leftover of God Almighty the Universe Creator.

So their designation toward Earth might as well got a green light from Deus himself.

"As your will, Oracle."

They bow down and left the hall.

"Dimension of Amalgamation is it?" the Oracle sneered. "When you spoil my plan, I would destroy yours."

In the next moments the big hall returned into darkness.
