The Meaning of His Life

Chapter 4 - The Meaning of His Life

Regardless, they would do it all the way even if they offend the official agents of Federation. This is how they did things!

The Oracle was the most radical in their organization. He believe in Corpse God, at the same time he also believe in Chaos.

Every member of Chaos would have one similar trait, the Distortion. When there is a creation they have an impulse to destroy it, when there is an order they would always thinking about how to remove them. Strangely, they indeed promoting war, but they also stop the war when it proceed too smoothly. They never believe in worlds' apocalypse, only eternal destruction.

While the Order would make a strict requirement, limitation, and any restriction. Also, it not always for good. As sometimes they would promote the acceptance toward worlds' apocalypse not fighting against it. When needed they would sacrifice anything on war too achieve the Order. They believe in apocalypse cycle, everything would return to singularity and reborn from singularity.

In short, Chaos rejecting fate and Order accepting fate.

In isolated Azure Planet. An Old Druid could feel the wheel of destiny have started to roll uncontrollable.

He sighing in sorrow, "In the vast universe, in this world where the Creator lost most of it's Omnipotent...

Apocalypse would come. No! It already coming since the fall of the Omnipotent..."

In flame galaxy biggest red Planet called Surtyr. A Giant with weary looking stood up, and as if injected by phoenix blood, his eyes light up.

"Time is nigh."

In many other place, every figure that have a certain level of understanding of fate and apocalypse would feel something.

As to what extent their understanding from that feelings, it was something worth some thought.

Of course this was something that would never escape from 'His' knowledge. As the Omniscient, Deus would've know everything in this world. Only shielding at level of sainthood would be able to barely stop 'His' all-knowing ability, of course it at the premise 'He' never intent to 'know' it.

To perfectly stop this level of ability, divine authority needed as a proxy.

While many important figure from the past era fell in thought...

In Pendragon Mansion.

The little Alfred "Ren" Pendragon, sneak peek at the guest room.

It began when he wanted to have alone time for himself. He hide in the guest room this afternoon, right after finishing his lunch. For some reason, he fell asleep behind the sofa, hugging a new edition mech book.

He unconsciously mumbled, "This again! Stay away, I am not your God!"


Ren rubbing his eyes. "What an annoying dream! They keep hailing me as their God... Shiet! After reading that History of Religion, I become more than often imagining such ridiculous dream..."

"Sigh~ Eh--".

"He is My SON! I would never let anyone took him again!"

He suddenly heard his 'mother' raising her voice not like a usually.

That self constrain of her when talking toward others, that elegance of her when she lead a conversation to her advantage. All seems to be unimportant at this moment. What happen here?!

Curiosity strike him as he silently peeking from the lower corner of sofa.

"There is no other way..." said the other party helplessly. There is a hint of pity in his tone, it seems their relationships aren't ordinary one.


So, when Alfred's Dad aren't home you have a private meetings with some... young man? How messy this is! Eh?

"Sis... I, I mean... At the very least, we could ensure his safety while being on custody. The higher ups already did their best to hold those bastard from doing trick behind their back. But, after all... Heroes Summoning Incident still left them some apprehension toward Pendragon."

He sigh as he continued, "Brother-in-law is still alive. If not, would those blood thirsty just stopped at scheming toward my little nephew... They using this scandal and that incident as a reason to put him on hold. But, would the Moonline Yard able to hold him back when He lose all decorum?"

Madam Elise who got emotional a moment ago loosen her expression slightly. She have an absolute trust at her husband when it come to this kind of things. If not for her brother to suddenly said that her son need to be put under surveillance custody. She wouldn't need him to remind her about how amazing her husband influence.

"Your brother-in-law is the only one who could fight evenly with Heroes Spirits in whole galaxy. Beside, his subordinate would really start a rebel with him when something bad happen to me and his son." Said her firmly with a tinge of pride.

"This is what they were afraid too. If not for last decade incident that needing him to take some responsibility as Pendragon. At this time, He would be a Grand Marshal of Federation Space Fleet already... They never want such genius to return on field, nor they want the second one to be born after him."

He hinted that the 'result' of last decade incident not only affecting her husband achievements. It also affect her son future, as he might be even stronger than his father.

However after a decade past, the son of his turn out to be a silkpants. Who could only bully with the prestige of his father and family? Even so, the enemies never loosen their vigilant to the point scheming against the already near bankruptcy family's direct descendant.

After seeing Pendragon down, not only they hit them, they would even send a streak of bombardment. What a ruthless opponent! Ren frowned behind the sofa.

He thought he would heard a gossip. To think he would heard a breaking news at this level. Also... Hey, this young man is actually my uncle. It seems a biological one, yeah... What a relieve...

Ren continue eavesdropping them.

"Even so... They still managed to find a reason to put my son on custody. What the meaning of this?"

She felt it strange, if they still didn't want her husband to lose all decorum. They would not use official power to their scheme, it only made darling felt betrayed by Federation, hereby losing the last faith he have.

Her little brother expression turned serious as he explained the whole matter.

The incident last time regarding the scandal where cousin kidnapping brother to be sold for in black market. Aside, from the cousin being died in terrified manner on basement hotel in the Mars. The other clue about instigator lead to black market force who had a connection with a few ambiguous Families and Group. Then the last clue would be about the buyer who ordering 'specimen' with special lineage.

Following with it, the investigation from ritual scene and their background. It has many similarity with a few case under Holy Court direct surveillance. For worse, such case already delayed for decade already, with dozen case every year. It rumored to be started from the assault on Gigas Fleet ten years ago. This is two great incident that really shook Federation, leaving two big scar, one is Alfred's Dad the other was Genius Maiden.

This time, the incident leaving a clue behind. The only living victim and witness in many similar case, Alfred Pendragon. The official agent, especially those from Holy Court, wanted to use him as a bait. While doing so, they wanted to put him under their surveillance custody. Alfred might got more cold treatment if not for this mother's little brother asked Family Head to plead more human right for his nephew.

Albeit so, the case already handled by Holy Court, so they would be the one who made an arrangement. Fortunately, they promise to protect him their best and not to put him under any dangerous situation.

As the present twelve great family in the Federation. Even in their decline, Pendragon still had many veteran subordinate that very loyal to them. Not to mention the recent incident already made them more protective toward Pendragon Mansion. Hearing the news about their General being hold on Moonline Yard, it made them on the brink of rampage.

With that on mind, Ren basically able to deduce the next action of those people from Holy Court. They would send him to a boarding school on the pretext of advance study.

This is the most reasonable and looses place to put a bait for fishing those evil believer.

Right! Who are their real identities?

This is worth his thinking...

"Those Rat Believer come from underground world. Since the surveillance under black market rather loose, those guys start going rampant these last few years. They been purchasing information about Paladin lineage, Paragon lineage, Wizard lineage and Sage lineage."

Eh? Em... It needn't me think through it... Forget it then...

It sure feels rather awkward when he decide to put some thought on their identities, this young uncle of his really good at spoiling the mood.

After more discussion and the promise of her little brother, she reluctantly agreed for it. That all under one premise, to let Anna accompanying him.

She more relieved if this Battle Maid Anna could be by her son side. With her being five years older than Alfred, she has petite body and childish looks. Her ability also trained directly by Madam Elise since ten years ago, it also has some relation with Alfred. As Madam Elise took her in from abandoned ship when there was an incident with baby Alfred.

Aside from being forever loli, Anna was rather strong in her physical endurance and strength. It almost reaching average veteran under her husband.

Her relationship with Alfred like that loving brother and sister. Even when Alfred found it annoyed, he never really avoiding her. While Anna was very protective toward this little brother.

If only Anna was there on the day that incident happen, no... It might never happened in the first place, with her being here.

Thinking about it again. The reason why Anna aren't here was that bastard cousin of Alfred who recommended her to Alfred's Dad as an 'temporary' deputy General. Or so, that she could gain some real experience.

Anna still on the garrison line act as temporary leader here while General away.

She didn't know what the General being called for...

At this time, maybe the news already reaching her ears.

Or maybe she already on her way home on some rapid transporter that usually used as an emergency escape. It kind of speed three times faster than common space warship.


I don't know how to face her...


The fate of this body is rather pitiful. Well, the pitiful one should be me who transmigrate in this body. His worth seems only to be a bait after he passed such a tragedy. Maybe, they afraid of latent danger hiding within the body?

Fortunately, the latent danger they afraid off seems to be dealt already... Ee? Why did I think it already been dealt?

