Anastasha Pendragon

Chapter 5 - Anastasha Pendragon

The biggest and vastest building on the Planet, the Nexus Institute of Mech.

Ren practically accepted his fate as Alfred Pendragon, he already used being called by this name. The boy only brought a small suitcase and wore a mechanical bracelet, it seems to be used as a replacement for the ID card. Above him there is a big gate, with similar to old English typeset, it is written...

"When Physics become Metaphysics, Legends no longer just a Myths."

It could be said, the philosophy within it has quite a taste. The one who wrote it should be someone with severe Eight-grader Syndrome...

Sigh~ In the end, he couldn't pass this torturing phase of life...

Going to School!

"What are you doing?"

The little girl beside him nudged his side. "We need to look for our dorm and class..."

"Ye, yeah..."

"What is that answer?!"

"No, no... I mean, yeah. Let's go!"


Two days before the opening of a new semester.




An alarm defense breaching sang loudly.

It awoke all the staff of Earth space station.

What happens here? This place is so far from the frontline, but the security was only second to the First Class Planet.

Who bold enough to act so recklessly here? This is the motherland of humanity.

There is a loud bang followed by the energy shield crack.

A lot of debris filled the upper bunk of Terminal One.

The armed soldiers from the security department already cordon the whole place. They would be ready to hold the intruder from doing more reckless things.

The shadow of the capsule pilot comes out. Only, when they are ready to shoot the gauss energy gun, they were taken aback. The shadow behind the dust seems to be a little girl.

This little girl might have a quite fierce background at boot. She wore an epaulet of Military Commander of the Federation Army.

At such an age with such a strategic position, without some background, no one would believe it.

After a moment of silence, they restore their wariness again. Who knows, this girl might be spies in disguise?

The girl's small face showed a trace of worry, but it didn't direct at their presence. It is more like something else like, her purpose breaking into space station and directly broke Terminal One.

She tap a bracelet on her left hand, showing a credential holo card. The captain of the security team took a few steps forward to have a good look at it, before scanning the holo card. Surely, the scanner showed the real identity of the intruder...

"Anastasha Pendragon..."

That war maiden who got a public title [Scarlet Valkyrie]. The battle maniac who only uses a battle suit to blow the space pirate alone?

Although it was called a battle suit, it wasn't much different than customized space suit with more durable defense material.

At that time a middle-grade Passenger Spacecraft bringing more than five hundred people was hijacked by Space Pirate Echolite. A branch spacecraft of Echoneon Fleet, under Pirate Commander Echo. Even a space mercenary had some reservations against these pirates.

But, Anna who coincidentally took the said spacecraft as one of the VIP passengers, couldn't stand the demanding ransom of pirates. She took the attached suitcase, directly wore the red-lined battle suit and two short adamantine blades. She cleans the whole spacecraft off from pirates in a few seconds. They couldn't even call the reinforcement from the pirate ship.

When the space pirate is aware of the situation inside the passenger ship, there is already a little intruder inside their ship. The result is a tragic massacre of the pirates. The spacecraft was blown only leaving a small creature who fled from the blown ship.

The passenger looked at her, dressed in a simple battle suit while looking so valiant like a valkyrie in the tales. When she open her helmet and showed a scarlet long hair, added with her blood red-dyed battle suit. They called her, war maiden [Scarlet Valkyrie].

"It's so boring..."

That is what she said while looking at the shipwreck.

So, knowing the little girl before him was that war maiden. He suddenly developed a cold sweats illness, his whole body trembling and his breath become unnaturally fast.

Behind him, the newly appointed sergeant feels something is wrong. He called his captain warily.

"Captain... Captain... Is there a problem?"

It was such a fortunate event for there to be an ignorant subordinate under him who didn't even know a terrifying war maiden before him. He returned to his sense and adjust his mind while a smile gradually covered his face.

The captain didn't answer his subordinate directly but greeted the high personage before him.

"Miss... Miss Anna. Thanks for your hard work... Um, could you explain to us why did you break into the terminal in such a hurry? If you give us a signal in advance we could clear the whole hangar for you." said him politely.

"If there is nothing, I would like to go home. Something happens to my brother."

She takes her to leave directly with further ado. While the security team stood still as they didn't know what to do. It seems their captain couldn't stop her either so, what a low lever subordinate like them could do?

Seeing her leaving in such a hurry. The captain couldn't force himself to stop her. After all, she showed her credential, she also had said the reason.

What is the reason? Do you mean what she said was nonsense? No, no. It was well known that this Miss Anna was an overprotective sister, or in other words "brocon'.

So, if something really happen to him, what she might do would be worse than what she did today. The underlying means, her brother is temporary safe and has no problem with his life at the moment.

Silently, he sighs in relief. He couldn't afford to offend this little miss.


When the news about her arrived from the space elevator. There is a trace of strangeness in his eyes. This girl really did it!

It didn't take much time, even faster than what he had predicted before. Hey, it is a half-day faster, even mother had some shocking expressions here.

It was only yesterday they talked about sending him with her to 'School'. She comeback in no time...

Not only so, but he also heard gossip from servants that she caused quite a ruckus on station above... This kind of recklessness, he couldn't afford to offend her.

"I need to act more careful around her." Promised himself inwardly.

She arrived about a lunchtime.

Ren looking at the small exquisite-like doll face, bright scarlet longhair, and a little girl's body exuding the presence of a sleeping beast. What a dominant and playful... this was the first thought when he looked at this war maiden.

He could only combine two words, dominant and playful, to describe this little miss before him.

"It is said her age was around 5 years older than me. But, her build only showed a little girl around my age. Is this what they called legal loli?"

"F*ck what am I thinking about!"

He greeted the little girl politely. After all, the first meeting is always important. No matter what happens between the past owner of this body and this little miss here. This was my first meeting.

"Good afternoon, Miss Anna..."

Suddenly, the little girl's expression turned worse.

What? Did I do something wrong? Could it be I shouldn't greet her?

In his panic, he looked at mother beside him, with pleading eyes.

But, Madam Elise only showed her dear encouragement.

Don't show those eyes. Just help me, please!

In confusion and panic, he attempt to amend his words and added, "Eh, welcome home... Sister?"

The trace of disappointment disappear, changed into happiness, and a tinge of worry.

She took a step, two-step, and three. Like a hyena, she pounced on him without warnings.

Ren instinctively defends his face with both hands while closing his eyes in fear.

Hug! Gyuut...

A soft and comfortable feeling covered his body.

The action of a terrifying hunter that struck the prey never happened.


Don't tell me...

The rumored Scarlet Valkyrie, the war maiden who finished off the whole pirates alone is actually a brocon sister?

Then he remembered the scene from the past memories of the body. It could be said, this Anna girl was quite close to real Alfred. To the point of nagging and annoying. She would sometimes become so strict. She would also become unreasonable sticking toward Alfred all day. She would sometimes become angry when Alfred ignored her...

Yeah, it should be so.

But, from what my memories serve me well. There is no recollection of her childhood aside from... a decade ago...

A decade ago?

Oh... I understand now. She shouldn't be my real sister.

Rather than so, it could be said, she was raised as my sister.


There is much thought that swirling inside his little head. A lot of possibilities are being deduced, a lot scenarios are being eliminated.

Then he comes to one conclusion while being hugged by Anna.

"Is... is it to protect me?"


In deep memories ten years ago.

"Hello... My name, Al... Well, just call me Al," the little boy said struggled with his words.

The little girl before him shown a lifeless eyes.

"Would... would you like to... play with me..."

She didn't have any response. But, when the little boy grab her hands and ran outside the mansion. They saw the beautiful dusk behind the lawn.

The little girl look at his brilliant smile, a trace of warmth spread in her heart.

"Hey, what is your name..."

"What? You... you don't have a name?"

"Then, why don't give you one... hehe..."

"Yes, this is your name..."

The little girl looked at him.

"My name... Anastasha..."

"Yes... Anastasha... Anastasha Pendragon..."

"Then, we should call you... Anna from now on..."