The Praying in the Dream

Chapter 6 - The Praying in the Dream

"What are you going to do?"

There is a worries in her voice, Professor Erica never thought someone who care about them in the past would force them to the dead end.

She and her daughter was bound in a rope called fate.

They was born as the scientist genius, being cared since young and provided in every possible way.

Her husband died on work accident in the past right after her daughter was born. That accident took her the most precious person aside her daughter. She reinvent new mechanism of core reactor. It is said, the new core reactor would deactivate before the fission and fusion exploded.

It was providing the whole generation a new era of high-powered battery. In the past decades ago, one would need to change the battery once in a while or they still need to recharge them, there is also a risk of battery explosion. But now days, it only need one battery to use for lifetime without any worries.

This change the pattern of the world.

She become the forefront Scientist and Researcher.

But all of that still on the level of every day life. There is not much impact on the real structure of Earth Federation, as they still fighting with alien colonies and open up territory in primitive planet.

Hey, basically they need something more practical in military aspect.

Then, here is the surprise.

Her daughter who only turned seventh that year, creating new logarithm of AI assistant and then she inventing a mecha suit few month after that.

That year was the year of a new genius was born.

Afterward, she become more and more formidable. A few model of spacecraft was build based on her blueprint. Every year there would be a new invention that would shock the whole Federation.

Unfortunately, an incident happens.

Hephaestus's daughter was kidnapped on her way to yearly mecha innovation conference.

Albeit she was saved later. It seems, the shock from that incident left behind some traumatic mental. After all, when she was saved, she seems to have been through a bloody torture. There was wounded all over her body.

Of course, that could be healed with one of her medical invention. It could be said, her body healed like she never wounded before.

After that...

All praise and care become a cold attention and disappointment.

She turned into a normal daughter in the neighborhood, with no experience of the world.

They basically banished from scientist circle.

The one who cared the most about them turn into wolves that wanted to devour them.

"I just helping you take the burden from having a wealth but no ability to guard it." He sounded like every word from him was right.

"So, lets finish the procedure. Before My assistant forget that little brat still alive or not."


"Haha! You could be mine completely and we wouldn't need to go through this much of hustle, If you aren't refusing my advance ten years ago. But, right now... You are looking much older than before. You even refuse using that serum. Aren't that was your beloved daughter invention too."

"Don't bullsh*t with me, Enoch! You're the one stuffing her with that trash research of your to forcefully finish that blasphemer serum!"

"No, no... I am just providing your beloved daughter a clue. She finish it by herself with that 'omniscient blessing' she lost ten year ago... Whoops, I talked too much. Let's we return to the main subject today. Sign it, and I would still provide you with 'basic' protection... Don't be like your stubborn husband," said Enoch smiling brightly.

No one never believe, a handsome and ever smiling Enoch who known to be charitable and kindhearted person would be sinister viper hiding behind a good man facade.

At this time, Professor Erica could not help but connect an inkling within her mind. The truth of this matter could cause a big storm within a whole Federation.

The true reason behind her husband death. The true reason behind the rampage caused by the development of blasphemer serum. The true reason behind the kidnapping incident of her daughter. The true reason... and there is also 'omniscient blessing'...

A word appeared inside her mind.


It really only a blasphemer could think of...

"You are mad!"

"Hm? Haha!"

"To think you could found out the truth only by a few clue I revealed to you... You really are genius, sigh~ If only you accept me..."

"Give me an answer! Don't think you could drag the time out. There is no one could protect you in the Federation from me. Except you could gain favor of an existence like Deus. But, 'He' would never give their blessing randomly, not to mention other existence that literally more dangerous than me."

Behind the compartment, a young and beautiful 'man' peeking with her innocent eyes. She heard the conversation between them. She roughly understand the meaning behind that sinister smiling man.

Only a God like existence could save both her and her beloved mother.

She didn't know the difficult matter like the truth behind all the incident and accident befall upon their family. She only understood one things, this uncle who always smiling and kind toward them was a devil like existence.

He was the one who tortured their family, he was the one who hurt mother repeatedly.

Jester Enoch.

She would always remember this name.

Finally, Professor Erica couldn't help but yield toward him.

"Alright. I would sign it. But, you have to promise me. Never touch our family ever again!"

She couldn't bear to let her daughter suffer anymore.

Enoch still smiling while accepting the signed documents.

All of this already within his grasp. Everything under his calculation all this while.

After the authorization of all the invention right transferred under his name. He could went to the next phase. It was a bit unfortunate event for 'omniscient blessing' to fell under Rat God, at least he could still save his life and sainthood with more authority he held in Earth Federation.

As for whether he would held his promise to not touch this mother and daughter duo. Heh. He could use many kind of scheme to deal with them when the storm caused by today matters passed.

'Since you couldn't be mine. There is no need for me to let you alive after giving you a decade of delay. Hehe...'

He left the house. The threatening presence from his subordinate also vanished a while later.

Professor Erica felt her whole being ten years older. It drained a lot of her life to be under such a pressure. If she could, she would just ran away from this place called Hephaestus House.

What a bulls*t Hephaestus House! There is nothing more than both her and her daughter who bear Hephaestus. Others family member either being killed or swapped by that Enoch.

There is nothing wrong if this house called Enoch House instead of Hephaestus House.

This tragedy even worse than what their peers Pendragon Family undergo these days.

No, it could be said their situation is the same, only Pendragon still had their retainer supporting them. Also that valiant General still stood upright with his stalwart figure, deterring a lot of hyenas around them.

If only, her husband still alive. He could break this situation with his brilliant creation.

Unknowingly, she cried a lot when remembering him and all the suffering after his departure.


They hug each other to feel the last warmth in this cold and ruthless society.


Night befall upon Hephaestus House.

It was much faster to see the night in this planet, after all the duration of day time only around eight hours.

Two satellite moon hanging above the sky.

Hephaestus's last daughter kneeled before the bright two moon.

She piously praying toward unknown existence, with all her mind and soul.

There is a trace of tranquility within her heart that resonance with something beyond her knowledge.

It was similar to the time when she got inspiration and the spurting knowledge inside her mind.

Right. It was this feelings, she felt refreshed and her mind power that was blocked as if spurting out a new branch. Albeit thin and might be broken anytime, she could feel that her thought processing and calculation ability recovered a bit.


This is a miracle.

She cried and continuously praying like a devout believer of evil god.

Who knows the praying she did was directed toward the bright two moon, that unknowingly transferred toward authority of unknown God from alternate dimension who bears the domain of moon.

It exactly forwarded to authority under Tsukiyomi.

In motherplane of Earth.

Ren who just sleeping after getting a lecture barrage and touring all day long inside the Institute unconsciously slipped in to the Dimension of Amalgamation.

He sat on high back white chair filled with all kind of rune and totem, with main symbol being crafted from the burning Sun and chilling Moon.

He thought this was strange dream like always.

In here, he would heard a crying and pious prayer from time to time, like a god looking down on man.

"Hey, todays dream has some change."

Within his wish, he could saw every prayer and its surrounding. Of course it only limited to a few meters.

But, if the prayer did in group. He could see more than just s few meters.

Depends on how big the scale of the ritual of prayer. He could even saw a whole city and its surrounding.

This time he heard something different from before.

It was a crying beautiful young 'man', girl?

Well, it was something refreshing looking at this new prayer. Although her face filled with tears. There is a tinge of beauty in her despair.

This piqued his curiosity as he smiled in interest.

He thought. "If I am a God in this dream... Then, I need do something that God would do. After all, God need to give 'His' blessing from time to time, so his believer would be more pious and increased by day."

He needn't give a blessing just have a chicken soup and quite chat with them, in his word. "After all, I didn't know how to bless these 'dream people'. But, aren't chatting with a God directly considered a blessing of a lifetime?"


He ordered the fantasy world to create a whole palace hall and a guest meeting room.

The fog followed with a tinge of redness, swirl around him. It quake a bit and high palace hall appeared.

It was a huge construction. There is a square before the palace hall. There is a guest meeting room at right and left side of hall. There is throne room in the main palace. There is many miscellaneous room at the side palace.


He appeared at west meeting room.

There is five high back chair at the both side and two chair at the back, there is no other accessory in the room. He sat at the same honor seat in the room. "Let's call this room a Guest Chatroom."

"Oh, she still praying piously toward me... Then, lets invite her to this room."

He knock the armchair lightly.



She kneeled in her place. But, the place she kneel already changed into illusory place filled with blackish white fog with a tinge of redness everywhere.

This, this...

Her mind suddenly spin faster than before.

She could make many deduction or even inventing a brand new type of spacecraft right now. But, all is useless here, she couldn't find a conclusion about her situation right now.

Amidst her loop in looking for conclusion.

A magical yet terrifying, a majestic yet threatening, a profound yet maddening voice sounded directly at her ears but also come from afar.

"Art thou satisfy with these..."

She raised her heads looked at the majestic being before her.

Unconsciously, her tears welled down. She saw a majestic and terrifying figure sat on the highback white chair leisurely.

She could feel a many profound knowledge just looking at this figure.

But, she restrain herself as she looked down again in hurry.

What she saw not only profound knowledge, there is something else. It was a ton of madness and pure evil, she only know this proverb to describe it. Yet, she didn't feel any malicious in that evilness.

Who is this horror existence?

Unfortunately, albeit she hurriedly turned her head down. He whole being already contaminated by the mysteries of divinity. Her soul and body couldn't take it.

Not, to mention the redness in the fog still have some trace of malicious. Even if Ren didn't do anything she could only die in her ignorance.

She was send back directly to her original place.