The Convenient Air Boots and the Mysterious Air Gear

Chapter 7 – The Convenient Air Boots and the Mysterious Air Gear

Yesterday, Anna brought him to all the study facilities in the institute.

There was many class and laboratory in the main building.

You say it was the biggest Academic Institution on the whole planet. Of course, there is any type of experiments rooms and training rooms.

He was given a slim tablet that was filled with many material studies. You need to open both sides to roll out the main monitor. The flexible touchscreen was very slim that it could be rolled in. It doesn't use the usual flip-style touchscreen as he had in the past life.

Studying it in his room like a kid just found a new toy.

This is quite interesting. It could be used for a School ID Card and notebooks or even make a phone call to the lecturer. Hey, it was very easy to use.

But soon he realize this gadget was only the most primitive one that was given by the institution for free.

This thing, if you sold it on my original world... Forget it.

There were many types of ID substitutes, like the most popular one the bracelet type on his wrist. You only need to transfer log data to the bracelet from a tablet, or just directly register on the website.

Of course not everyone had this, the price on sale was quite high even now. It was mainly caused by the security system used in the gadget that plays an important role. As reported some time ago, there was a world-class hacker cracking millions of user IDs, in turn incurring a big loss for the related company and the public who got their ID cracked.

So the development of a security system was the foremost in the Earth Federation research schedule. As they would upgrade the new firewall system every year.

Fortunately, the newest quantum computer created in recent years had been much of help for the current human civilization.

It helped a lot when AI assistants had this kind of brainpower.

In this part of the universe, it could be said, Earth Federation was taking a small lead in the field of technological science. Don't underestimate this small gap, as it might be the one that determined the result of a galactic war.

For the most commoner, this was the best news ever in recent years. After all, in the past decade, there is always a random attack on a planetary scale on the border, there are also two shocking incidents that might destroy a whole planet if not for General Pendragon and General Zhizun.

Knock! Knock!

"Al... Al!"

This little elder sister really brought her military habit here.

Hey, this is still five in the morning. If not for me being awakened from that weird dream. I strongly suspect that my photographic memory made me have a lucid dream.

But, strange enough though, I couldn't remember clearly what happened in the dream. I only know my body could be controlled like how it was in the reality, even though it is only a dream.

What is really happening to me?

"Al, I am entering now..."

Her voice awakens him from his reflection state.

"Wait, wait... I have to change my cloth first."

Then, he would forget and ignore his own inquiry again like before. It wasn't the first time he reflected on his condition, but he would always subconsciously ignore the topic about that fantasy world of his or in other words of an expert, the Dimension of Amalgamation.


"I said don't enter yet."

"But, I have entered..."

"You, well... Just go outside again. Also, why did you get my dorm key?"

"It was arranged by Madam."


He felt his mother had sold her own daughter to this 'brocon' at a bargain.

Oh mother, my good mother... How could you leave my dorm room spare key to her? Look how barbaric she is, this is a man's dorm, this is a man's private room. She just come in without batting an eye straight to my room.


He changed his sleeping garment to uniform after washing his sleepiness away.

Ren made another commentary action again, "Is every clothes in the world with advanced technology always so tight. Ugh... a bit uncomfortable." then he made a magical gesture pulling his pants on the crotch.

It began to stick all over. What an unhealthy design...

Actually, what he wore was clothes with flexible material, not some strict military cloth that functions mainly to outline their body.

All clothes of the current era are already made of flexible and stretchy material with a natural smooth silky surface and comfortable temperature. This is already standard quality that is an obligation by the Federation for every fashion producer and company.

So when if you use primitive cloth from Ren's original world, people would see you in strange eyes, if not pity.

It means, you aren't able to buy even a standard quality and have to resort to using the cheapest material for clothing. Something that is usually used as rags and dusters.

The cloth here only has all sizes, except for exceptionally special sizes, like baby size and giant size. Everyone from young to old practically used the same sizes.

"This is the real all sizes in sense. No matter where you bought your cloth, it has the same size."

He reminisces his past when he bought an all-size jacket but got something that could only be used by his nephew. It looked hanged in his body... He really wants to beat the seller.

He opens the sliding door and sees Anna still waiting for him, tapping her finger repeatedly.

"Took you too long."

"It can't be helped. I am not used to this tight uniform. The one we use at home was more comfortable..." said him with a complaining tone.

He needs to take a lead. If she wants to complain about me, then I have to take more steps before her.

"Of course, that was a hand made by Madam Elise. The material used for that cloth is more expensive than ten of your uniform."

Anna said it casually, but for "Frugal" Ren, he start to doubt his past life.

Hey, as the most reputable and famous Institution, this school uniform of course made with high-quality materials. He saw the price in the Public Fashion Shop, which was ranged at upper-middle of the price list. This is really... Damn.

"Next time, we could ask Madam Elise to help with your uniform, she could make it too." By the side, she added a suggestion.

"Uh, yeah... Of course."

Ren unconsciously stretches the pants on the crotch.

It is good to have a rich Mama feeding you. There is no need to worry about clothes and food.

Anna invited him out today to take something. They strolled out and went toward the Mechanics Faculty.


On the way there, a lot of students skidded in the hallway.

They skillfully avoid other students from causing a collision. Someone was faster, someone slower, someone jumping all around in hurry. It was rather lively in the morning.

Ren like someone just found a new continent.

"This, this is..."

"Haven't you seen it on the way to school?" said her, but she realize something. "Also right, you never saw it before. After all, it rarely used in Mansion and you were sleeping all the way here on the bus."

She explained in brief. "That is communally used by Federation people for short travel in the past. But nowadays, they used it for daily life as it was more practical that way. The common one was called AB, Air Boots--"

"Wait, you said it was called "Air Boots" not "Air Gear"?"

"Air Gear? Where did you learn it?" Anna frowned, her small face showing a rather cute countenance as she started to murmur herself without waiting for his reply. "From a Broadcast Channel. No... There should be no such a channel in Mansion. General doesn't want Al to learn it too early. After all, it was indeed a dangerous sport."

Is there something wrong with Air Gear? Am I saying something taboo?

Ren is confused by her exaggerated reaction.

"Sis Anna?"

"Uh... Em, about Air Gear... I think let us put that aside first." Anna grabbed his hand run toward Technic Workshop Hall.

"Hurry up. You also had a custom-made one in the workshop. They just finish the calibration last night."

"What? Wait! Don't drag me so suddenly..."

Ren nearly fell at his feet as he stabilize his footing and run following her pace.

He still wondering the secret behind "Air Gear".