Starting Looking for Trouble, End-up Looking for Teeth

Chapter 9 - Starting Looking for Trouble, End-up Looking for Teeth

Anna applied the medication to his forehead.

Hopefully, it didn't leave any scar.

Sigh. What a tragedy...

Fortunately, there is nothing serious.

By the side, Lite looking at him strangely. He could see her face saying, "What crazy thing is this brat trying to do exactly?"

"Come on. Don't look at me like that!"

With a pitying tone, she says, "Is your brain suffering trauma recently? How could you forget about the most important thing when trying a new toy is to check how do you play with them... You haven't know how to use it but you try to do some hidden trick. Right, what kinda trick is that?"

How did you know I suffered... "Wait, what I am trying to say." He nearly blurt out in loud voice but, he stopped his thought.

Indeed, you should never have a long conversation with girls, they would always be trying to take the lead in everything they said.

"Nothing... I just trying to come up with some cool trick to shock you two. But, I failed so badly..."

Anna chided him as she show a stern face. "Don't do something dangerous again. How would I explain to Madam Elise if something happen to you!"

He just lowered his head like an obedient kid letting her do the treatment care while chiding him.


A ringtone notice sounded from her bracelet.

"It seems from Madam Elise. I need to pick the call, you... Well, Lite. Could you help my brother with treatment, please? It only needs a few more medications in those places to finish his treatment." said her pointing at his bruised head.

"Alright, no problem. Go ahead, don't be too long... Your brother seems to have some problem with his main brain."

"So impolite of you..." argued him by the side.

"Aw... Hey, could you do it softer..." he turned to Anna while begging, "Hey, Sis Anna... Don't tell Mom about this..."

But Lite forcefully twists his head. "Then don't talk to me like that. Also, use "please" when asking something."

"Okay, okay. Please, don't use violence..."

Anna shook her head as she walk away and entered the waiting space to pick her call.


In Pendragon Mansion.

Madam Elise, who couldn't wait for Anna's daily report decided to call her in the early morning.

Anna's small figures showed up from her communication device.

"Hello, Anna~"

"How is his condition there?" She directly asks the main point.

"I think He looks better today."

"Good, it is good then..."

"Madam, He's been more cheerful after finding new things. But, it seems His curiosity was so big, um, it could be said too big."

"He had been inside the Mansion since that incident happens, his memories also a been cut off since that time. It isn't strange he got curiosity hiked up after went out home. It might be good for refreshing his memories."

"No, no... His curiosity only got him trouble. Just now, he trying an unknown trick with his newly calibrate Air Boots. Sigh~ Madam He is a real troublemaker..."

"Ohoho~ Anna, you little lass, it doesn't sound so serious when you talk like that to me."


"Anna. Continue with his talk..."

"Um... Yesterday, when we got to the shuttle bus. He becomes so active while looking around the 'shuttle' asking here and there. He said..."

"Then what happens?"

"Then when the shuttle starts the journey, He fell asleep not long after. He seems to be defeated by his car sickness..."


They continue with an unnutritious topic about Alfred. When women reach a common understanding in their talk, it would take more time than waiting for a new chapter...


While the two, women and girls talking from hundred miles away.

"Wait, wait. Guys, we could talk this peacefully, no need to resort to violence..."


He was kicked, but the kick didn't really touch him that hard. He only acts like he was kicked so hard. He is the best when doing diving at futsal with his colleagues.

Lite who finished Alfred's treatment got her attitude exploded after being irritated by two tallboys.

"What? Aren't you finish using this place!"

It wasn't a question rather intimidation and warning.

She gritted her teeth. "We are still inside this training facility space. You guys don't have the right to drive us away!"

"Ohh~ Aren't you so fierce 'huh? Lite Helmshade...?"

Lite eyebrows twitched a bit, but her expression was still hidden well.

"Don't call me by full name. You are un... deserve..." She tried to distract the topic but, besides her, Alfred who's just got a light kick as if he was nothing more than a trash bag. Stand up with a calm and peaceful expression, but his calmness brings about a strange atmosphere in the training space.

Strange feelings sprout inside their heart, 'I have to kneel or else, I would...'


Yes, it was the right feelings, no, the natural instinct of them as sentient beings. Even they didn't know, their body and soul already recognize Divinity inside his small body.

Lite was the first to drop down as her feet lose the will to stand.

While the two tallboys use all their mind to reject the instinct. Their heart really wanted to kneel before him, but the stubbornness made them vexed and angry.

They nearly lose their reason, just to reject this instinct.

Of course, there is no real meaning or true order from His Divinity. Else, they would turn into meat paste the moment they have the thought to reject the order.

Right now, Ren could feel everything has no importance. Even the kick from before, it just likes a wind passing by you. No harm in there, only your attitude. Is it cool or hot air? Is it salty or woody aroma? Is it fast or slow? Is it...

There are many attitudes toward such a situation, but do you really care about it? No!

After all, within his mind, even if he couldn't beat these guys. There are always sister Anna to deal with them. He just needs to shout out and the situation today would be cleared in no time.

But, his Divinity inside has dignity. It doesn't care about any sentient beings, It wants to show up!

Although it would indeed solve the trouble for all. But it would be like using a Mjolnir to smash an ant, a whole city would be destroyed.

In his subconscious, Ren restrains a lot of Divinity from spreading out this training space. So, it could be said, no one aside from them was affected and no one knows the situation inside the training space.

They are really lucky to be said. They could feel the Divinity that was rarely seen in your daily life, not to mention they could force themselves without being killed to boot.

Ren looks at them with his calm gaze. To them, it was like being looked at by the King of Hell Himself.

He sighs deeply when looking at the two tall boys suddenly become a bean sprout. At this time he suddenly had a feeling, even without Sis Anna, he could deal with these bean sprouts too.

"You guys wanna use the training hall. Did you apply for usage approval before? Lite already apply the usage approval for one hour, yesterday. Also, we just use this training place for no more than half an hour."

The oppressive presence suddenly vanish when he said those words. Well, Divinity would fall in price if it still showed itself after the 'owner' says something under 'explanation tone'.

After all, "God never explain what He did."

With a playful smile, Ren added, "It is not impossible to drive us out forcefully. But, you need to win a duel with me..."

Their face whose pale before suddenly turned red in anger.


They wanted to directly give him a beating. But, the last horror experience still lingering in their heart. They don't have the courage to gamble it to only anger the other party. Of course, they would never believe the kid before them was that Extraordinary Being who has a very oppressive presence.

"One on One. The Duel is simple, I would show you a trick called Devils' Thirty-Three. If I could complete it but you couldn't then I win, it is the same otherwise. If I couldn't complete it, but you couldn't then count it as your win..."

Ren still blabbering his mouth, when a different kind of terrifying presence approached them.

"Hoho... So, Could you do the trick? That you call Devils' whatever..."

"Of course, I would show you guys. By the way, it was Devils' Thirty-Three... Hey, why are you guys suddenly stunned like that? Eh? Sister Anna..."



"Sister... Listen to me first! I, I could do it."

"Shut up for me!"

She was in anger.

Her best friend got humiliated, look she slumped down while shivering. Her brother also got kicked and seems to be fighting back in vain, look there is a boot print on his cloth, he also resorting a 'Duel' as to taking his last dignity.

These two boys, in her eyes already... Dead.

They seem to be able to feel the crisis this time. After all, their gap as sentient beings isn't far. If converted to level, two tall boys would be around Level 3, but Anna would be at Level 4 that could explode to Level 5.

"Wait, wait. We could talk about this peacefully, no need to resort to violence..." The histories repeat themselves.

Ignoring their weak plea. Anna says directly, "A Duel 'right? Okay. One on Two also no problem. You guys two, I am alone."

"The rule is the same. In addition, we use an extreme rule, both parties are allowed to disturb the opponent."

"As you two seems to not know Devils' Thirty-Three. Then I would be the first challenger."

"Al, give me your [Aquastep]. Our sizes are the same."

Inside his heart, he grumbled, "What is the meaning of this tone... Is it me who had a small size or is it you who had big size, Sis?"

Ren remove Aquastep from his foot without a word as he didn't dare to say anything right now. He sure, right now, any word means disagreement in front of her. Then, he would be the next place to vent her anger.


"Ready!" Seeing no one giving a command, he did it without being asked.

Anna presses the Aquastep as its small tire swings uncontrollably. She did a similar pose like her brother but her stance was much more mature and dynamic.



In the next second, she was already in the middle air, floating and rushing forward. Just one push, she was already a few dozens of meters ahead in the mid-air. She only needs to reach another ten meters to finish the challenge. According to her speed in the mid-air, she should be able to finish the challenge.

But, two tallboys couldn't wait for it. In their thought, with the addition rule its means. If she failed she would directly go out from the training space, without paying attention toward them.

They even went all out while crying a battle cry, "Hyaaa!"

Unfortunately for these guys. It only serves them at her plate. She wanted to use this opportunity to make an 'accidental' situation where she had no other way but to fight back.





She smacks both of them at the same time with her feet, right at their face.

They cough a mouthful of blood with a few bloody teeth.

As for Anna, she already finished her challenge of Devils' Thirty Three with their help, the rebound from kicking them.

She left the hall with Lite and Alfred while leaving a spine-chilling sentence, "Look for your teeth, you might be able to restore it before three seconds."