The Boss Behind the Scene

Chapter 10 - The Boss Behind the Scene

In the dark office room.

Two mobs who looking for their teeth before, kneeling while shivering in cold.

They still couldn't escape the fate of them kneeling before someone.

It never occurs in their deepest mind, the kind and loyal boss would make them kneel for hours.

Although the pressure is still incomparable to that oppressive presence who protects that brat.

The killing intent coming from the boss is still fresh in their mind, albeit only a moment.

He only said, "Don't make me 'kill' you."

But, his killing intent already overwhelmed them as they fell on their knee.

This is the real killing intent. He fills those words with the intent to kill.

Strange enough though, they are still alive and kicking.

There is an awkward atmosphere before, that is why they didn't dare to stand up instead continuing to kneel before him. The boss didn't say another word either nor did he directly kill them.

In the beginning, he felt these guys are trying to shame him. But, thinking about it again, it was indeed strange. They neither someone with Extraodinaries nor they are someone with strong fortitude, if not would they working under him fervently.

He stood before the dark curtain, giving his back look for them.

The Boss confidently says, "There is nothing in this earth that would pass my hands." he gripped his hand on purpose.

The sun strike before him, showing his valiant silhouette.

This struck them in awe. Such impressive personage, they willing to do things for him. All the resentment from before vanished like a puff of smoke.

He added another line, "Don't make another mistake. Now, go away..."

They scramble away from the office room before The Boss changes his mind again.


After silence returning to the room.

"Damn it! How come it doesn't work?! The Professor must be mistaken the brainwashing one right?"

He took out an ampule with the name 'Demonic Word Serum' written on it. It's effect only about one minute, that is why he was looking for a way to let them still submit to him but no resentment.

When he saw a trace of resentment after his demonic word fail him. He nearly freak out himself, he was only half-baked Extraordinaries.

His power only allows him to temporarily control the ability of others to a certain extent.

Um, more or less. That is his ability.

If someone says, his ability was something to be envied about. Then, you're wrong. His ability is considered a useless ability.

To temporarily control the ability of others, he needs to have their blood sample then use an alchemy ability to make a specialist serum.

Like the one he uses today.

He continues venting his anger as he smacks the study and gadget above it.

"Damn it!"


"Also, why did they cross each other with that female dragon. That is f*cking a Dragoness for Deus' sake! Why did these people provoke her..."


"I only said to watch them and look for their detailed information! Why did you two mobs challenge that Dragoness?! Not to mention you even hurt the brother. I already said to avoid her brother! Damn it, Deus! It is already worst enough to provoke that Dragoness, not to mention Pendragon Family. F*ck you Deus!"

He starts swearing to God unknowingly.

He had the intent to kill them both before, they make his arrangement go astray. But, the Demonic Word failed to work. They only end up kneeling for hours, adding another trouble for him.

His stock of Iron Bone serum is already gone to show off a few times before them in the past.

Also, he just drank the Demonic Word serum, he couldn't drink another serum for twenty-four hours or there would be a reverse effect.

Fortunately, he was able to flex before them and easily get rid of them. If they know he was actually bluffing, who knows what happens toward him. They might be banging him from behind. After all, he is quite a handsome guy.

"It is all because the serum is malfunctioning! If not, I could get rid of them in the truest meanings. Such a foolish subordinate, who want them."

It was unknown to him that their immunity toward demonic word ability wasn't caused by the malfunction of the serum.

The Demonic Word serum itself is already very potent, if not how could it transfer such a strong killing intent toward two mobs. It was unfortunate for him, their mental fortitude and their heart already had a stronger shadow that make them neglect the real fear of death.

In other words. What demonic word ability does is only scratch from the surface slowly inside and grip their heart to death, but what the Divinity presence did was directly affecting the system inside the heart itself.

Even though it was really dangerous and the crisis in their life. It only evokes their fear on the surface, their heart standstill as it only knows the real horror was something else, not the death itself.

"No, this won't do! I need to call Professor, how could he give me fake serum!"




"Sorry, Professor is busy right now. You could just leave your message here."

It was a busy phone call.

"Sorry, Professor is busy right now. You could just leave your message here."

He throw the communication device that was specially made to call the Professor only.


"Where the f*ck did he go at this kind of time! It's only seven in the morning! No, wait. Don't tell me he still sleeping in his bed?"

The Boss frowned but suddenly burst out a loud laugh.

"Haha... That is impossible. How could that always-on Professor be late from his bed? This is something urgent that happens, yeah, it should be so..."


On a faraway planet.

The shadow of two moons still lingering in the sky. But the redness of the sun already spreading to the land.

In the house inside the complex household mansion.

The Professor still sleeping in her pajamas. The headache from the last night still stinging her head.

A bit mechanical woman's voice suddenly sounds out. [[Professor, there is a call from...]]

Before it could finish, she directly reply from under the blanket. "No, reject it. I still wanted to sleep..."



The miserable boss slumped at his seat.

He only wanted to take a sample of that female dragon. From what he had observed since four years ago. Aside from having a small body, that female dragon was a real deal.

She could be categorized within Extraordinaries, but she hasn't awakened her ability.

Aside from her small body, she had a power that rivaled a mobile mecha in combat.

Sigh. Despite her small body, she had a high endurance, stamina that make her through a prolonged battle.

If only she had a more bombastic body... But, even so, her natural healing ability was faster than an army soldier being injected with healing serum.

It could be perfect if she had a more sexy body.

The Boss sighs again.

It started when he found an ancient book from his ancestor ruins, um, ancestral hall in the depth of Ancient Talkamakan Desert. Although there is already much greenery, the center of the desert itself has a much harsher situation. The difference between peripheral and center was like an outside crater and inside the crater.

He only brought a heavy mecha and a few specialist serums. It was caused by the blabbering cousin of him who had awakened clairvoyance eyes. He jokingly said you might find a life-changing chance in the ancestral hall.

His cousin seems to have seen a real vision that is related to the ancestral hall. But, he never said the danger or the relation it is with him. All he saw was only a blurry figure of him and a separated ancestral hall. There is no direct relation to his life-changing chance.

But, The Boss steeled his heart. He took out most of his savings to buy the latest version of heavy mecha.

He thought, however high the temperature is there, could it be hotter than the sun.

Although heavy mecha couldn't withstand the sun's surface temperature, it could still withstand peripheral temperature for a while. After all, a driver might make a mistake when driving the mecha and lose near high-temperature region, it was designed to have an automatic escape when encountering such a situation.

Who knows, he still suffers a lot on the way here. He lost at the natural desert labyrinth, spend up all his ration for two weeks.

He even mistakenly used serum as mineral water, gulping down two ampules directly.

Then, the reverse effect strikes him.

When he was nearly at his limits. He saw an oasis, he couldn't be sure if it was the real oasis. But, who cares in such a situation. He jumps inside the water pond.

His vision suddenly turned black.



He found himself sleeping in the center of the dilapidated hall.

The hall construction likely comes from ancient times. It should be more than a few millennia already passed since the building was created. But, it clearly still stands firm under the piles of sands.

Unfortunately, there is no treasure nor any value to be found aside from a few exotic fruit plants and a worn-out book at the main stand of the hall.

When he picks it. He could barely understand the font inside. It seems to be calligraphy, like what hung in the Clan Hall.

They say nothing important is written in it, and only a few strokes form beautiful curves.

When he said that gravity also has a similar purpose right. They directly scold him, it was different. He still insists on what is different between them, they are the same, there is no real meaning behind the form. If there is, then gravity should be more profound as it wrote real characters.

This time, he suddenly come to understanding.

If the calligraphy that hung in Clans Hall is meaningless, why would they treat it like a treasure?

If the calligraphy has no means, then why this ancient book filled with it?


At that time we went on brainstorm for a whole day, he even forget his hunger.

Eventually, he stopped by to take the berry-like fruit and eat them clean before leaving the ancestral hall dully.

He found a cramped hole where he rolled down and climbed up without much difficulty.

When he went back, he was surrounded by a lot of Clans Elder who worried about him. He didn't detail the adventure he went through, he only said he was lost in the desert labyrinth but he bravely wander around for a while before resolving using the escape mode.

Of course, they didn't believe him wholly, especially the line where he bravely wander around. But, they roughly understand the situation he went through from his miserable figure.

They didn't go in-depth questions and let him rest.


A month later.

He found a way to transliterate it, after 'borrowing' secret documents from the hidden room library.

After struggling for a week. He finally got his desired answer inside the book on the middle page. It was written...

"To achieve a breakthrough in physique limitation, one needs to refine a special bloodline inside their body. It is preferably the bloodline of Dragon, which has a few limitation growths. After fusion with Dragon bloodline, one only needs more hard work to raise the physical status."