The Physics Physical Education (Part 2)

Chapter 12 - The Physics Physical Education (Part 2)

Knock! Knock! Knock!

An aged but authoritative voice answered from inside the office room.


"Uncle, It's me."

"Come in." His tone turned milder after knowing the other party was his nephew.

His nephew entered the room with a solemn expression plastered all over his face.

"What happens?" he sounds up flatly still reading the documents on his hands.

"What do you mean with that military training menu? I just know this today! Also, what is the meaning with the ESP Awakening project... This..." asked the young man apprehensively.

"You just come back from the mecha galactic conference. It took you half a year to round trip. Take your rest for a while first."

"It's because you didn't let me use that starship. Else, I could return three months ago. Wait, don't distract me from our main topic. Tell me, what is the meaning of this project?"

He tapped at the documents in his hands.

"It already approved by two-thirds of shareholders. It doesn't need your consent inside it."

He still rejects any mention of detail.

"But, I still hold the last share... Aren't we are family? Why didn't you talk about it with me when you decide it?"

"It is a guarantee... If something happens to this project, all the shareholders who partook would be deemed guilty. Then, it would automatically be your sole property. At that time, I would hand over all the Institute affairs to you as the new Head of Family."

"Uncle you know I am not talking with you about this. Also, if you really thought it has such high risk, why did you choose to do it?"

His uncle was still unperturbed as he answered. "It already reaches a conclusion. There is no need to discuss anything with you."

"Uncle Robbert!" he look at his uncle sternly as he raised his voice.

Headmaster Robbert put the documents and look straight at him. As if asking "What now?".

"Tell me why did you decide to join Sekhmet Faction? They are all warmonger! That family filled with madwomen who thirsty for war and..."

Headmaster Robbert frowned. "Don't talk badly about our allies. They still have a big voice in the Federation. Even the former Marshal Bishamon has high regard for them."

"They are from the same root. Through and through warmonger! That troublemaker Son from their family was already banished from the Federation."


"He is still your father fellow student. Don't talk badly about your uncle like that."


"Alright, I would not talk about him. But, If you need backing from the military, why don't you choose Pendragon. They are still protectors of Earth. We still stand on Earth to this day safely because of them. Don't you think it would be more reasonable to work with them instead of Sekhmet Family that Warmonger Faction?!"

"No." Headmaster Robbert sternly answer him.

"We couldn't make another mistake when looking for allies. Pendragon, although they had General Pendragon at the helm. They are already under heavy pressure..."

Robbert reminisces the past event that still lingering a much horror to this date.

It was memories where he saw the idol in his heart being pulverized in outer space.

"Robbert, I still feel bad about my past decision to fight against their demand. It made you separated from your parents forever. But, you still have an uncle as your father figure. This time I would be the one to be separated from you..."

"Grandpa? I don't understand?"

"You just need to remember your name was Robbert Einstein, you never had Nexus on your last name... They never know my last name wasn't Nexus."

The middle-aged man called Nexus suddenly showed a serious frown.

"You go inside..."

Then all Robbert know was, his Grandpa Nexus was flying alone toward a blinding photon laser. After the radiance was done, he never saw Grandpa's figure again. He heard his uncle and father figure say while crying, "Your grandpa already return to stars. Like how your mother and father return to stars..."

Later after he learned more knowledge about weaponized mechas. He knows, his grandpa was pulverized by that photon laser. It was true he return to stars in the truest meaning. After all, outer space was the place of stars.

A few years later.

After the critics toward the Black Hole Experiments failure calm down. The noble family suddenly demand Nexus Institute be shared with many people. Their main target is actually the data that compliments their experiment's failure. But, his uncle couldn't come up with their demand. He said all the data has vanished with the Headmaster Nexus.

It was indirectly saying, you guys were the ones who caused that data to vanish.

Then, waves after waves of pressure come toward their institute. In the end, while Institute becomes an open property share, Einstein's family still took the helm.

But the price of this temporary peace and free pressure was his uncle's daughter and her husband.

Since that time, his uncle already lost his fighting spirits. He left all the institution affairs to him after toiling for a decade.

In his death bed. He always said the most regret in his heart was he couldn't do much for Nexus Institute and his descendant.


"We need to raise the true genius..."

"Have you forgotten that Headmaster Nexus accident might be caused by those noble families?!"


After remembering such matter his eyes showed more resolution.

"It already more than a half-century. But, they still put a lot of pressure on us from opening our branch and becoming a real interplanetary Institution."

Robbert stands up with his old body, but his back is still straight despite old age. "Don't worry. I have my discretion. Besides, my buddy would train them according to Physics Physical Education course, not a military course. Also... Call me Headmaster when we were within Institution."

He was Headmaster Robbert. The one who realizes imprinting of wireless charging, the less cable used in mechas the more complex their configuration would be. He reinvents the use of Heavy Mecha as a research object for younglings in the institution. He was the foremost Headmaster who lead Nexus Institution for the longest after Headmaster Nexus.

He never played with his student's life nor let them do unsafe experiments. This was his very promise toward the deceased Uncle and Grandpa of his.

But, today. He broke the promise for the first time and the last time.

Whatever the result, he would take all the blame and retire. If they still targeting him, he could just push himself to the mass for them to judge, rather than let Judicial take the case.

This is the biggest bet in his life.

Its danger might be lower than his grandpa's incomplete formula and theory. It is still within a similar big scale.

If this succeeds then the Federation would officially announce the "Extraordinaries". If not, then they would do all their might to bury the truth of this matter. With that, Nexus Institute wouldn't be under pressure of noble, but direct supervision of Federation.

It is better than being a plaything for a noble family.

He even gives the smoke boom for other institutions to misinterpret that their Nexus already grasp the main serum for the awakening of ESP.

After all, Extraordinaries have a wide range of professional abilities and skills. Esper is only one of them.


In the main training hall.




Every boy and girl sweating all over. Their breath is irregular, their face showing redness and a tinge of dark.

They just finish the warm-up. What is the warm-up, it is only about a hundred times of push-up, sit-up, and squats with additional ten laps of runs.

That is quite something to look at hundreds of students, run for ten laps at the same time.

The stern middle-aged instructor shouts at them.

"This would be the daily menu for you guys to finish until three months later."

The students who have weak will suddenly fall under the pressure. They were brought out directly toward the infirmary one after another.

Later they know, those guys would be either send back to their home or to other institutions in the farther city from the space elevator.

"Good, good, good. More than half still standing here."

"Then the next menu after a daily workout would be, Martial Arts technique lesson and practice."

"This is a non-mandatory course for you. But, I recommended you attend this lesson a few times. You would never know what would happen when you were run out of bullets or energy charging failure. Having knowledge in this department would make you know how to react to such situations."

He scans the students from left to right before taking his holobrain gadget.

"I would randomly assign the ten students. You guys only need to look at how this old man show you the basic."

"Alfred Pendragon, Dino Dicsgord, Emily Emmat, Greg Kwolo..." he started to call the student's name started with Alfred.

"Lastly, Wawan Gunawan."

"Other student. Please open up space in the center."

Ten students made a stance half-circle before him.

Instructor with a classy and elegant stance he made an ancient greeting gesture.

"Ye Mu, Eight Trigram Style," says him with a calm and aged voice.

He sways his hands and made a gripping pose.


All ten students swarm without caution.




Six people were directly knocked out.

Alfred, Dino, Emily, Greg, and Wawan was the remaining student. Except for Alfred who has no intention to attack and Greg who was late to swarm attack. Emily seems to have some foundation in this area she directly retreats before getting a counter. Dino has a huge body endurance, and Wawan would be just lucky to be by his side to avoid the counterattack.

"This is just a style, so there would be no serious consequence when you got hit. But, why did you stand still, kid? I know you have no intention to attack just now."

He looked at Alfred who stand still and Greg who was late at his feet.

"The first lesson for Martial Artist is to be brave when the time has come."

"If you are afraid then just go to the equipment room and take those mats over here."

"Are you saying, I have to take a ton of mattress alone? You're kidding with me right?"

Is there even a human right here?

"Do it."

He frowned but didn't talk back this time.