Meeting the Legend and History of Grand Unification

Chapter 13 - The History of Grand Unification Formula

Ren is trapped in the hidden compartment before finding his way toward a classical hidden room with a more classical mechanism operated around.

There is no electric machine used in this mechanism nor it has a high-tech application. It was a rather crude ancient mechanism. He was transferred down and had gone from right to left from left to right for quite a long time.

Then he was thrown here at the end.

He was already speechless after that long 'journey'. If not for this 'roller coaster' don't have much extreme movement than free fall and fast speed, he might need to vomit today breakfast.

What happens to me again? He was already on the brink of crying alone.


A few minutes ago.

As tasked by Training Class Instructor. He 'obediently' comes to look for a mattress in the storage room.

Hey, what is his name again? Ah, right... Yemu. Old Yemu! Shiet, I nearly thought it would be Ye Wen. He stole that line!

Ren entered from the side door. He just arrived here, he hasn't finished his homework about building maps here. Don't mention the detail like how the room placement is inside.

But, based on his years of study. The storage room should be here. Definitely...

"Eh? There is nothing here?"

Well, nothing would be found, it wasn't really a storage room. It is just an unused room that is sometimes used as a waiting room for team players in weekly air games.

Aside from some shelving space to be used for tools and necessities, there is really nothing.

Who knows, Instructor only asked him to the control room to ask for change the floor into a mattress. He still underestimates the real technological advanced building.

Besides, how could the Instructor really give him a task to move a mattress for the whole hall?

Poor of you Ren...

He saw a small compartment at the last shelving space. "Why did they keep the mattress inside this small compartment..."

He plucks out a hidden lever. Without much thought, he tried to open the compartment door as he pulled the door to the right side.

Clack! Shrug...

"Sigh~ Why is it so dark inside..." But when he tried to grasp something inside, nothing could be reached by his hands.

At that time. He lost his footing as his hand couldn't find anything to grasp. He fell inside uncontrollably, with a loud sound.



Katcha! Katcha! Katcha!

Du! Du! Du!

Something like a hidden mechanism inside started without warning. A small sound of gear rolled inside the compartment.




He experienced a roller coaster inside the compartment.

Before arriving at this room.


Just as he was about to analyze his situation.

A deep and resounding voice echoed inside the room.

"Welcome to my storage room, my fellow earthlings. I was waiting for a long time for you..."

"Welcome to my storage room, my fellow earthlings..."

"Welcome to my storage room..."

He turn his head and saw a transparent figure like a ghost phenomenon. He nearly shouted at his shock. "Whoaa!" But instantly he regains his composure.

In the end, he still curses at the projection before him. "F*ck! It's just a projection! I thought I was going to be sacrificed to ghostly being again!"


Hm? Bluish hair, dark blue eyes, looks familiar...

Isn't he Nexus? Headmaster Nexus?

"Are you shocked, little friend? Well, as someone who also transmigrates to this world from Earth, your adaptability should be good. Let's cut out with the introduction and talk straight to the point..."

As if knowing Ren would say something, he replied calmly.

"Don't ask, I wouldn't be able to answer you right now. This is just a projection I left before vanishing from this dimension."

Nexus continues with a smile as if everything is under his control. "I could invite you here on the premises you are Earthlings with sufficient knowledge but couldn't get rid of the habit you had on Earth, means you here must be under fifteen may be lower. In short, aside from Earthlings with bodily age around ten to fourteen, no one should be able to enter this storage room."

I don't know why but, I seem to be insulted in an incomprehensible way... Is he trying to say that my way of thinking is easy to count?

"Exactly! You are easy to calculate. Earthlings that haven't been baptism by the real situation in this world are the easiest to see through. That is why, I need to remind you, learn more about the lifestyle of people in this world. Then, the main point I want to tell you is..."

"About The history of Grand Unification Formula that I developed from Einstein's theory. Yeah, that miraculous theory. It start when I was transmigrated to this world..."

"When I learned about Deus the Omniscient, God of All Machinery. I thought, why did this world have an unbalanced technological advance. Their Innovation seems to be stuck at the prototype of quantum computers. It was the strongest calculator brain, but they haven't made any advance in higher type energy. The Fusion and Fission energy already reach their limit in each development, but they still instill electrical energy mainly with cable transmission."

"This is really primitive. They even had a Gun--Um, I mean a Battle Mecha, but still resorting docking charging. Hey, when I learn all the basics of their mechas. I build up my own blueprints. I made every unit mechas have their own recovery charge, also I made an advanced wireless connection in every hard partition. Haha, they were shocked when seeing my build-up Gun--Mechas, some of them nearly choked to death."

Heh... of course, you would be inclined to call it like that, after all riding it was all men's romance.

"I silently inherit my maternal family Institution. Build it to the current Nexus Institution. Sigh~ If not for that formula, Nexus Institution would have been the main Institution in the whole Milky Way Galaxy to nurture a new generation of genius. I have been underestimated the greediness, the high pride, and the deep jealousy of the Nobles family."

"I learned, aside from Main Communication Network of the Federation, every channel of communication under the surveillance of nobles' family. Even, Main Network is directly controlled by Deus proxy. This made my move become more passive. They made a verdict the Grand Unification Formula is blasphemous and dangerous. I could only give the formula, incomplete one to the Federation directly before stopping all our research and prototype test."

This, this... What a shocking information are you trying to fill me in?

"Hey, are you listening to me? This is rare for me to talk about my feat to my fellow earthlings. Well, you don't need to worry about knowing this history. Although, it is mainly forbidden to learn this piece of history, as long as you don't leak on your own they wouldn't know about you."

"Isn't it already dangerous enough for me..." mumbled him in resignation.

"Let skip the boring part. In short, one family or more in the noble families, come up with this research secretly behind the Federation and Holy Court. The result is a small blackhole sweeping a corner of the galaxy. They try to push the blame on me, but I am still under the surveillance of the Pendragon family since my research was terminated."

"This is the main problem I want to tell you. The victim of their scheme, when they decide to use one of the tycoon families as a scapegoat, was the second technological brand in the whole galaxy. They provide many kinds of the applicant and daily life tools, also a newest big producer of rare metal used in mechas..."

"Yeah, they want to use this reason to take the mine directly from them. In the end, to put the blame, they annihilated the whole family industry. But, they never know about the last survivor of this family. Right, I said family industry just now, but their family name actually different."

Nexus projection showed a serious expression as if trying to tell him the severity of the problem.

"They had different last names. But, I have discovered they had very similar middle names. I infer it as a middle name because every main executive of the corporation had the same 'character' in their name. It was something like Nata(e) and Orl(e) and Kyl(e), and also Lamosh(e), I thought it was because they mainly come from that kind of tribe. But, when I separate this (E) from their name. It sounds more comfortable to call and... I am sure you read that famous Pirates King. Then I come to the conclusion, it was their real Family name, a tribal name. They come from a different race than humans, the real humanoid race that was vanquished thousand of years ago."

"This is my serious warning. I don't need you to do anything for me. You only need to awaken yourself in a safe way. So, the plan I left behind to Robbert could be used. We need to strengthen the whole civilization. Not just one or two great families, but a whole civilization. Or when the time comes, we would be erased from this universe."

He shook his head skeptically, Ren sneered, "What you are the one who comes up with those stupid Esper Awakening games? Why don't you directly send the detail to the Federation?" Wait, is he trying to imply he wanted to do it, but couldn't do it... Is this means... Ren seems to deduce something terrifying.

Nexus projection crossed his hands as he leaned to the wall behind.

"I made this plan after the Grand Unification formula got rejected. Well, after all, their core nuclear technology is still immature, it could be interfered with and exploded on the battlefield. So, their main focus was to strengthen this area before looking for more advanced things. Federation and Holy Court were really realistic in their way of conducting research. But, when I made a conclusion about that tribal race. There is a judicial summon from Federation Judicial. They put a charge of misconduct of Institution authority."

He frowned and sighs.

"The survivor is actually made his way to the judiciary system. He was a genius, I am afraid, after that incident... his mind become more twisted. According to him, I shouldn't be able to survive this ordeal, but I am able to reverse the charge mainly with all my contribution. He assassinates me on my way back. I have vanished from history..."

"At that time I left a program in a hurry on his ID chips. It is would show him the ESP Awakening project when he reaches adulthood, but it only filled with the direction of the project. As an assurance, I made a bit of arrangement, I bet someone from that place would come to this Institution."

"It exhausts me to calculate the possibility of you coming here. Then, I remember my transmigration brought about quite a commotion and change. I left this hint for Robbert to start his plan, around ten years after the 'commotion and change'."

Nexus show a happy smile as he proudly laughs. "Haha... Do you want to know how the arrangement I made for you to come here?"

"You see..." without waiting he continued, "I made Robbert look for old Martial Artist retired to be an instructor. As a retired martial artist, he would never show a real killing move or essential training directly. But, he needs to impress the student, after all, he needs them to obey his instruction or the training would waste. He definitely would show a flashy move with strength, not the essence of martial art."

"To regular students, this is enough. Only Earthlings who are always skeptical about such flashy moves would show some contempt. In the end, he would be punished. But, Robbert already says to Instructor not to be too hard on the early day. The way you would be punished is limited, not physically hard but Instructor would choose the annoying way."

"He chooses to make you come to the control room to set the training area into the mattressed area. Hey, you should be thought, this old guy's punishment really harsh! But he actually only trying to make you annoyed..."

"But, the fool from the alternate world still has a strong past habit. He would look for a mattress in the storage room..."

At this time, Ren's whole face already turned red. This, this... Is he really easy to read? Are you an Esper? Uh, he might be really an esper...
