The First Experience of...

Chapter 14 - The First Experience of Teleportation

The more he heard about his explanation the more he felt terrible. It could be said, this senior transmigrator could easily read his train of thought. He doesn't like this feeling, it is like you were dancing above his palm all this while.

Also, the most important information he got from this projection is this recording made after he was assassinated. It is means he wasn't really dead, he also said he is 'vanished' from 'this dimension'. Are there other dimensions?

At least he isn't someone with malicious thoughts.

He just loved to brag about his achievements.

He just liked to flex before others.

He just wanted to show off his brilliance to the whole world.

In the end. He is just a pain in the ass who did things without consideration. Else, how could he end up being assassinated?

He also said he needn't me to do anything but just strengthen myself? But tell me all about those flexing history of yours, it in itself is already a request of the highest order. Also, this knowledge could put me at risk of danger at any moment.

Ren looks up at Nexus projection who still showing off his calculation about how he led him to enter this hidden room.


"That is the biggest advantage of becoming an Esper. Your calculation ability would be on par with supercomputers, although it is still a far cry from a high-grade one like a quantum computer. If you had a talent in this area, it would improve the deduction ability to the point of having the same feelings as seeing through a prophecy."

Ren's eyebrows twitched when he heard this. Deduction ability is strengthened to such an extent as a result. Isn't this was a portion of Omniscient? Isn't what dispersing to sentient being was the Omnipotent? How come it so contradict...

"Well, I already took your time for nearly five minutes. Longer than this, someone would feel strange and looking for you..."

He dropped his jaw as he tilted his head. Nexus projection says, "I left you a meeting gift. Three things I left behind in this room would help you to a certain extent. The first one is a Teleporter Ring, I design it first coordinate to be on the control room, you arrange it accordingly after that. The second one is a chip of a hacking program, you could install it on any type of holobrain. The third one is a blueprint of an Air Gear and Battle Suit powered with Nexus Grand Energy, having this equipment would help you a lot."

A drawer suddenly opened from the table before him. "Ohh... Burn those blueprints after you remember the whole thing. It has my proudest invention, Grand Unification Formula is written in it."

"Then, hope you found your way to solve every problem come to you..."

Nexus projection waved his hands as he turned his back. But he suddenly stopped. "Ah! I forgot to tell you one last thing."

He peeked behind and said something mysteriously.


Ren stood still for a moment.

He shook his head and walk toward the opened drawer. He only saw an ordinary-looking bluish metal ring you could found at anywhere.

"Huh? Aren't that guy saying there are three gifts? How only the ring remains here?"

Ren frowned. He hesitates for a second before directly wearing the Teleporter Ring.

The ordinary-looking ring suddenly shows a bright light followed by rune-like circles expanding from the ring. By the time the complicated rune circle vanished, Ren receive knowledge transferred in a form of a brainwave directly into his head.

There are two things informed from this brainwave. Firstly, it seems to be a kind of binding system placed by Nexus. Such an exquisite design of owner binding. It is really unscientific...

Secondly. There are three functions of the [Teleporter Ring].

[Teleport], it accommodates you the ability to teleport into a set coordinate within a radius of thousand kilometers.

[Item Box], it allows you to store an item in a specific storage box that has been marked prior to the usage.

[Skin Change], it allows you to change the color, motif, or shape of the rings.

All of them could be used by setting a motion command, voice command, or direct brainwave command.

He basically understood the Teleport function, after all, it was called Teleporter Ring.

He could also understand the mechanism behind Item Box, it mainly set a coordinate with a special mark as a place to store things with teleportation.

This is different from the kind of storage rings in the eastern fantasy novel.

This is a real scientific masterpiece.

But, how did I think the last function he add is a bit playful?

Um, well... I know it is important to disguise the rings so it doesn't look stand out. If so, why not just call it 'Disguise', or 'Transform', well although it might a bit confusing as you might think it has a disguising or transforming effect on your body...


Skin Change always reminds me of those online games that would 'force' you to buy a lot of skin as not to be looked so miserable.

He suddenly has a fear that someday, this ring would ask him a fee to buy new skin.

Ren shuddered at the thought and hurriedly shook his head.

"Don't think too much..." He sighs before making a motion command to see the setting of the coordinate.

A small hologram panel shows up before him.

[Coordinate: X XO.XYZ, Y -YO.XYZ (Locked)]

He saw the column of coordinates. It has indeed already been locked at one coordinate.

Then, it's time to leave this place.

He took a deep breath, slightly nervous as it was the first time he would experience the so-called teleportation.

He jokingly says, "Hey, I could do what Goku needs to learn for a year in Planet Yardrat..."




Another student has been tasked to check the situation inside.

Instructor Ye felt it take too much time for Alfred to open the mats. He thought this kid shouldn't be lost right?

In a control room right above the player waiting room.

Before the student entered the room, something shocking just happened inside.

There was a subtle fluctuation of space inside the room.

It followed with a slight tremor and a flash of sound.


Then, a figure of a young kid was thrown from nowhere in the midair.

His whole body is a bit shaky, his face seems to be churned as if he was holding something.

At this time, a student comes in without prior notice as he directly opens the door.


This shocked the young kid who still having some trouble just to stand firmly. In reflex, he grabbed the student who just coming in before vomiting today's breakfast.

He just got into rollercoaster-like things a few minutes ago. Then, a terrifying speed acceleration of the space jump gives him an understanding of a whole new kind of 'space attraction'.

Right, let's make it and let them experience the horror of this attraction...

Who is this student? Suddenly throw up at me...

Well, he was Alfred Pendragon who just got the experience of being teleported. He was in the middle of an after-effect caused by a low physical foundation.

In the end, he was brought to the infirmary to rest a bit.

Knowing his condition, Instructor Ye's stern expression shows a bit of gentleness. He thought, so it was not he is disrespecting me, but he was just not in a good condition.

Fortunately, Instructor Ye didn't know the truth. Else, he would never show such expression and might as well shower him with cold water to wake him up like those military new recruits. Hopefully, he never knows...

Ren ends up resting for the whole morning lesson.

He only feels better after the bell of lunch break resounds through the speaker.

When he woke up, the first thing he saw was the smooth hands of a girl.



In Headmaster Office Room.

Headmaster Robbert opened an emergency transmission from Sky-Watcher.

"Sir, there is an interference of space fluctuation been detected. Sky-Watcher satellite calculates the coordinate but the fluctuation goes only for a fraction of a second so it couldn't capture the precise coordinate. There is only an outlined area..."

Although the guard who reporting shows a trace of horror on his face, he maintains professional guardian composure.

It wasn't strange to detect a space fluctuation in the era of a space voyage. Every spaceship had space transmission acceleration, it could make the spaceship speed up a few lightyears. But it could only accelerate the speed by using a little unstable space and folding them up.

This is different from the conventional usage of wormholes.

They still haven't found the right use of the wormhole, as it contains a high-density space folding that surpasses the current technology capability to recreate.

At most Federation could detect the space fluctuation of wormhole then use it to travel to unknown coordinates.

The detection of space fluctuation within Earth could lead to a catastrophe if it doesn't deal with care.

Headmaster Robbert turned relaxed when he heard it was only detected for a fraction of a second. If only, it was longer than a second, then there would be a horror phenomenon that engulfs a corner of Earth.

Of course, his vigilance didn't decrease much. He needs to investigate the source of the fluctuation.

"Where is it?"

"It was..." the guard a bit hesitant to tell it.

Headmaster Robbert could see the guard hesitating for a long while.

He directly commands, "Just say it!"

"Yes, Sir. It was within the region of Nexus City, Sir."

The guard lowered his head and added, "The whole map had been sent to you, Sir. You could see the detailed report. Also, do ee need to inform the Federation's Agent and Holy Court?"

"Wait. We could send them a more detailed report after we investigate it more clearly..."

"Yes, Sir."