Caressed by Two Goddess, Shadows Lurking in the Dark

Chapter 15 - Caressed by Two Goddess, Shadows Lurking in the Dark

At that time he would never think an instant trip in space jump would be so bad.

Hey, this experience tells him how it is felt when your inertia is shaken and your natural balance is robbed.

Really... That feeling is like you can't grasp anything and directly forget your gravitational balance. You know you had weight but you couldn't do it with your muscle, it doesn't have any coordination at all.

The very lesson he got from his very first teleportation was never to go on space travel with a stomach full, at least digest it early before going.

Sigh~ Let me rest for a while. I have to digest all this information...


In Dimension of Amalgamation.

Ren leaned lazily at the highback chair while receiving unknown power soothing his sickness.

He vaguely saw two different images of goddesses. One wearing a golden and white combination sacred robe with a red line at the edge, the other wearing about similar robe with a combination of golden and black and a tinge of blue.

They seemed to be interchanged one after another, caressing his head. Their hands feel smooth and comfortable, it spreading coolness and warmness all over his body.

He felt more relaxed than ever...

While in the real world.

Ren is being caressed by the worrying Sister Anna.

Slowly, rosiness painted his face, he showing a trace of comfort as his corner lips raised a bit.

Um... How do I feel like this guy would go to heaven right away...


The two-man team walked on the inconspicuous road near Nexus Institution of Mecha.

On the left hand of them, there is a small projection of personal data. It showed a profile of a young boy who just entered the Institution.

"Is this boy the target?"

"It seems so..."

"Sir. Why do we need to protect him?"

"Don't talk nonsense! Just do the mission professionally! We need not know the reason."


"We are just a peripheral agent. What we need to do is to protect the target from any conspicuous malice directed toward him. What happened aside that would be handled by Synthesist Order."

"You mean... Our mission isn't really to protect him?"

"Yeah. We just a camouflage for others to stare at..."

"Sir, why did you push me on this mission? Aren't Lunie Team, that old woman wanted to take this mission herself. She even begged her Captain to plead an approval from higher-ups..."

"... Our Federation Agents aren't that much left on Earth. The whole planet only has a few hundred, active agents only count on two-thirds. The last incident of Rat Believer already took half of our reserve team. Another half has to take another mission all around the Earth. Adding a few guys need to be standby on Headquarters, also with The Lunie Team was put on reserve. Then someone qualified enough to do the mission only I and you who originally on a day off."

When he heard all of it, instantly he knew the way to complete the mission. The thin monkey-like figure slumped, to think there is a day he would be a living bait too?

By the side, "Come on. Don't be so down! We had to complete this mission faster... We need to build a complete surveillance system too." Without considering his single dog, no single monkey feelings, he added. "I promised my daughter and wife to bring them to see zoo land in Ragunan Star."

Ohh please! Leave me and my broken heart alone, Sir!

In the past, he always thought he was a protagonist of this era.

After all, the magical story of the epic Hero wreaks havoc in heaven, it said the hero is a monkey-like figure.

Hehe... Aren't those bastard always calling him a monkey, a thin monkey! Let them know... He, Monkey Hero, is destined to be the protagonist of this era!

But who knows after he told them the background story of Monkey King, a group of black-uniformed police come to him. After that, they brought the old grandma to the police station to await the next verdict given to her.

Fortunately, his only relative Grandma Cecil was acquitted of punishment after her mental diagnosis out. It seems, her health was worsening in the past few years after her son and daughter-in-law's death in a terrorist incident. She contracted Alzheimer's, albeit mild state, after losing the pillar of the household their life condition worsening by the day.

In the end, the little guy in the past who was mocked as a thin monkey by his friend also suffering from intense emotional distress. The condition was right, he had the knowledge of the supernatural and all kinds of unimaginable abilities from the story told by his grandma.

The empty house awakens his past nightmare from losing both his parents. Now, the only family he had was also being taken by police as he heard from those gossipy neighborhood old ladies, his grandma might never come back.

The emotional fluctuation getting stronger and stronger. He nearly suffocated by the pressure inside his own heart, waiting for his grandma day by day.

At that moment, the Federation Agents who took the mission after the case filed at their department come to check her relative condition.

Federation Agent had their professionals of Psychiatrist to make old women never recall the story ever again while giving some cue to help her past the shadow of her dead son.

Although it wasn't cured, it recover her mentality, but she need to rest for a while.

It was fortunate that her verdict aren't handed down. After all, her story could make her life entirely in the dark prison and never come up again.

While she said she wanted to see her grandson as she felt sorry that she haven't taken care of him well.

This request made Agent arrive at her house in a timely manner to save the near awakened thin monkey.

If not, who knows what mess would there be. He might succeed awakened or he might fall and become an unrecognizable monster called No Face. The news of his grandma gave him a chance to stabilize his heart and mind and safely awakened his Extraordinary.

From then onward, he was destined to be Federation Agent.

This middle-aged Sir beside him was the lifesaver that came in a timely moment. His ability was Premonition and Precondition, a spy-related ability. As for thin Monkey being nimble and skillful with many weapons made him look up to the Monkey Hero in his past memories. They jokingly called his ability 'Monkey Incarnation', while the official name was Weapon Master.

"Remember. Don't be reckless!"

"Aye, Sir."


On the underground sewer below the inconspicuous road.

"Master Gamand, all personnel available. We could accept the order at any moment."

"What about those Rats?"

"The main headquarter of Rat God Cult on Earth already exposed after repeatedly doing a large scale ritual. They still believe the Rat God never truly dies. He just takes another form..."

"Let Intelligent personnel work up with their research about Nexus Institution. We need them in a few days."

Morgan bowed and leave the base.

Master Gamand took his special communication device. He needs to call someone he never dared to call. Sigh...

"Hehehe... How come you had time to call me so early this morning?" the voice come from another line sound a bit hoarse and deep.

He paused as if hesitate to tell him the matter. This is an important matter that involves Lord Saint and Oracle's direct order!



In the two-second he paused, Master Gamand could hear an eerie sound of a finger being snapped one by one.

He directly shouts at him. "Lord Saint has given the order. We would start the mission in..."


"Sis! wh, why did you come here? Why did you caress my head like that..." shout him attracting the nurse and doctor on duty.

Ren was confused when he found out that Anna caressing his head right after he opened his eyes.

He vaguely remembers that the one who caressed him was a Goddess-like figure, not to mention her long legs and that two busty and round things. He shook his head, what a blasphemous thought...

Ignoring his strange movement, she directly expressed her worries. "Why did you force yourself?"

"No, Sis Anna. I am never forcing myself. Um..." he thought for a moment and come up with a random excuse, "Right, I am just not used to such an intense workout. That is all..."



"Okay. I would believe your word this time. But, if I heard you end up like this again. I would... I would never forgive you."

She didn't know how to deal with this little brother.


After that, she harrumphs and left directly.

Her face feels hot again after coming out from the infirmary. It was such an embarrassing moment to be found out by him.

Uh... Foolish Al, Smelly Al, you needn't shout me out like that...

Inside infirmary.

Why did you suddenly run away like that? Isn't this feels awkward for me...

He realize the nurse and doctor were there watching him with relish giggles.

Ah? Is she ashamed? Haha... Impossible, such a valiant Battle Maiden would be embarrassed. I rather believe that Sun would rise from the west tomorrow.
