Chapter 11: Date II [5]

Rei left the room exactly five minutes after the said 'interview'. To say that it is 'effective' at first glance was low, but he knows that it did happen. No, he wouldn't lie that it wasn't effective at all.

Denying it would only make him look like a clown.

"Make me very happy, huh..." Rei then stared up at the ceiling as he felt his face heat up, albeit only for a few seconds. "That's kind of unfair of you...the man should be the one who usually says that"

He voiced out to nobody in particular.

Rei and Tohka chatted for a while within that given five minutes. They chatted about things—fun things to be exact. Anyways, he could honestly say that he learned a little more about Tohka after that interview.

He never bothered to ask her those things to be honest, and what he means by this is like asking her directly about it. He did however ask her 'indirectly'.

Furthermore, he was truly impressed by the 'simple' results that this little interview showed him. Rei took note for himself to thank later.

Going back to the point, he was currently walking through this pristine white corridor for a while now. It made him wonder where this place was, but setting that aside, his eyes soon landed over a singular door only a few steps away from him.

Humming to himself, Rei then nodded.

" the next room"

As his hands made contact with the door, it then easily opened. It seems that the door wasn't even closed properly at all, which he didn't mind, to be honest.

Besides, considering who the occupant is, something like this wasn't really surprising.

"Bastard? Do you have any business with me?"

"I do, and you know that as well," Rei bluntly answered back as he waved a hand. "Let's not beat around the bush. I know that you don't like wasting time, do you?"


"Haven't you been briefed enough?"

"You expect me to listen to humans as if they were commanding me?" She raised a brow. "They should be thankful I haven't blown them up to smithereens"

"You're harsh, you know that?" Rei said which only received a glare from the Spirit. "I'm sure that their intentions aren't even malicious or harming for the likes of you"




[Q1: Could you introduce yourself?]

"Why do I have to introduce myself to you again, you bastard?" Tenka snarled quite confused about his question.

Rei already expected such a question.

Clearing up his throat, he then spoke.

"Well, this is an interview. You can just answer the question and be done with it you know?"

Tenka rolled her eyes as she huffed, "In that case, why don't you introduce yourself first?"

Rei nodded and did what she said.

"Rei Ainsworth, nice to meet you"

"I see"

That was her answer. That's it. After that exchange, silence ensued in the room with Rei still waiting for the other occupant of this room to reply.

But alas, no answer came.



After a minute exactly, Rei decided not to continue this pointless staring contest any further side. With a wry smile on his face, he then inquired.


Rei asked as he scratched his head, still waiting for her to say something. But to no avail, she just incredulously looked at him as if he was the one with the problem.

'Well, sure this is... awkward? No, tense?' he surmised in his mind.


"Um, can't you introduce yourself? Uh, properly?"


She still didn't budge, still looking at him saying 'stupid insect?'. Okay, he was by no means liking it to clarify, but still, he can't probably strongarm the girl now with such a petty reason, could he?

....well, he could, but that was not an option to consider in situations like these. In fact, if there is something that he could do....

"Ah, I see!" was to use 'words' to force her.

"You're probably just too shy right!" He exaggeratedly spoke as if he had been someone who won a lottery. "That's right. Now now, it was another shock honestly. To think the stoic, cold, and pretty lady like you would be so afrai—"

"...Yatogami Tenka," She gave up and sighed. Tenka knows that he probably would continue this if she doesn't stop him. "And don't mistake me for being shy, not afraid, bastard. You and I know that there is no merit in entertaining you by answering these trivial questions that you have in hand"

Those words were laced with clear irritation for him to hear, her eyes staring at him with clear dissatisfaction. Rei couldn't help but feel pained even for a little bit at that.

Because Tenka has a point.

If 'merits' were to be considered here, he could probably come up with something or just say that it will benefit their so-called 'relationship', but he knows she would just definitely shrug and mockingly laugh it off, or be angered and snarl at him with his claim.

Should Rei just give up?

If he did, everything would just end like that. But what was the point of this interview thing if he won't continue it here? So no, he understands what she is exactly saying here but he will still continue this til the end.

After all, wouldn't it be unfair if he 'technically' gives up on Tenka while he didn't on Tohka? In the end, Tohka and Tenka were both just one single entity that have been split in two in unknown circumstances.

"...I really understand what you are pointing out. There is no 'significant' merit for us to exactly continue these questions if you will be unhappy with it..." Rei then paused for a second as he continued. "...but won't it be unfair for me to give up on you here even though I didn't on Tohka, right?"



Tenka who was earlier staring at him in dissatisfaction now looked at him with a...'complicated' one. He couldn't exactly determine what is going on inside her head. But if there is anything he is sure off, his words might've affected her.

Tenka then closed her eyes and sighed. She still gave him the complicated stare, but he noticed that it has softened, even just for a little bit.

"....hmph. Alright, bastard, I'll play this game of yours until I'm bored," she said before crossing her legs. "That's why be sure to entertain me, is it clear?"


[Q2: ...what do you like?]

"Tuna and mayonnaise onigiri"

Tenka's answer came out as easily as she breathed.

"Tuna...and mayonnaise onigiri?" Rei repeated to himself in particular. "How unusual, however..."

' huh? If I remember correctly—'

Soon his thoughts were cut short as he soon turned his attention to Tenka who then opened her lips and spoke.

"You don't know about them? How pitiful," she grumbled as she leaned more on the couch she was sitting on. "Hmph. Stupid bastard"

It was comfortable, that she would admit, resting on this couch that is. Tenka wondered if there is anything more comfortable to sit on other than this...but that wasn't the focus of this conversation isn't it?

To be honest, the bastard before her should just get over this swiftly. He should proceed to ask her the next questions and finish this 'interview'.

If he doesn't know, then he should just tell her that he doesn't know about what she is talking about and be done with it. Tenka would be the type of person that prefers somebody direct.

Excuses are for those who made mistakes, or for most, those who are afraid to admit their mistakes. That's why if this bastard before her does so, she would be disappointed, very disappointed to be exact.

However, contrary to her worst expectations, it seems that the bastard's answer was the opposite.

"No, I do know them since that is one of the dishes that I served you that time you woke up," Rei spoke up relaying his previously cut thoughts in words.

She blinked in surprise, still digesting the unexpected response from the bastard.

"Ho? So you remembered huh..."

"I do," He replied. "Speaking of food. Want me to whip that up alongside dinner later at home?"

"Hmph..." Tenka then nodded slowly. "I won't mind"

In response Rei smiled, almost looking smug. The reason is that it seems that Tenka could be also...pacified with food just as he had expected.

As if sensing this, Tenka's brow twitched.

"I'm sure you won't," Rei said as he instinctively dodged an incoming pillow thrown by Tenka out from her couch.


[Q3: What do you not like?]

"Kinako bread"

Just like before, she answered instantly as usual. However, her choice of 'what do you not like' was something that he didn't expect.

"Now this is genuinely surprising," he said with shock evident from his expression.

Though he already had silent wonders as to why Kinako Bread wasn't mentioned to the one 'she likes', he didn't expect her to dislike it.

This one example showed the borders of differences between Tohka and Tenka as individuals. They practically came and split from one body, yet they have their differences from each other.

Looking at his change of expression, Tenka shrugged her shoulders as she sighed.

"That sort of childish food is not even worthy of being mentioned. Its fried and sweet surface, its spongy mass, all of it gently covered in kinako flavor..."

"...Kinako flavor?" he asked not getting what Kinako flavor means.

Hm. Perhaps he knows if he were to look it up right now...but he doesn't have the liberty to do that currently.

'And anyways, Kinako the flavor of Kinako bread... and... that's it...' Rei pondered as his eyes slightly narrowed with such shallow thoughts.

It's like when someone is asking you why an apple tastes like an apple, or why most grasses are color green, or why 1 + 1 is equal to 2...

Sometimes, the most simplest and ordinary things that we often see with our eyes are the hardest things to explain.

"Yes, Kinako flavor"

Tenka answered with the flattest stare she ever gave him for the time Rei had known her.

"Still, to think that you and Tohka would differ their likes this much," Rei commented as he pondered. "This is certainly new..."

He already had suspicions, especially when Tenka didn't say that she liked Kinako bread. But not to the point where she would say that she doesn't like it though.

"Hmph. What did you expect? That we would always have similar preferences?"

Rei wants to give a big no right now, but he decided not to. If anything, answering that question of hers would only lead her to think that it was a provocation or something.

Just maybe. Well, he couldn't afford to make simple mistakes here just to sour the mood, would he?

That's why he chose the safe route—or so he calls it....

"Let's just move to the next one, shall we?"

....which is definitely simpler yet effective than anybody would've expected.


[Q4: What kind of man do you like?]


Upon hearing the question, Tenka's demeanor suddenly turned serious much to Rei's surprise.

He didn't expect her to think much about this question. He even thought that she would laugh it off and just tell a brief answer and be done with it.

That's why he waited, quite interested in what answer she would give.

"Ah. The kind that is comfortable to sit on"

As if time stilled, Rei stared at her for a very long time before voicing his words.


A single word, laced with such complicated emotions as a company.

"You heard me. The kind that is comfortable to sit on," She repeated. Showing a toothy grin, a bordering one to sadistic if you were to ask him.

"I see..."

Those were the only words Rei said in response. A dry response to say.

He knows everybody has their own quirks and such, and both Tohka and Tenka share one like being straightforward most of the time.

Especially when it comes to their likes and dislikes. Tohka and Tenka are swift to decide it.

"That's why..." Tenka pointed her finger in Rei's direction, anticipation laced in her tone. "Kneel for me, bastard"

What she received however was a deadpanned expression exactly saying 'Are you stupid or what?' from the said bastard.


"I said kneel! If anything, other than these couches in the room, the only man present in this room to prove if what I said is correct!" She exclaimed with a glint of excitement forming in her eyes.

It was then, a strange atmosphere enveloped the room.

Normally, one would've bowed down under the pressure she was emitting right now. It wasn't a hostile one, but one that induces the feeling of being dominated and such.

But for Rei? Well...

"Uh, no?"

...he won't. His pride as a man won't. As if he is a YES-MAN to everything somebody says, especially when a girl does. He knows when and how to say no, and he would not just bend easily like that.

"What...? You dare defy me?"

As if somebody poured a bucket of water on the fire of excitement that she was just having ago, her mood suddenly shrunk.

"Yeah," he said with no ounce of hesitation. "What do some say again... ah, only one should kneel before the strong. Or something like that, and we know who is the on top here, Tenka"


"We both know that you have this... strange constitution on you that neither you nor me, nor anybody, would've thought you would," Rei pointed out getting a flinch from Tenka. "One that deprives you of what Spirits usually would have. That is the disappearance of the supply of Reiryoku being automatically produced inside a Spirit's body"

What supplies Reiryoku exactly? It's their Spirit Crystal—or rather, a Spirit's Sephira or Qlipha Crystal.

Yet in Tenka's didn't even seem that she has one at all if you just normally think about the cut of her body's reiryoku regeneration. But that definitely wasn't the case as far as he could remember because a Sephira or a Qlipha Crystal is a vital thing needed for a Spirit to exist.

...or is that definitely the case at all?

"You want to try fighting me now? Bastard? I'm sure I could take you on right at this moment," She said, clenching her fists, a wave of Reiryoku emanating from her body as if she was ready to summon her armaments.

In the end, he just noticed how stupid and insensitive the words he muttered were. He then sighed, raised his hands in surrender, and spoke.

"...Okay, I might've sounded like a jerk there, I apologize," He scratched his cheek with an apologetic smile on his face. "But the fact still stands that I won't kneel and be your chair, that's why I have another suggestion. So hear me out, okay?"

That seemingly calmed her for a bit and was interested as to what he would say next. However, that didn't exactly remove her hostile aura nonetheless.


"Yeah. I know a way that would fulfill what we want without much complications from both sides"


As soon as her approval was said. Rei calmly explained the way for both of them to have a win-win situation in this matter. Tenka frowned at the suggestion but accepted it because she will still get what she wanted without any problems.

"That's it? And then I go here... hm? Ho?"

"So? How is it?"

Tenka's expression right now shows that of wonder and excitement. It's as if like a kid being given a new toy.

"Interesting, even if this is different from what I had expected, but it's still satisfying nonetheless," She stated honestly feeling good about her place right now.

"Not to break your fun, but I'm sure we're done, right? Can you get off right now?"

"Shut up. I'll be the one to decide that"

If there's anything that Rei learned during these few exchanges. Mood swings of girls—or Spirits' to be exact are unpredictable... that's it.


[Q5: How would you confess to the man you like?]

Tenka then spread her arms and declared, "Rejoice, for I will rule over you"

"Ah. Typical of you," Rei chuckled already expecting an answer like that from Tenka. However, that statement didn't simply end there. "Tenka, can I ask a question?"

"You may"

"Why are you still sitting on my lap?"

"Shut up"

Yes, the thing is that the Inverse Spirit, CODENAME , the supposedly another persona of CODENAME in her inverse form, was enjoying herself right now while sitting on his lap.

It was outrageously surprising if anybody knows what Tenka normally was.

'I'm like a glorified special chair here or something?' Rei thought before shoving such a thing out of his head.

"Not that it's uncomfortable if somebody were to have such a pretty lady like you get a feel on her plump...assets from below on top of their laps, I swear they would've been thanking some kind of god for the blessings they have right now"

Rei reasoned. But alas, such a thing was shrugged off by Tenka as she leaned a little more on him. His compliments aside, she was genuinely entertained about why is he feeling troubled with this.

"But it's comfortable here, so why should I?"

" are enjoying this aren't you?"

"Hmph. I do! Seeing you beneath me unexpectedly brings me comfort"

"Uh? So you like sitting on my lap, that's it?"

"I do. Is there a problem?"


[Q6: Any last words to close the interview?]

"I'm hungry. Make me something to eat. Specifically, tuna and mayonnaise onigiri," Tenka demanded.

"Ah. That's a great idea but I can't do that considering the position I'm in right now," Rei stated as a matter of fact. "Can you please then get off me first?" Rei pleaded with a blank expression.

"Don't talk back-!?"

"Then how would I be able to do the cooking-! Eh?"

Rei dodged easily as he then moved his body swiftly then caught her hands. Doing so made Tenka fall out of balance in his lap. She then swiftly removed her hands out from Rei's grip and the two stared at each other right afterward.

However, that exchange didn't end there, with several things happening here and there in the next seconds, they both found their bodies switched in an unusual position—or so he wants to say but it didn't change that much. Rei was the one down laying on the couch with Tenka still sitting on top of him.

But this was the practical one, where this position would've been misunderstood by many people if they were to see the two.

"Hah.... hah....That's the sixth. You are done with these so-called questions of yours, right?" she panted as she asked.

"....I am finished. Now can you please get off me?"

"...I'll consider it"

Her reply was anything but assuring.

"I didn't expect this side of you, really," Rei stated staring amusedly at her.

Tenka shrugged, stabling her breathing back to normal as she replied.

"I'm not that predictable for you to be able to know every move I'll do"

"Can't deny that honestly," Rei commented nonchalantly. "Unless I'm some omniscient being or an all-knowing god or something"

"The world would be doomed if a bastard like you were to handle it"

"That's harsh..."

"I'm spitting facts here, bastard"

"Urk... Setting those matters aside. When are you planning to get off on top of me?"

"Does it bother you that much?" She questioned, slightly tilting her head. "Observing you so far, I believe this is nothing that you would even care for"

"I do care..."

"Is that so?"

"Yes. So, your answer?"

"....hmph. Let me stay like this for a few minutes more..." she grumbled but answered his question from before. "...ah, this is really—hm?"

"What's wrong?"

"Bastard, what is this thing poking beneath me? Hm?" Tenka questioned, interested about what the thing poking her specific regions that are.

As soon as he heard those words, Rei didn't take more than a few seconds to get her off him and prevent any unnecessary things from happening after that.








[A/N: Um, yeah? It's been a few weeks guys. I'm still alive and kicking.

So let me confirm some but almost the same curious questions out there; I am not dropping this, just irregular updates like these would occur from now on.

So, the exact time range on how long this would be? It would be extended up to early December, cuz IRL important stuff won't practically leave me alone for the following months.

Anyways, I think this is it, for now, I guess? See you guys in the next chapters, if this story is still in our libraries that is xD!]