Entry 15: Villains

i just watched this movie and it blew my mind away

if i were to describe my voice right now (or the one that i think in, in my mind) would be really excited… and maybe jumping excitedly (which i did right after the movie also) (i describe this because i don't know how to express what i experienced)

i realize now that i might not make sense to you or even myself in the future because i coming of the high of excitedness of the movie- but damn bro… it was amazing

to explain this, i had this ideal villain i wanted to be (probably not by choice but if i had to be a villain-) it was the type of villain that would be the most innocent person by the main characters side… well not the most innocent because if one was trying to find the villain in a story they would be a little sus in little sprinkles here and there. though honestly i probably wouldn't have the leadership and brutality to be the main villain, i would probably be the right hand man or something.

if i had to find a simile in it.

you know captain kid and other famous pirates? you know there names and brutality because they were caught. the true pirates are the ones that got away! that's the type a villain i would be -or at least in simile

but back to the beginning and to why i explain my ideal villain, is because in the movie i saw it. my ideal villain that i would love to see in a story.

the character was shown in the beginning- not like one that the MC would talk to but is there in the background. and later at the end when the villain's face was revealed it was like **BoOoOoM** there he was- he's actually the villain- type of jaw drop (it was absolutely perfect) (my new favorite movie- though it was really sad when the son died ;m;) (i was actually sus of the main villain in the beginning because i thought he was a side villain but i was close!)

the movie was Kingmans 3 (i think… let me check…) actually called "The King's Man". it showed the beginning the organization of what lead to the first movie. and though it might be a little gory because the timeline was held in WWI, it was really good- and funny! (i just remembered the fight with the monk- if you know the reference) (me and one of my family members laughed threw the whole fighting scene till the MC got literally stabbed… i was like "hahhaha— *shocked face* ohhh… ummm") (i also realize me and my family member have kinda dark humor which i kinda started realizing threw comments over the past few weeks…)

enough about me- the movie was really good i suggest you watch if you like action movies! but anyways have a good day/night and hope you also find your ideal villain in a story because when i saw mine it was super f'en cool

bye *waves hands excitedly though less excitedly than the beginning because now i'm sober after the high of adrenaline and excitement-* byee!

(PS i'm not actually high, just coming off the adrenaline from watching the movie maybe half an hour ago? an hour? idk)

edit: this might be the last in a while because i leaving for the trip i mentioned earlier in the entries in a week, which i don't think i mentioned- the trip is 2 weeks long? oh well