Entry 14: Tennis

It's when you don't know which chapter, or in this case entry, you are on is when you know you either don't pay attention or have forgotten about it. in this case it's the latter.

soooo i'm going to write about what just popped in my head a second ago. tennis.

this week i was kinda forced to play tennis (well not really, i just went along with it…) for 4 days by my sibling. and with it being summer it was very hot…

after the very first day my right shoulder started hurting because of my forehands. side note: i hadn't played tennis for like a year. but by the end of the 4 days it stopped hurting. (i thought it was going to be more sore but i think i just worked through it) (and as you can tell i don't do sports… let alone touch grass because i'm webnovel writer duh)

now that i think about it, what i'm writing right now is somewhat of a summary of what i did this week… oh well

today i started reading a manga i got for christmas called "The Prince of Tennis" that i finally started reading. which i read to the like 20th or 30th volume at a library of few years ago.(before covid) i would say it's pretty interesting but it kinda follows a very predictable story line, though i haven't read it all yet so i can't say. or maybe it's because i already read it… idk

but anyway i have to go because my friend locked their keys in their car and i need to bring their extra keys… *sigh* this is my life… would go on a rant but not today

have a good day/night! and if you're inside right now go outside and touch grass! it's healthy! oh and a tip if you will, try to find something you like doing outside or at least active! for me its tennis and rollerblading. it's actually really refreshing but anyways bye!