
'Now you have done'. I pushed my tongue further in her mouth, completely showing the dominance even I had to pretend newbie in kissing.

The chocolate disappeared in an instant due to the hotness , it suffered from.

My hand approached her face, and other one on her back , which was bent a little as I was sitting on the couch .

I pulled her , breaking our kiss a little , and before mom could expose her displeased face , I placed her on my lap and connected our lips again.

Her kiss was passionate like she didn't wanted to get away for a second, neither I wanted to get away from her .

My right hand was on her neck and other was roaming on her back.

"Mom , let's go the bedroom, I can't control myself anymore". After breaking our hot kiss , I spoke raggly.

She just nodded with her eyes squinted with her hot gaze , telling me that our thoughts were mutual.

I picked her up with my left hand on her round buttocks and one on her back. She crossed her legs tightly behind my back, as we proceeded toward our love nest, while kissing on the way .

The lights of the bedroom, always stayed dimmed, so I didn't bothered with it and stayed fouced on the lady infront of my eyes, ready to be eaten.

I dropped her gently on the bed ,and tugged some strands of hair behind her ear before taking my shirt off in a rush.

She was panting lightly with her plump chest going up and down. I made my moves fast enough to not let her notice, that when she lost her shirt, as my kisses worked as distraction. I was not ready for a single interruption .

The colour I love the most, coincidentally was in front of me , making me excited to whole another level.

Her black bra , was exposing a lot of cleavage, with her small mole attracting my direction toward them even more. I gave a quick lick on the deepest part of her cleavage .


Her seductive moan was just adding flare to a already raging fire .

After taking her bra off skillfully, first I enjoyed the beautiful scenary infront of me.

D- cup size boobs, with pink areolae like they are totally untouched, with perked nipples which were a little dry due to the weather. But all in all it was totally quite a scene to behold. I didn't wasted time and while closing my face toward the heaven, I spoke in a low tone.

"You are beautiful Sasha". I saw her eyes going bigger, but my lips already made it way toward the valleys of happiness and I started licking her breast gently.

"Ahhn~" her legs clamped between my thighs as I was on top of her.

I licked her boobs all over the place while giving special attention to the mole for no reason.

I placed my tongue on her arolea and started circling around it , giving her jolts time to time with my other hands playing and kneading her left boob and pinching her nipple gently.

I started sucking her nipples rashly and sucked it hard to mark a round red ring behind.

"Aaah" a louder moan left her mouth with her eyes growing wide and a feminine smell surrounding the room.

"Now you are mine". I declared and before waiting for her response, I started my tongue job on her another breast too.

Her panting was rough after cumming for the first time but I was no mood to stop there.

I took my kneading hand toward her belly, travelling all the way toward the source of all the sweet smell I was recieving.

She was wearing jeans so it took me time to unbutton her. But soon enough , my hand got tugged inside the warm cave .

The heat I recieved just after placing my hand inside her jeans, was almost comparable to the fireballs.

Slowly, I slid my hand inside her wet panties when the jolt of hers become more vigorous.

"Ah.. ba.. baby wai" her voice broke down when I finally reached my destination, which was soaked with her juices.

"Mama, can you tell me what is this?" I acted innocent after taking out my fingers dripping with her sweet nectar.

"Mo... baby don't tease mama." She turned her face with her face getting redder than it already was.

I licked my finger , making her embarrassed more.

"Noooo don' lick that". She swayed her hands with her face redenning to no end.

"Sasha I am going to eat you so it's better you don't concern yourself with these things now, when we have came this far".I said with a smirk and adjusted our position, with my face descending toward her pussy.

" Eh? No baby.. don't aahn~". I gave her a quick lick near her pelvice region which was void of any hair.

I took off her jeans in an instant and dug my face on the pink flesh. Her labia was not so thick but it didn't stopped the excitement at all. I brought my left hand near her clitoris and started playing with it , with my tongue exploring the honey cave which was drenched in sweetness.

"Ahm~ baby not there aah baby yessshh ~" her voice never stopped nor my mouth.

I sucked her labia and inserted my tongue inside her pussy and started moving it , with my hands pinching and rubbing her clitoris more roughly.

After some second , the jolts became uncontrollable as screamed loud.

"BABBBBYYY I CUMMMINGGG..."she clutched the bedsheet tightly with her left hand pushing my face even further in pussy.

Her toes got curled in ball , when I recieved another fare share of juices directly on my face.

She squirted a lot , I mean a lot .

I drank a little and continued licking her until she emptied all her juices on me and sprayed some on the bedsheet.

"How was it mom?" I asked after wiping my face with my shirt .

She was panting like she had climbed a mountain at once.

"B.. ba.. it wa... good".her voice broke down at the end , with her eyes squinted.

I let her rest for a minute before continuing the thrill but a sudden call interrupted my train of thoughts.

"It's from Principal". I showed her the phone as she just waved her hand , gesturing me to decline the call.

I cut off the call and switched her phone off but before I could have climbed the bed again , doorbell rang.



"Man.. who the fuck is it right now". I cursed in irritation before approaching the door.

I didn't had my shirt on, nor I cared about it , so I opened the door to flare on the person who interrupted my sweet romance .

"Ara~ you got nice muscles there. No first, please call Sasha right now. It's urgent". Ms. Fubuki was on the door who gawked at me before stating the urgency.

I saw the seriousness in her eyes , so I didn't vent my anger on her and after instructing her on the couch , I made my way back to the bedroom.


After a minute Subaru came back with a plain t shirt on his upper body.

"She is coming in 5 minutes. " He told Fubuki before sitting on the chair parallel to her.

"So is it something related to dungeon?" Subaru asked as he knew , Fubuki worked as an observer for the Japanese government even she had retired from hunter's job.

"Yes it is ." She nodded before taking out her phone to check something on it.

Subaru stood up again to check on Sasha , but before he could move , he saw Sahsa walking toward them with slow steps. She had a one piece dress on her and her face was a little red from the extreme pleasure she recieved some minutes ago.

"It's better be urgent or you will regret it for your whole life Fubuki". Sasha declared a lethal warning as soon she entered the living room.

"I won't have came to your house especially today if it wasn't for this".Fubuki showed her phone to Shasa.

Fubuki knew about how Sahsa felt about Subaru as Fubuki was the closest friend of Sasha, so she never would have disturbed her if it wasn't for the things she was showing Sasha right now.

"How many got sucked again?" Sahsa frowned.

"No one actually?" Fubuki tapped on her screen, which made Shasha more tensed.

"How is it possible?"

"What happened mom?" Subaru asked as he grew real anxious to see his mom worried to this extent after a long time.

"Dimensional rift". Now Subaru frowned a little as he knew what it was.

When two dungeons suddenly appears in close proximity , a small slash in air appears , which sucks everyone and everything which approached it within a definite radius. It already had sucked hundreds of hunters until now from different part of the world.

Some went inside willingly for exploration, some were sucked unwillingly . After not recieving any information from the hunter which were sucked inside, all the government and guilds from all over the world , directed the hunters and civilians to stay away from the dimensionsal gap until it gets wrapped up which can only happen after clearing the dungeons which caused it to appear.

"So what's new this time?" Subaru asked as dimensional rifts were not common but they were not so unique too.

"This time it didn't sucked anyone but threw two monster out which has killed 74 hunters until now".