Date ~ 1!

After deciding the location for our 'meeting', I read the theory for another hour before getting out of the library. I checked on mom , ate something and took a shower. Since I knew it's not appropriate to meet a girl especially when she have feelings for you, in tracksuit, I decided to make some extra effort today and wear casual clothes.

She asked to randezvous as soon as possible , so we decided to meet at 10 a.m at the central park located in the Shibuya region, once one of the busiest area, now void of most population .People barely came out of their house until it's not necessary especially now a days, as the news about the knights and monsters unpredictably crossing the gates , had spreaded among the whole world like wildfire.

The shopping districts were long off closed as well as almost every public places . Yet some of the entertainment sites like the Disney land , or the High end Revolving chain reaturant were still running as the hunters and their relatives had the guts to take the risk and enjoy themselves , even the consequences could led them to their end.

In my last life , there were various time when I went on date to those kinds of entertainment focused places and time after time I started kinda enjoying it, but all those time, I was sure about one thing.

I was just forcing my liking according to the girls I liked or wanted to like, in order to make them happy and satisfied with me . Its really a true statement, that insecurity is the nth personality of every man.

However there was only one person who saw through my facade and always asked me what, I liked. And that made me felt like complete for the first time. Not just I was making efforts but the other side was also doing their best inorder to accomplish a proper relation.

' Unintentionally or intentionally , I always end up thinking about you'.


I changed into total black outfit and after checking on mom , I left the house. I had various kinds of cameras and detection devices planted in that room which would alert me anytime if any kind of movement happened during my absence, so I was only half worried about her whenever I left her alone. The other part of worrieness won't subdue until she opens her beautiful eyes again.


I took mom's car instead of using magic as I liked to drive every now and then . About police catching me, then no local police was stationed anywhere in the Japan . Only hunters and the association were the supreme ruler here, and minding for small cases like underage driving or drugs were something they didn't considered worth of their time , well especially in past few years.

Driving McLaren 650s , in a complete empty road was a little thrilling , which allowed me to speed upto 180 km/h easily without worrying about accident. Well even a hunter suddenly jumped infront , then i was sure the car would recieve more damage, unless the hunter would be weak AF or maybe a certain Subaru other than me.

I reached the central park nearly at 9.50 as I knew it would be rude to arrive late when meeting a girl, but to my surprise or what I would had said if I didn't knew her personality, she was already waiting at the gate .

There were some people , majorly couple around, like I usually had saw in previous life at the place like these , except the fact that one of the either or even both person , were wearing hunter's uniform.

I parked my car and got out unhurriedly , and saw Ririka in a clear view for the first time.

She had her mask on but her clothes were unusually fancier today. Red leather jacket over black t- shirt with black tight fitted jeans and a pair of brown high heels boots which reached upto her claves.

In total she was looking ... good.

I walked toward her and saw people glancing at me like always , becuase of the Korean stand out look. I have already got used to getting stares but still it felt awkward.

I saw her fidgeting , standing still at the same place.


Ririka's POV:

'Oh my god.. oh my god... OH MY GOD. Did he planned to kill me on our first date. Why is he so handsome.... Ah.. black might become my favourite from now. His height also increased an inch, should I start drinking milk to become a perfect match. He has became somewhat leaner too, should I ask him about his food habits and health condition... No no he will think me as a weirdo. Haah... His icy look is still heart rippening as ever. ' These thoughts were going through my mind since the time I saw him today . He was walking toward me slowly while glancing at the surrounding every now and then. When i wandered my eyes, I finally realised why .

'These bitches are fed up with their lives. I will ask Nat for their information afterwards'.

Clutching my fist in rage, I didn't noticed when he arrived infron of me.

"I hope you didn't waited long." He said in a low tone after stooding infront of me.

After getting dazed due to his sudden close appearance, I somehow stammered some words.

"N-no, I a-arrived just some minutes ago." I lied as i came here more than an hour ago. I was so impatient and excited since a month that I end up coming earlier than we planned.

"Okay then, let's go inside ". He nodded and started walking toward the ticket counter.

Seeing the couple's around , i really felt my mask as a total mood spoiler but I couldn't help it . I am so much shy around others that i might end up blabber some nonsense infront of Su-Subaru.

'Kyaah! How can I say his name(without honorifics). Should I dodge it by calling him as darling or baby... No no .. that's totally not possible. He will think me as a clingy girl. ' While battling to myself, we walked inside .

We both were walking silently with a distance of some centimetres between us.

I really wanted to hug his arm like a real couple while walking , but even the thought of it made me feel dizzy.

'But I hugged him right. Then I should take the initiative. Will he think me as fast forwarded girl. Well i am not pushing him on the bed for xxx stuff but ... WHAT THE HECK AM I THINKING'.

"Ah Momo chan are you okay?"

"I am not easy girl but still wants to hold hand . " 'Yes that's what I am ... wait something was off.'



"Ehhhhhhh.. no no Subaru kun it's not.. actually I am total disaster inside my mind right now , because of the anxiety I am feeling being around you. I have been dreaming about this day since the time we promised, that I started making various delusions inside my mind , contradicting and fight myself to not being pushy and take it slow but in the end I am still a silly girl madly in love with you". I shouted the last part actually.


3rd Person POV:

Subaru and Ririka didn't covered much distance from the entrance , so the population around that area was more than any area of the park. Even those who were busy with their partners or were chatting busily , started staring at the couple of a tall handsom boy and platinum haired girl who had a weird mask on.

The people were already wer staring without showing any kind of reluctance. It was like a scene of a drama where , a man proposed a girl for marriage and people in the background were waiting patiently for the beautiful girl's reply.

Subaru was feeling awkward but he was feeling embarrased more, not because of people staring at them but because of Ririka's sudden confession.

Subaru grabbed her hand, pulling her out of the daze, before hurriedly leaving the site .

His grip was not rough and he didn't walked rashly , just some fast steps until they reached an area surrounded with garden of colourful flowers and canopy of trees. The scene would be so beautiful if the dark clouds above them wouldn't be there.

(The flora mutated as with the appearance of gates and mana , and now they require mana for their growth instead of sunlight.)

Subaru spotted a wooden trunk, especially crafted for the resting purpose and sat on it before placing Ririka beside him.

On the way to here, Ririka came back to her senses and realised what she did . She was ashamed to the point that she wanted to dug a hole and bury her face until she suffocates. Her face was crimson red and she was feeling really lucky that she was wearing a mask right now, but...

"Eh .. no". She stretched her arm toward the hand which pulled her mask . Subaru extended his arm in other direction so she couldn't reach there.

"So you are embarrased for what you said." Subaru chuckled as the pale face of her was looking like it will bleed any second now. She turned her body and after putting her legs onto the trunk, sinked her head behind her knees. Subaru felt that she was really cute right now.

"Hoh.. so you are regretting for what you said."

"No never . What I said was true". She moved her face instantly toward Subaru only to see him grinning.

"Mou.. you are really a tease." She murmured before hiding her face again.

"Ha... That girl is so cute. Should I ask her out?".

"Where?" Ririka glared toward the garden with killing intent erupting from her body instantly, only to see no one wherever she roamed her eyes at.

When she saw where Subaru was pointing , she saw his finger pointed toward herself.

Her face which had regained some whitness ,again returned to crimson red in a second.

"Hahah.. you are really funny". It was really a long time since he laughed like this.

He laughed and after consoling Ririka for some minutes they started walking again.

Suabru kept her mask inside his sweatshirt centre pocket before she could snatch it away.

"You are so beautiful so why do you hide your face?" Subaru asked even he somewhat knew the reason.

"Will you stop with your sudden attacks? Anyway I am really shy around people and there is that reason too". Her face showed sorrowness but soon she regained her composure.

Subaru didn't pressed the matter and continued walking.

"Momo chan , should we get something from there?" A sole icecream parlour which a hunter himself operated, came into their view.

Ririka nodded as they walked toward the parlour .

After they bought two crepes , they started walking again.

Ririka really wanted to share the crepes and feel that indirect kiss moment which she was embarrased to even think about it, but it was so unfortunate to her that Subaru picked the banana flavoured crêpe out of the seventeen options, and she was fucking allergic to it .

She could have taken risk of tolerating the side effects but wheneve she ate banana in the past , her body became really itchy all over the place. And itching like a monkey was the last thing Ririka wanted to do especially infront of the person she was with.

'Bye bye , my rom-com fantasy moment'. She cried the invisible tears while muching on her chocolate crêpe.

"Momo chan, can I ask you something?" Suabru asked after finishing the crêpe.

"Hmm?" Ririka paused her steps like Subaru did and locked her gaze on him.

"Why do you love me. I mean that day, I saved you on a whim and practically I would have saved anyone unless my life was not at stake . So was that enough to make you fall for me?" Subaru asked as he knew love at first sight was like spotting unicorn and he wasn't god like charmer that she fell head over heels for him out of nowhere.

Ririka hesitated a lot before answering .

"Subaru kun, can you promise me that if I tell you the truth you , won't hate me or leave me ?"

"Whatever the reason is , I promise you that I won't spearate you from myself". Subaru agreed as at this point he was sure that he also started to like her a little.

"A-actually I stalked you". The answer would had weirded out almost anyone but not Subaru who had faced the feeling of being stalked since so many years.

"Since I was not allowed to join any school because of my clan's rule, I had no option to join the same school as yours. And ,I was sure that your principal won't mend according to my request so I -"

She paused before dropping her gaze on the ground .

"..... I planted a spy in your class to know more about you".

" Can I know the name?" Subaru asked with a calm tone but he was little frustated.

"Rinka Otonari".