Date ~ 2!

Ririka's POV:

There were only two points in my life when I really wanted to stab my father to death. Those two times were extremely painful for me but eventually, I did what he wanted.

The first thing was the time when I had to spill the blood of someone, I truly admired and cared for. That was the darkest period of my life , which i still gets the nightmare about.

The second one, was when he forbid me from joining any other school according to the fucked up clan rules and study within the clan's perimeter, from the elders. At that time , I desperately wanted to behead him in an instant as this rule, inevitably seperated me from my soulmate.

But even I had killed him, it would have took time for me to become the next head of the clan and another half an year until I could possibly change that particular rule, however , after that I wasn't sure whether the clan council would allow me to join any school or not. I was binded with shackle which needed time, to be broken , and I wasn't much powerful to force my way through it.

Because of my powerlessness , I sorted a way to keep an eye for any unwanted stings around my prince and for that i assigned a maid of my clan in the same class in which he was . She gave me each details of Subaru kun through the help of my prince's best friend as his friend was in love with my maid . I was so much happy to know that he wasn't interested in any girl and always rejected proposal. More to it , he didn't even went on a date for once and always hanged out with his nerd friend. I made sure that his nerd friend was straight or not and thankfully he was , that's why I allowed him to cloud around my Subaru kun.

But something happened recently , and my maid started slightly ignoring her duty because of her growing feeling toward the nerd boy , so I was planning to fire her but...

"Let her stay as she is. And since I know who is your agent , it will also help me feel relaxed that i am not getting stalked my an unknown personality." Subaru kun asked me to let her stay , becuase of his friend.

"You are so kind Subaru kun". I said with a smile on my face.

Even he realised that I was stalking him, he didn't got angry or threw me away and accepted me as I was.

'I think god especially made him for me '. I giggled while thinking various things as we walked toward the end of the park.


Subaru and Ririka were walking aimlessly while chit chatting every now and then. Subaru had a habit to talk when it's only necessary and the excitement of Ririka never died down , making her words limited too. Whoever saw them only thought as a cute compatible couple who were at the starting phase of their relation becuase of the continuous shy gestures of the girl.

They started heading back toward the entrance , with distance between them still the same. Subaru didn't had much of a problem to hold hands with Ririka but the problem was , that he actually forgot to do so. Subaru doesn't shy away at all, if he want to do something he does, not caring much about consequences .

On the other hand Ririka was too ashamed to take the initiative.

"Can I ask you something , Momo?". Ririka was startled becuase of Subaru's sudden intimacy, but hummed soon after .

"What do you plan in the future. I mean you can't join junior high , so is there any specific ambition you have been obligated to?"

" No. I will be free after i turn 16 and after that i am going to join hunter's school. What about you ?". Ririka said in a confident tone , even she knew that the reason for her joining hunter's school was none other than the person she asked about it.

" Ah actually I am thinking to wait another year and apply as a hunter . Hunter's school won't benefit much to me". Subaru lied only to see a crumbled look of Ririka. And as he expected, her steps haulted with her smile breaking down.

" no you should join hunter's school. There are various thing you still don't know. And even after that you will miss the enjoyment of high school where you could find your true love(that's me) and make various friends. And you know that school will help you with your weapon mastery too. I mean yeah should totally join it." She completed her sentence, with a confident look on her face with hand crossed on her belly , totally like a sales person who was bragging like their soap company is best in da world.

Subaru chuckled and after pranking her for another minute , he finally told her the truth.

"Don't worry I will also join the hunter's academy. I hope we could be in same team". He said as in hunter's academy, students were grouped randomly and had to work as a team until they graduate and after that if they want then they can form a team and join raids together.

This helps students to gain knowledge about how to work with a team as raids couldn't be done alone . Subaru wasn't a person to work in a pack , so he wasn't sure how he would cope with many people.

They started walking again but this time they changed their route and took the path engraved on the grass.

Ririka had already planned everything for her date and instructed her bodyguard who were hiding in the shadows that even the clan lord starts counting his last breathes , she shouldn't be interrupted at all. Never in her wildest dream she imagined that the interruption would happen from the other end of the world and a gate would appear out of nowhere. The whole park was 25 km square ft in dimensions , with multiple blind spot , but to goodness gracious a huge blue- black clouded gate emerged in front of this two people , out of nowhere.

Subaru eyes narrowed in little excitement and Ririka's in frustration.

She was very well informed , how much of a hard core hunter Subaru was so she knew that her date was knocked off.

"Let's see what we have here". Subaru held her hand unconsciously and led her toward the portal.

Ririka who started steaming becuase of the sudden intimacy lost her chance to stop him however four big men in Black suit and dominating aura suddenly jumped in front of the gate while facing toward Subaru and Ririka.

It was obvious whose bodyguards they were.

Subaru smirked and still walked toward them with Ririka still in his hold.

"I am sorry Mr. Subaru but you are not allowed to proceed any further than this, with young lady by your side. We won't stop but only if you are alone . " The bodyguard which had spiky brown hairs spoke while releasing his mana to intimidate the person infront.

But the man was unlucky to face someone of this caliber. Subaru realeased some portion of his mana , completely surpressing the spiky's down , further scaring all the four until they started sweating .

Ririka had an angry expression with the way they interuppted Subaru, however she was completely oblivious with this intent fight between the men as she wasn't completely able to detect mana.

"You dare to insult him. " She stepped forward with icy look on her face which made the four men scared to death as they were very well knew about the twisted personality of Ririka.

Ririka didn't wanted to leave Subaru's hand at any cost , so she gave the work to someone else

"NAT.." She called someone in a loud tone, making the four drop on their knees, not because of fear but they didn't had life left in their body.

Their heads were cleanly seperated before they dropped flat on the ground however not a single stream blood spilled out .

Subaru was little shocked not because of how they got killed, as he already saw the airiel blade cutting their heads, but how cruel Ririka was . He would be lying if he said that he didn't cared whatever she did as Subaru also knew that humans lives were not something to play with.

But, he shrugged it off real soon as maybe he would also have killed them if the matter would had developed in that way.

He glanced at Ririka and saw her smiling toward him. He chuckled and when he was about to start walking again, his phone buzzed. He checked his phone and saw something unwanted pestering around his home.

'So you guys finally decided to show up huh.'

"Momo chan, I have to go"

" I am sorry for what tho-"

"No it's not about that. Something came up from my side and I have to attend it. "

" But I waited for the whole month -" her eyes started damping little by little as parting from Subaru was very painful for her to bear. She still was thinking that it all happened because what her guards did.

Subaru sighed and pulled her in his embrace , enveloping her small body tightly with his strong arms.

Her body was so slim and fragile that Subaru thought it might break if he were to use much force.

" I am sorry for today , but something important came up which needs my immediate attention and don't worry it's not a girl. " He sepeated himself from her and stared at her eyes which were slightly red at the corners , with her cheeks were matching them. He leaned forward and kissed her forehead before saying.

" Next time we will spend the whole day together I promise". He left her right there and using his hoverboard , dashed toward the entrance , to fetch his car.

Ririka dropped her knees on the ground while sobbing silently but she was a little happy that Subaru actually had concern for her feelings . He could have left her without pampering her or promising her to meet again if he was angry about the thing happened.

"Next time I won't let anyone to come between us".


Back in the apartment , two men in high quality suits were ringing the doorbell continuously from some minutes. After getting irritated they thought to break in but..

"What the heck is this. My attacks won't even land on this gate and it even gives a fucking backlash too". One of them was jerking his hand in pain as he tried to punch the gate , to break in however the gate didn't bursted and a sensation similar to his punch bakcfired with equal force making his hand tremble in pain. Both person were A rank hunters so breaking a door was nothing for them , however the barrier which Subaru had chanted around his house was something they weren't capable of breaking.

After trying different methods for another 10 minutes, they thought to report the matter to the association but a voice interrupted them.

"What do think you are doing ?" A bone chilling voice rang in their ears , completely freezing their bodies at their spot.

A young man with blue ice cold eyes, was walking toward them with a frown on his face , showing how much he was angry right now.