
(A/N: I know I didnt have to introduce two female leads until now and tbh I am also feeling bad about it. But if I force their entrance in the story then the whole length of the novel will be decreased by a lot and I dont think you guys will like it. So be patient for now and dont worry I will give proper word counts to Zero two;)


'Mm..where I was? Yeah, I danced with Subaru kun and after that....'. My eyes got shot open when I remembered what happened after he pulled me in an embrace.

The new wooden ceiling which I was still unused to came into my view as I relaxed my eyes and focused where I was lying. Before I could move, I felt warmth on my neck and perceived the thing on which my head was, not a pillow but a human arm.

My body froze as I finally understood my position. I was lying beside Subaru kun whose one hand was under my head and another one was holding my bare stomach. I was wearing a t-shirt but because of his hand, it was retracted up to my chest.

Very cautiously I turned my body to his side, so I don't wake him up. And I succeeded as I saw him still sleeping soundly while embracing me.

Our face was some inches apart with our breathes colliding.

'Wait..wait...WAITTTT'. I tilted my head a little and saw his upper body which was only visible to me, was bare naked.

Since a thin blanket was covering our bodies I only saw his upper chest which was broad and masculine making my face grow hot.

His serious and cold face was nowhere to be seen and, only a calm Subaru was in front of me right now.

At the moment, I could pay millions to anyone who let me take his picture but this bullshit school doesn't allow digital techs inside the perimeter.

My internal conflicts were broken when I saw his stone blue eyes looking at me. My body got tensed and I didnt got have the time to act like I was sleeping.

"Morning." He decreased our distance and gave a kiss on my forehead before he stood up. Feeling the absence of warmth made me gloomy but I shook my head and also sat on the bed.

"Subaru kun..did w-we do i-it last night?" I somehow shuddered the words as looking at our condition this was the first thing that came into my mind.

"You mean sex? No, you just fainted after I confessed". I immediately blushed at how casually he said that word and even looked cool while he said it.

" Wait I fainted then my clothes?" I checked myself and I realized that I didn't have my one-piece dress but a hot pant and a plain t-shirt. However, the most striking things were...

'I am not wearing underwear'.

"Don't worry I changed your clothes and since I felt it could be uncomfortable sleeping with undergarments, I took them off". He said while wearing his white shirt which was thrown on the ground before.

" Ehhhhh..." A weird sound left my mouth as I finally understood the whole situation.

"Oh yeah, I did all this while my eyes were tightly closed so you can be reassured. Well, I would be lying if I say, I didnt peeked once or twice. I am a boy after all". He smiled teasingly making me blush to no end.

I hid my face behind the blanket with my eyes glaring at him.

" You have a really pretty mole under y-".

"Don't say it". I almost yelled at him and hid my whole face behind the blanket.

I didn't hear any sound from him, nor even him walking out which made me a little tense. I immediately started to regret yelling at him before I threw the blanket to go after him, only to find his face in front of my eyes.

He was leaning on the bed with his right leg resting on the bed, supporting his body.

Our face was again nearby making me nervous. I saw his grin that made me relaxed that I didnt offend him.

" You are mine Ririka, so whether it is your body or soul it all belongs to me. Well, I admit it was rude to sneak on you when you were unconscious, but I dont regret it as your beautiful body was worth committing the sin". He patted me before disappearing from my sight.

I felt dizzy due to the sudden attacks but soon my eyes went wide open when I realized.

'Did he just use teleportation?'


Every first-year student was gathered on the plain ground nearly at 8 in the morning. These students were those who chose weaponry and hand combats as their primary subjects. Subaru was also one of them. He took magic as a secondary option without hesitation as he already decided this a while ago.

Aside from him, there were 32 more students, of which Subaru knew only three.

Kyojuro was standing tall and strong at the front with a beaming smile on his face. Yuno and Ririka were standing side by side in the second row. And Subaru was lazily standing in the last and 5th row.

Since every first-year passed the ceremony test, a total of 30 individual points was bestowed on everyone unbiasedly.

Of course, some protested against this and asked to at least increase Subaru's points as this was a fact that without him no one would have gained a single point. But the instructors didn't give a single shit about students' perceptions.

Subaru didn't care about it as he came here only to learn not to become a student of the year or something.

Back in the ground, a tall man of height 6'7, with a big scar under his left eye and sturdy build was facing the students with a beaming smile on his face, just like Kyojuro.

"You already know the rules so I won't go and bore you all. What we came for, will only be focused here. And that is weapons".

He snapped his finger and the ground beside him suddenly got dug and a metal board with a variety of weapons hanging on it appeared before everyone's eyes. There were various kinds of weapons in a plural quantity ranging from small Jambiya to long Javeline.

Subaru eyed every weapon and found that they weren't emitting any mana and apart from their foreign material, Subaru already had tried each of them in the past.

" Listen carefully. The weapon you will choose today will stay with you until the day you graduate. So choose wisely what you are capable of. Going after fancy weapons might become a reason for your biggest regrets so think wisely before you put your hand on one of them." The teacher didn't change his expression and told them in one go.

"HAI". Everyone shouted in unison.

Subaru was now conflicted inside his head before he looked again toward the weapons to finalize what he could handle the best.

" Now proceed one after another. Youth, you come first". He pointed at the boy who was standing on the leftmost corner of the first row.

The boy took a spear without hesitation. As soon the boy touched the staff, a runic sign formed on the spear blade as well on the boy's whole arm.

Since everyone was given a martial art uniform that didnt have sleeves, everyone was able to see his whole arm getting runic.

"Good now your partner is decided. " The teacher spoke in the same enthusiastic and loud tone even the boy was standing some feet apart from him.

Slowly everyone started taking a weapon according to their capability and the most common thing was the none hesitant attitude of all.

The weapon Kyojuro picked was obviously a Japanese Katana which a boy before him also picked.

Ririka took a twin dagger that she used since she was a child. She gave a smile to Subaru before returning back to her position, making a lot of youngsters grin in misunderstanding.

Yuno thought a lot before picking her weapon and finally concluded with twin axes which was looking really heavy and apart from her only a bulky boy took that option.

It was finally Subar's turn. All of the presence around him was curious about his weapon and it was no different for the instructor present on the field or off-field.

Subaru slowly walked toward the display and waited for a second before turning toward the teacher which made him a little flustered.

"What if I don't want to stay with a single one?" He asked loud enough to reach everyone's ear as all of them had heightened sense.

The instructor despite getting angry or ridiculed formed a more blossoming smile on his face. This was the first time someone had asked this question in these years but the instructor had already the best answer prepared for this situation.

"You can have them but under one condition..." Subaru also formed a smile before asking.

"And that is?"

"You have to fight the user of every weapon, you are considering to wield".