
"Listen youth. I know you won't be able to take on all of the wielders right now and need time to face them one after another. So with my special authority, I am permitting you to challenge any student and if you defeat them, then you are allowed to take 'their' weapon". Those who were listening to this conversation went into chaos.

" It app-" The teacher was interrupted by a boy who came before Subaru and now was standing with a kusarigama tugged on his waist.

"Excuse me, instructor. But isn't it too much partiality. You can't favor him so much just because he is a so-called special student". The teacher turned toward the crowd without breaking his smile.

"Yeah, you are right and I guess this thinking is mutual for all of you. So let me change my statement. This year, since something new happened, I will also commission a new rule." Everyone focused on his words as well as Subaru who had a faint smile on his face.

"You can snatch weapons from anyone whom you defeat in one on one fight. And more to it, I will also grant 10 points on each extra weapon you win from others. At the end of six months, I will check on everyone's arsenal and reset it to default so farm your points and gain the experience as much you can. And yeah an important point.."

A sudden pressure dropped on the boy who interrupted the instructor. The boy dropped his knees on the ground while panting heavily.

"Don't dare to interrupt me again youth or I won't just give you a faint warning." The pressure was pulled back and the boy dropped to the ground. No one bothered with him and kept their face straight.

Subaru was amused by this whole situation and asked the instructor.

"Is it applicable on those too?" He gestured with his index finger toward the open air. The instructor was surprised that Subaru actually spotted the second-year student, without even using mana.

Those students who didn't know about it looked toward the direction where Subaru was pointing but found nothing.

"Yeah. Every student is equal from the school perspective so you can challenge any of your schoolmates however you can't force anyone to duel with you or your marks will be deducted with a bonus punishment." Subaru nodded and took a twin saber.

"Not bad for starters". The instructor said before Subaru went back to his position.

" Listen. You are not the only one who chooses the weapon. The weapon itself chooses its wielder and I am happy that no one seemed to be getting rejected here. Remember, your partner is in your hands so if you can't respect them then dont dare to meddle with it either. "

"HAI". Everyone shouted in unison before the instructor commanded everyone to start the first warm-up exercise.

All the workouts and tasks they have to do must be done with their weapon attached to their body. As everyone was worthy of being at least a D rank hunter, no one had a problem with this rule.

Constantly, a total of 16 onlookers were gawking at the first year or to be precise 2 students. These 16 were from different teams who came to see whether someone was worth being the recruit in their team or not.

Subaru wasn't concerned even a bit about those and was dragging along the path.

After 2 hours of continuous workouts, the instructor gathered them again.

"Okay, after a break of 10 minutes we will start the practice matches. I will teach while you fight as fighting is the best way to strengthen your weakness and polish your strengths, understood?"

"HAI". Ririka approached Subaru who was sitting on the ground with a sipper in hand. He chose the sabers on a whim, however, he didn't have a good memory of using them in the past.

Ririka was still a little uncomfortable without her mask, around people but slowly she had gained the ability to not let her emotion show on her face.

"Subaru kun, can I sit?"

"Yeah sure". Subaru patted beside him before she sat down.

Subaru was gawking at the crowd and found that apart from Kyojuro and Yuno there were also some of the students who were doing great despite their young age. He wanted to fight each one of them and find where he stands. He hadn't seen any of them fighting and looking at their warm-up with their weapons, it was sure that they weren't amateurs.

The use of mana was prohibited in the class. Anyone would be spotted in case they break this rule because of the mana detection belt on their wrist. Subaru wasn't bothered with it as he also wanted to train without mana, as that was the whole point of choosing weaponry as the primary course.

" I was thinking-" Ririka was about to ask Subaru whether he would pair with her before a gust of wind approached both of them.

"Partner with me, my fellow classmate". Kyojuro appeared in front of them and asked Subaru in an energetic tone.

" Sure." Subaru agreed as he also wanted to face Kyojuro since the day they landed here. He got up with a small smile on his face, gathering more attention from the onlookers.

Ririka was glaring at Kyojuro who was completely oblivious of the fact and just wanted to train with a worthy rival.

Yuno knew that this would happen that's why she didnt approach Subaru now and waited for the perfect opportunity.

Soon all the students started pairing as well as Ririka. She deliberately paired with the guy who interrupted the teacher and insulted Subaru.

(A/N: Think before you speak bruh.)

Kyojuro was standing with his both hand on the blade hilt and the tip facing Subaru. Subaru also took out his twin saber and formed the stance.

The onlookers were staring intently on this duo as well as the off-field monitoring unit

With a mutual glance, both of them disappeared from their place and appeared at the midpoint with their blade colliding.

The backlash Subaru felt made him sure about one thing.

'He is a monster. ' Subaru smirked at this display but didn't waver from his hold.

Again they disappeared in thin air before colliding.

Blocking with a saber and attacking at the same time was difficult to manage but Subaru was handling it perfectly without shortcomings. However, his opponent was on a whole different level.

Rengoku was handling both sabers simultaneously like he was also using twin blades. The blade speed was so furious that only an afterimage was visible even to the second year.

*Clang* *Swish*.

Subaru felt that he was getting overpowered slowly because of the amount of blood he had shed and on the other hand, Rengoku was still smiling without breaking a single sweat.

On the other side, Yuno already won her duel with the bulky boy who also picked the twin ax and challenged Yuno because of this particular fact. Unfortunately, Yuno didn't care about it and with only brute strength broke the bulky's both arms.

Ririka also did something similar to the boy she was facing. Despite the boy having a long-range Kusiragama in hand, he wasn't able to detect the assassin-like movements of Rirka and before he could swing his weapon, Ririka was behind him but didn't end duel instantly but first gave him the taste of literal hell.

After an hour every eye was on Kyojuro and Subaru as all the other duels ended. Injured ones were taken to the infirmary and only 16 students were remaining on the field along with the instructor who was having a great eye-feast watching these two students.

The crowd had their breath held in their throat as well as the onlooker because of the fierce battle which was by no sense looked like a normal duel. Ririka and Yuno had a scary look watching Subaru's condition but they knew interrupting the battle would lead them toward Subaru's bad note and more to that they weren't capable to stop the battle, to begin with.


"HO". After some minutes, a howl was heard from the duo where a boy was standing with his blade gripped tightly in his grasp and another boy was lying down on the ground in his worst condition.

The teacher could only admire the display of pure talent and hard work. The same was for others who was watching this battle since the start.

After some seconds, a faint sound was heard from the boy who was lying half-dead on the ground...

"Subaru Nishimiya. It's nice to meet you too".

(A/N: I went through all chapters but didn't find his surname. If anyone finds it then hit me up. I will change it).


It's been a while since I fainted during a battle. The last time was when, I was training with mom, 4 years ago. After that, I never faced someone of that caliber that could make my blood rush to this extent. The knights were the exceptions however it was different than what I faced today.

The battle with Kyojuro was really exciting just like I expected. Well, I would be lying if I say that I didn't feel frustrated watching him smile even I was on verge of collapsing. However, it only showed the gap between us.

(A/N: Kyojuro is the strongest swordsman in the school, so obviously I will give him some build-up)

Opening my eyes, I saw a white ceiling and the scent around me made it clear that I was in a hospital room. I checked the mana presence and found only one person around me.

" It hurts". My four ribs were broken. As Kyojuro used his blade hilt to give me physical damage while he was dodging my attack.

"Don't get up now. I haven't healed you yet". I heard a voice of a woman beside me.

Turning my head toward the direction I found a voluptuous woman in her late twenties.

She was wearing a green knitted turtleneck with a black mini skirt. Sexy motif stockings were making her look extra thicc as she was sitting cross-legged on a chair. She had a white lab coat which made it clear that she was the doc.

Her black hairs were adding points to her mature charm. The dress was complimenting her attractive emerald eyes, behind those red glasses.

The most striking thing about her face was the mole under her left eye which made me realise that I have seen her before also in my previous life. Well, I already identified who she was in the same second, I turned my head but delayed only to admire her beauty.

'Chisato Hasegawa'.