Jeju Island~2!

In a massive hall where a whole city's worth of people might accommodate, could be seen several figures.

The room had a temperature exceeding melting point, however, none of the figures even one of them being human was bothered because of it.

A young boy sitting on a gigantic throne with hundreds of black cladded monsters standing side by side, directed his gaze toward the only living giant in the proximity. The latter one was tattered from head to toe, showing how gruesome battle it would have before it reached this point.

Since Subaru was using martial arts too, to defeat the giants, he was also torn all over the place but had no severe injury at all. He could have killed all the giants in a minute if he was to use his spell, but as he relied on physical combat, it took him three days to finally subdue all the monsters on the land and took them as his soldiers.

There was a reason why Subaru didnt have finished off the boss and was sitting leisurely, in a mood for a chat.

[I am already fell to the depth of utter humiliation. Just kill me already and be done with it, human.]

It would be a lie to say, that Subaru wasn't surprised to realize that he could understand the beast tongue and could reciprocate to it too.

"Just one question. Are there any other being residing on this plain? Well, as far I could see there isn't a single living entity residing here. So are you alone on this whole planet?" Subaru was surprised for a while to notice that both red gates he went were abandoned planet so he thought to get an answer, from the resident itself.

[Your observation is correct human. We are the only beings residing on this planet since we opened our eyes]

Subaru raised his brows before asking.

"You mean since your birth or..?" Subaru left a subjective lead which the other party took and continued.

[No this is not our birth land. We were brought here. The place where we were originated is full of beings like us but other than that, I can't remember much about it.]

"So who brought you here and what was your ambition? " Subaru didnt think that the giant would answer his questions so fluently like Siri, but if it was throwing then what's the harm in receiving.

[I dont know who brought me and my brothers here, but only one thing we know about that personage. And that is their goal in our mind, which keeps on repeating itself. Even now I can hear it but around you, it became fainter than before.]

"And what is that command. To kill humans?" Subaru asked the clichè motive which every monster had but to his utter surprise, the giants shook its head before he continued to speak.

[We were directed to stay in the human realm as long as possible. Well, we have an urge to kill other beings as we truly rely on our cannibalism to increase outer strength, but staying on your motherland for a long, period was our primary goal.]

"Hoh. That's something new. Very well you fulfilled your goal now rest for eternity". As he said blue flames started enveloping his hand.


After transforming the giant boss into his shadow, Subaru tried to communicate with him. He was sure that the giant was way above Jimmy's league so he must have the ability to communicate, however...

" Hey speak!" No reply came just a confused stare was directed from the newly added soldier. It was the same for the wyvern that was why he talked with the giant before killing it.

On the other side, Jimmy was making a victory pose as being the only one who could talk to his king and no one else.

(A/N: For how long tho;)


In the outside world, only an hour have been passed Subaru entered the red gate and the Jeju Island raid commenced. The Japanese team was divided into four groups mainly named', Alpha led by Goto himself. Team Bravo led by 'S' rank fighter, Kanae Tawata. Team Charlie led by 'S' rank combat fighter, Tatsumi Fujishima, and lastly team Delta held by, assassin class Ippei Izawa.

As soon the Japanese team took their position and the Koreans started moving toward the ant nest, the Japanese Intelligence used signal jammer through their owned satellite to block the transmission of every ant between their queen. And without a certain direction, the ants also become mindless beasts only surviving on their instincts.

As planned the four teams released their killing intent as soon the other faction got in the position, to attract every monster toward them. The reason behind this was simple.

They just wanted to annihilate the queen and leave the rest of the fodder by themselves. The life span of ants wasn't too long so without a producer, their extinction would become inevitable.

(A/N: Almost everything went the same as cannon so I am skipping most of it. If you wanna know go read SL instead)

The plan went smoothly as the Korean hunters cleared their way toward the Queen as the majority of monsters rushed outside to the source of dense mana leak. The cameraman was recording every moment intently and the live-action was being broadcast to the citizen of different nations.

Naturally, the cheers and victory sirens were triumphing from all over the world after they saw the might of the hunters.

Only after an hour, with the help of the buff which the Korean 'S' rank healer, Min Byung-Gyu, the front assaulters successfully managed to massacre the whole nest of ant eggs that were in the incubation period and of course after taking care of their mother first. It was a tough job even with the buff and so many 'S' rank support but with the flashing speed and precision of Hunter Cha and raw strength of Baek Yoon-Ho, the banter ended without any single casualty.

[As expected of the nation's best hunter. They successfully achieved the feat which seemed impossible for mankind to accomplish. Thanks to the support which our neighboring country provided, Jeju Island is now on the path of getting a wonderful renovation...]

"Something is wrong." Inside the cave where dozens of deceased bear-sized ants lying on the ground, stood 7 people between the corpses.

"What's wrong Ms. Chah? " Choi Jong-In, the mage of the team and the guild master of Korean's strongest clan asked his vice guild master.

As she said every stare moved toward her, naturally every nation was also looking at her now and waiting for her next words.

" Something is still up. I can fe-hiiick!! " Her words got choked in the throat with her body stiffened at the place. Not only her but everyone around her got the same chill resulting in something similar to her. However the only A rank was immediately dropped to his knees because of intense blood lust fermenting in the air.

The stench of malicious mana which reached Hunter Cha's nose was making her feel nauseating like never before. If she could move then she would have buried her nose deep inside the ground to get the stench out of her windpipe.

"Wh-what the he-heck is this?" Baek Yoon Ho barely could mutter these words when the bloodlust suddenly increased to the point where breath seemed struggling to get pass through.

Trying to change into the beast state, he miserably failed when a sudden figure emerged just in front of his nose. No one except for Cha-In got even a glimpse of something moving inside the vicinity.

The hair color which adapted snowy shade returned back to saffron color with sweat draining all over his body. Like tongue being tied, not even a yelp traveled from anyone's mouth.

The tank of the team, tried to move even a bit to at least assimilate what they were so afraid of but...

"KWAHKK!" Only with a concentration of killing intent made him feel dead as he dropped on the ground. There was no doubt that the monster around them was way beyond any rank they have faced.

The swordmaster Cha-In was standing at the farthest in the group and closest to the queen's corpse. She was in a state of complete numbness. Her senses were flaring her entire being to run away as far as possible but the hounds of death made her freeze and rigid.

The 10-foot monster walked while checking every foreign species around it, evaluating them and finding them too low to bother with. It reached its queen lifeless body then only, its steps came to halt.

Raising its claw it touched the head of its queen before a blood-draining loud scream resonated in the whole cavern.



"Did you also feel it Goto san?" The midget healer of team Alpha, Mari Ishida asked her team captain as she felt a massive amount of bloodlust coming from a certain direction.

"Yeah. " Replying with a single syllable Goto also focused his sense toward the source of sudden mana fluctuations which he rarely felt before from any being he has faced.

Since it was faint he wasn't able to fully judge it.

"Goto san. It's here." The fighter of the team, Minoru suddenly called for Goto as he discovered the thing for which the Japanese Association was aiming. The only purpose for which Goto and co came to help Korean hunters and after collecting it, they won't have even given two shit about the raid.


"Fuck! It's already hatched".

" How is it possible? What do we do Goto san?" The egg which was spotted by a spy of Japan before he died and it was the main motive of Goto Ryuji to attain anyhow. That specific egg had a mana presence which they never came across of so naturally they were interested in it. But now all the planning went in vain as the egg was already conceived.

"Damn it!" Cursing loudly, the inner rage erupted out of Ryuji causing the other two members around him to shiver in a fret. There were all kinds of possibilities that Japan could have achieved if that single egg could have been taken back by them but all... in the end... got screwed.


Involuntarily cracking the ground beneath his feet Goto stood silently at his place while contemplating his next move.

However, the amount of savagery he released was enough to invite a certain inhuman being to come and check upon him.

Goto also felt something approaching him at a furious speed, and since he was already angered to the core he also thought to vent upon something before leaving the island.

"Brace yourself. Something massive is going to happen". Warning his teammates he started pouring his body with mana as his smile curved maniacally like a hunter waiting for his prey...

.....or so he thought.


A/N: I will wrap most of the Jeju Island stuff in the next chapter including the destructive clash of course. And if you are feeling bored because of constant action and less yandere stuff so don't worry. After this arc and following arc, there will be a shit ton of SoL and romance.

So stay tuned and drop a comment~