Jeju Island~3!

[There was no king outside. It seems humans are more flail than I thought. To think you mere dry leaves could kill the queen. ]

As the tall humanoid monster whose structure was identical to an ant said, it passed through the half-dead bodies of Korean Hunters. The healer was already dead and eaten by the talking maniac.

Except for Baek Yoon-Ho and Ma Dong-Wook, no one was in their conscious mind. The most critical state was hunter Cha-In. She was on verge of death due to internal bleeding she was suffering from because of the heavy blue dhe received on the side of her abdomen. Not only her but others too. Before the beast went out of the cave in search of the king or to say Go to Ryuji, it didn't miss to injure its prey so they wouldn't run away.

The cameraman was in a state of frenzy. Even being the only one physically fine, he couldn't budge from his spot. While shivering from head to toe, he was only praying and remembering the last moments with his parents. His head was positioned in a way that the live situation of the majority of hunters was directed toward the public.

[This is truly an unfortunate moment for the whole world. Once when the battle seemed to be concluding was now completely turned upside down.]

The channels of course have stopped broadcasting the gruesome state of the country's best heroes making viewers frustrated.

"Damn! What the fuck are we supposed to do now! All the heroes are ragged torn and here public is flaring at us to show what is happening out there. How the fuck am I supposed to show something like this." With bloodshot eyes filled with mixed feelings, the editor in charge of the news channel shouted while gazing on the tv screen only exclusive for him and the other subordinate present inside the room. The feeling of getting lost because of the sudden appearance of an unidentified monster and on the other hand the impatience of people pushed him to the edge.

'I just can hope that some sort of miracle happens now'.


[I guess consuming you all will be the best offering you could serve before your death. Your meaningless life would not be wasted within as I will use your strength to slaughter your own kind slowly yet mercilessly. ]

As the mutated ant stated, it moved toward the human containing the densest mana in the whole group.

Cha Hae-In.

Gnashing his teeth Bark Ho just watched his comrade on the path of death but he couldn't do anything. His limbs were torn, several parts of his body were bleeding even the natural mana recovery still working on him. And most important, his will for the fight has been completely shattered since the time, he felt the intent of the ant for the first time. The death of his best friend also contributed to the condition he was in now.

"Sorry, Hunter Cha. " Apologizing under his breath, he slumped down his head.

[Dont worry human dog, I will devour you too. So you don't have to apologize as you will be following her behind soon enough.]

Turning his claw toward lifeless Baek for a second, the tall savagery figure again started walking toward the blond woman whose breathing was fading little by little every second.

[First I will tear you apart-...huh]

Suddenly the ant's gaze shifted from the pitiful hunter toward the entrance of the dungeon. Even the entrance was quite far from the place they were, it became inwardly shocked upon realizing the mana contained only one being except for itself.

All of its focus shifted totally from its prey to the thing approaching them.

[Something is coming]

Muttering to itself, the ant readied its claw for any worst-case scenario however the mana disappeared in a second.

[Huh? It sure seems th-KHWAAHK!!!!]

Suddenly its voice broke out with a painful cry followed by. Looking down slowly, it found a human fist piercing through its exoskeleton titanium strong body.

The ant was a savage but its natural extinction was on whole another level. It knew that if one could sneak behind and even pierce his hand through its body, then the being was no ordinary human.

The mutated monster jumped in a manner that the hand flawlessly glided throughout.

Looking back slowly, the ant could see a single figure wearing all black clothing with stone blue eyes starting back lazily like he was bored. The only conscious human other than the sudden appearance, Baek, had his eyes open to the widest point when he saw a single child not more than half of his age, standing aloofly like it was a playground.

The ant had a different view of the unexpected guest. The first thing which the ant tried was to measure up his mana but...

[Impossible. How a maneless human could damage someone like me]

The ant was constantly healing itself while it spoke as it knew that even without magic power the other party was an anomaly, which couldn't be taken lightly.

"You sure talk too much, despite being an insect". Swaying his hand, Subaru used Psychokinesis to gather every hunter, including the headless body of healer, Min Byung-Gyu.

" [Regressor]". Except for the already dead person, Subaru brought every person, back to their normal condition, whether it was Cha-In who had a death scythe hanging on her neck or the limbless body of Baek Ho, he reversed them back to a healthy position. However, the mental trauma was something he couldn't take care of so he left the cameraman as he was.


"Shit! Am I dead?" Choi Jong shouted as he searched his head for the angel's halo but sighed in relief to find his body still intact and his blood flowing through his body like normal.

"How i-is it possible?" Cha-In was no different. Despite still having her mental fatigue way out of endurance capability, she held herself and asked in disbelief.

Every stare now refocused on the boy who was staring at them emotionlessly like he was here to complete his duty and that's all.

As the camera never paused, the tv screen of the news channel also saw a person who wasn't there some seconds ago.

Subaru saw the camera, but he couldn't care less so he just spoke toward the hunters who were waiting for his words as well.

"I would have asked you to evacuate but there are hundreds of insects like it.." Indicating toward the giant humanoid ant he continued,"... blocking the entrance. And in your current condition, I think you guys should wait a bit before I get done with this and get out together". His Korean accent was a little out of place but every syllable was spoken wonderfully.

Baek Yun-Ho was the first who replied.

" We can wait. And thank you very much for saving us hunter-nim". Subaru couldn't help but show a little smile after talking in a nostalgiac tongue after so long time. He nodded and after taking a long second look at the blond hunter he moved his gaze toward the massive ant who was still trying to recover its body.

"It's futile. " Subaru declared as he used his blue flames to punch its body armor and without having at least six 'S' rank healer it was impossible for the damage to be recovered.

The ant seemed to notice it too, so without wasting time, it sped up its feet and dashed toward its ex-queen. Bitting a whole chunk of the queen's head, the ant's body started getting back to normal. Subaru sighed upon seeing the exceptional cannibalistic skill of the monster.

The whole thing happened in less than ten seconds, but Subaru saw inch by inch but he didn't interfere as he also wanted to see the true potential of his next soldier.

[KEEEEEEH] Howling in a life-threatening manner, the ant released its killing intent and specifically focused it toward Subaru.

The pressure was too high for the cameraman to handle as he ended up puking blood.

Under normal circumstances that much dense mana could have made any 'S' rank at least kneel on the ground but not this one.

[How is it happening?]

Subaru chuckled and while moving toward the inhuman beast, he also released his killing intent and drew it toward his hunt.


The ant barely could hold his ground as his knee forcibly touched the surface with its claw supporting its huge body. Just after a minute, the force disappeared before a chilling voice reached the ant's senses.

"Now dance for me".


The loud cry echoed as Subaru pulled back his intent and stood straight, waiting for the other party, to attack first. And fortunately, he didn't have to wait for too long.

*Slash* The speed which could rival Jimmy, mutated one slashed its claw upward, trying to scratch the whole middle body of Subaru.

However, the [Infinity], was already shrouding him so not only did the claw scratch nothingness but also gave Subaru a clear opening to land a decisive blow.

And sure he did.


The creature was taken back some steps as it felt the heavy impact on the same spot, where it got injured first.

The ant was baffled to know that something could push him like a toy and more to it without getting a change of expression.

[You are going to pay. KHEEEK]


{Baek Yun-Ho PoV:}

'Is he really a human?' It's been several tens of seconds since I blinked at the unbelievable scenario in front of my eyes. It would have been lying to say that I believed my life in this young man but now...


The monster whose presence was giving the chill the life-threatening chills some minutes ago was now crying in agony and pain.

And I could share the sentiment just by looking at it. The boy was simply...

...toying with it.

He was giving the creature chance to attack him, but for some reason, none of the blows connected and after that, he used his brute strength to give remarkable pain to his opponent.

There was one thing I noticed specifically in between his assaults.

'His strength is increasing with every blow'. My eyes were widened at this point and I am sure with the dead silence from my side, that my comrades were no different at all.

[It seems our strength is identical. So isn't it better to challenge with something I am far superior to you, in?]

Lies. The ant was torn from places because of the physical strikes it got and on the other hand, the boy was far from beaten up. Even his breathing was calm and serene, giving me an unpleasant itch of being so weak and unconsciously my admiration for the unexpected appearance increasing even more.

Suddenly the ant's size reduced to half as four transparent feathers, emerged from its body. It seems that the battle was getting even more serious.

Looking back at the boy, he raised his hand, and suddenly the blade resting beside hunter Cha started floating. She was so flabbergasted, that she didn't even try to stop it, and soon her blade was in someone else's hand.

" I am borrowing it for a second". His voice was not so loud but we all heard it clear as day.

"Okay". A meek reply came from my right and it was no doubt from the owner of the blade.

" I don't think he has heard you hunter Cha". The guild master of hunters guild said with a playful tone?


To my utter shock, the blade of hunter Cha got covered in flames but despite of normal crimson ones, it was covered in blue flames.

First, he was capable of assassin-likee moves, next, he used psychic powers one kind of ability itself, and now flames too.

'Which country was hiding this true piece of war machine until now?' I couldn't help but get frightened at his fighting poweress.

The flashy and lightning-fast fight between the monsters, I guess, was too tough to follow that I ended up partially transforming.

"Magnificent". It wasnt me but the only female among us. And I couldn't agree more. The way he fights shows how experienced and powerful he is. Not only the precision which could rival Cha-In but also the speed which I have never seen before a human possessing.

'I am glad he is on our side otherwise....'


A/N: Okay just another chapter and Jeju Island will be over. And yeah, Subaru will be popular now look forward to the public reaction.

One thing I will like to clarify is that there is no monarch in this novel so sorry but Igrit won't be appearing.

After everything settles down I will jump from this universe for my second volume. But don't hope it to happen so soon. We have yet to welcome the last harem member and of course the lemons with every one of them .

Anyway, drop a comment if you are liking the story~