Jeju Island~ 4

[Kheek..human...I am not..finished..kheekkk!!]

Shouting in the most frustrating tone, the mutate one struggled to get back on its feet.

Its whole body was bloodied blue with half a dozen of holes engraved on its body. If not for its screeching loud noise, one could feel how pitiful the being was. Only its cooperatively small head was intact without a scratch, other than that nothing to mention about.

Subaru wrinkled his brows in annoyance, before crushing the ant beneath the sheer force of his mana. It didn't take long before vitality disappeared from the creature completely.

"I-is it dead?"

"Certainly yes. I can't feel an ounce of magical energy from it. So yeah, it's dead". Except for Choi Jong and the cameraman, no one spoke. Or to say, others were so awestruck that they couldn't specify what to say. The spectacle they have witnessed was unreal from any point one could measure. If someone have told them about what just happened now, then they would have not believed. But what now?

They have seen the absurd use of mana and excellent swordsmanship from a boy who, only by face manifesting lack of experience.

Feeling surprised would be a huge understatement after what they have seen. Baek Yun-Hoo had his eyes still in his beastilty stage as it was impossible for him to stay calm during the battle, and Chah-In's lips were slightly parted because of the beautiful and precise use of sword she has perceived today.

Subaru didn't turn toward the hunters but first, he added the lifeless mutated monster to his shadow army.

" Come out". A black cloud suddenly surrounded the winged beast making everyone astonished once again. The black cloud completely engulfed its body from head to toe before another figure emerged at that same spot.

"HEEE!!" A loud gasp resounded in the cave which was directed not only from the cameramen but the other hunters too. They watched their probable death, being dead some seconds ago and now it was alive again.

Suddenly Hunter Cha and others as well pulled up their guards for any unforeseen incident but the next thing which the newly black cladded insect did, left them utter speechless.

[My liege.]

The bulky 10-foot tall shadow reminiscing, the monster was now kneeling in front of a human. Its eyes were glittering in purple hue terrifyingly. Not only that, paying respect too. This was a scene to behold. Leaving the previous battle aside, no one has seen ever a monster kneeling in front of a human until now.

[Please bestow me a na-]

"Beru. Here you go. " Before the new soldier of Subaru's arsenal could even have asked for a name, its master already decided a unique one which he created just a second ago. [A/N: J.K]

[I pay my humble gratitude to my king for giving this lowlife a wonderful name]

Subaru sighed a little. ' Was he dramatic since the start?'

Shaking his head from side to side, he called another shadow forth.

It was one of the best soldiers, Hubris, who also appeared while kneeling just beside Beru. After the addition of giants, Hubris's position as second best has shattered, so Subaru calling it out made it far beyond mere elated.

[My king]

Feeling another surge of heavy mana, the hunters almost jumped in shock. There was no exaggeration to say that only these two shadows had the potential to wipe a whole country including every 'S' rank and this statement was something anyone could agree with. Hunter Baek was the most sensitive when it came to mana measurement and according to him, all his measuring units have already collapsed since this new figure appeared.

"Go and kill those ants. The one who will kill the most will become the new 'General'. And any of you dare to cheat then the void of nothingness will be waiting ". A flare of motivation ignited in both shadows before cold nonexistent sweat dripped down their spine.

[I will not disappoint you, my King]

Muttering that Hubris disappeared in an instant, leaving only raven electric sparks behind.

[ too my liege.]

Beru whose vocabulary suddenly became limited just stuttered before flying off too.

Sighing, Subaru walked toward the hunters whose facial expressions showed a mixed amount of different emotions.

" Here...oh, I broke it." Subaru returned the half-broken blade to Cha -In as she took it nonchalantly.

"Sorry for this. I promise to give you another one in the future". Subaru showed a very thin smile as he spoke to the blonde maiden who was only gawking at him with wide eyes.

" Th-thank you." Not knowing herself, what she was saying, Cha-In nodded. There was a reason because of her current state which no one would have assumed.

'He smells so dangerously sweet'. Her nose has pricked Subaru's smell and made her intoxicated. It was the first time she had smelt something this alluring. Chairman Gun-Hee also has a preferable fragrance but it wasn't comparable to the delicacy in front of her...

"Umm.Hunter-nim. Can I go and record the footage outside?" While shivering a little but not like before, the cameraman asked Subaru.

"Uh..okay. Just stay with this". Subaru summoned a huge giant who was almost touching the cave ceiling.

" Reduce your size and drop your presence. Don't attract attention and protect the human". The giant nodded before it went out escorting the cameraman with it.

"Just how many summon you can handle Mr. Hunter". The Archer, Lim Tae-Gyu asked with an astonishment-filled voice.

" Not many. Anyway, are you all fine?" Subaru asked in an emotionless tone even he was asking something concerning.

"Yeah somewhat". Replied Baek in a heavy voice while gazing upon the headless body of his best friend.

" I can bring him back in human form but I can't promise whether he would be the same or not," Subaru asked as he also knew how great of a friendship they had.

"Thank you hunter-nim. But it would be disrespecting his soul if you do so. " With a sorrowful sigh, Hunter Baek replied.

Subaru didn't say anything more. Of course, he wasn't going to add hunter Min Byung-Gyu in his shadow, as Beru was already enough for healing purposes.

"Then shall we go back". As he said he initiated his teleportation spell but something happen that never happened before.

" Huh?" Activating the sequence again, he tried to use a teleportation spell but it got nullified in an instant.

"What happened?" Hunter Cha saw this change in expression as she asked in a serious tone.

"Hubris. Is there anything reportable?" He asked his soldiers as his cold stone eyes took a purple glint all of sudden.

[My king, a barrier is restricting every being inside a certain range. Neither I nor these fodder ants were able to pass through so it's not their established barrier but from somewhere outside.]

Subaru frowned as he shared his eyes with his shadow and also saw an invisible barrier surrounding the island. He was sure that nothing like this was drawn when he came here on the wyvern. So it must be created while he was engaged in playing with the ant.

Subaru didn't say anything and just started walking out of the cave. Like him, the other hunters also followed behind. They were also confused about what caused such a strong hunter to get tensed like this all of a sudden.

Baek Yoon-Ho covered his friend with the torn cape of Choi Jong and carried him as he walked along with others. The cave was far from the entrance so it took them almost 10 minutes to reach out.

Countless ants came into their view as natural light fell into their eyes. The ants were swarming like bees. The two shadows could be seen assaulting these hives, now and then, in a gruesome manner.

"HUNTER NIM. Emergency." As Subaru was about to check on the barrier himself, the cameraman rushed in their direction in a panic.

Every attention was drawn upon him as he breathed raggedly before calming down a bit.

"In the middle of*huff*.." Subaru's eyes widened a little when he heard about his birthplace. He wasn't a patriot, he just only cared for some certain people residing there.

"What happened in Japan?" Subaru asked in a cold tone making the cameraman visibly shiver but he didn't pause for long before he spoke out the recent information he got from the news channel.

"A massive dimensional rift has opened in the middle of Tokyo."


[Half an Hour Ago]

[Eastern Kantou Region, Japan]

[The battle which seemed to be ending on a devastating note with the death of precious hunters, has suddenly taken another turn due to the sudden appearance of a certain person. The...]

In a small room inside a Japanese Minka, could be seen a youth sitting on the ground with his total attention drawn toward the television screen. The youth was admiring the show which Subaru was showcasing in front of the whole world without holding back.

"You sure have improved Subaru Nishimiya". Even there wasn't a single one to listen to his words, he was commenting and complimenting the swordsmanship of Subaru every now and then.

As the battle neared the end, the news channel suddenly updated a live scenario happening in Tokyo.

[An expected turn of events is happening at the heart of Japan. A dimensional rift of the size which was never seen before has erupted without any warning. The shocking is that no dungeons appeared which is making the scene even more shocking. Evacuation is already taking place but...]

(A/N: Rift only appears when two dungeons open nearby but this case is different.)

" Huh?" Suddenly Kyojuro's attention shifted from the tv screen toward something else. He got strongly perplexed as he saw something illuminating with a pink hue near his neck.

Taking out his locket with his hands a little shaking, he saw something he was waiting for for a long time.

The single piece of the monster who took his most precious person away was now signaling him that his time for revenge has arrived.

Instinctively his hand landed on his katana with his aura changing into a denser one with rage filling inside his eyes and erupting like fire.

"It's time to slay".


A/N: Told ya...continuous chaos.

I mistyped the deceased healer's name in the previous chapter so check it out.

If you know what is going to come then drop a comment.