The Truth?

Alex finishes the last of them as he is covered in the blood of those who had take more than what he anticipated with most of his team very tired had sat down for Alex to take over the killing with his intentions aren't stopping. Alex wipes out the last of the remaining men as he continues a man arrives clapping his hands to Alex's performance.

"Well done Mr. Harrison, you can stop now." Said the man in a clad white suit. "Who are you suppose to be?" Said Alex covered in blood. "I am the informant that brought you here call me Eric. Please to be in business with you Mr. Harrison come your friends would like to rest from the looks of it." Said Eric as he walks towards the room where Alex and the rest followed suit.

"Can you really be trusted after you trapped us here." Said Jacob. "Now, now lower your weapons that was actually a test of your strength quite impressive if I say so myself. Especially Mr. Harrison, you've had your fun now lets get down to business. All of that was just a simulation like I said it was just a Test but I guess you've succeeded my expectations and now you four will hear the truth of this world. Whiskey?" Said Eric as he pours whiskey to his glass.

"Wait, you're saying that there's something up with this world?" Said Alex as he finishes cleaning himself up from the blood. "Yes, Mr. Harrison indeed it is. There's a truth about why the rumor had spread like wildfire." Said Eric. "Okay, one knowing my last name is concerning how did you know my name?" Said Alex. "I know everyone here Mr. Harrison your family sadly met its bitter and harsh end and you ended up here killing those who killed your foster parents." Said Eric. "I guess so then do tell us the truth then." Said Alex.

"Well then, this whole rumor was actually intentional... It was made to cause chaos to control the people you see Mr. Harrison title hunters are intended to what they're suppose to be. Killing weaker title candidates and holders, why you may ask? Is because to prevent another title war." Said Eric as he continues to sip. "So all of this killing was to divert people's attention and preventing war?" Said Alex.

"Precisely Mr. Harrison but there is a truth to those who can kill the most. To be able to enter Apostlehood. Granted if you did get enough you're probably not eligible to become one. Take for example our Apostle here, Castle he's known to be the undying Apostle being known to take any forms of damage and is unkillable. And he's didn't kill anyone in the old age, not a single kill and yet he reached Apostlehood seems odd right?

But back to the topic of the rumor yes there's a point where a person can reach Apostlehood at anytime if they fulfill a set amount of unique things. It's different from person to person also I just realized Mr. Harrison you still haven't awoken your title." Said Eric as he looks at Alex's forearm. "WHAT?! You're still a title candidate?" Said Jacob. "Seriously? What kind of monster of a title candidate are you Alex?" Said Elise. "Did not expect that from you Alex." Said Night.

"For he did show the most power and strength from all of you that was interesting and quite a brutal show of your anger." Said Eric. "I have ways to go then?" Said Alex. "Yes, Mr. Alex you have and that we're in the time of culling the time of reducing the title holders and possible title holders to prevent a world wide extinction if we ever fall to another war that could end all wars. So everything you hear here should be kept a secret since if this leaks out every Apostle will come for you to and will kill you and everyone you know." Said Eric.

"Can't we do anything else to prevent this?" Said Elise. "Sadly no Ms. Elise they have to do this for the sake of preventing another downfall." Said Eric. "By the way I've been meaning to ask how do you know all of this?" Said Alex. "Well simple really I was an Apostle Candidate." Said Eric as he pours more whiskey.

"Wait Apostle Candidates exists??" Said Jacob. "Yes, Mr. Jacob we do except it only happens every 3 decades. I was given the title as 'Sage' well I am all knowing but I can't commit to becoming a full time Apostle so I rejected it but thankfully I can keep my Apostle Candidacy." Said Eric as he sips from his glass. "So you can decline Apostlehood?" Said Alex. "Yes, Mr. Harrison you can. Actually I do have a plan that will be very interesting to you if you want all of this to end once and for all." Said Eric. "Okay I'm listening..." Said Alex as he sits near Eric.

"Listen, I know somethings up with your title. But whatever you have here is the ability to take down the system. Start by meeting every Apostle and wreck havoc to their domain until then they'll fight you and one-by-one you'll learn the truth of this system and might change it once you either make them change their minds or force them into your will because your title right there... Is capable of taking down anything above you." Said Eric as he points at Alex's axe.

"Are you serious about that?" Said Alex. "Yes, you can begin with Castle he won't fight back due to him being a defensive Apostle you can probably talk to him out of the info you need." Said Eric. "So we have to visit every Apostle for this to work?" Said Jacob. "Yes, of course you have to the problem of this is everyone will become your enemy, every Apostle will become your enemy once you start wreaking havoc." Said Eric. "I see anything else?" Said Alex.

"Well nothing really but a decision from you Alex you have this chained down power and over time it'll unbind itself and you'll take down anyone no matter their strength. So what it'll be? Take matters to your hands or forever hunting hunters for the rest of your lives." Said Eric. "Seems like I don't really have a choice but to end this mindless slaughter." Said Alex as he stands up with his team to confront Castle their first Apostle...