Trouble in Paradise

Operation day and everyone is on the door of the target... "Alex you can engage the entrance. Weapons hot." Said Lorel. As Alex kicks down the door and bullets started to rain down from the front as everyone spreads out while under the cover of a smoke grenade.

"Everyone into position!" Said Lorel over the radio. The sound of gunshot and the smell of gunpowder and the tainted smell of leather after being shot. Burnt rubber and shattered glass lays a painful minefield for stepping into as they continue on shooting rounds and fighting those who gets too closed.

"Camille take out any unmarked armed men that enters the area unattended. Weapons hot." Said Lorel over the radio. "Affirm, Ma'am. Exit's are now in lock down." As Camille cycles her bolt to prepare shooting any enemy that enters the building unattended. "Ma'am this is Overwatch. The target has gotten more guards protecting and sealing their location you have approx. 10 minutes until he tries to escape." Said Grendel overlooking the building from her device.

"Thanks for the heads up girls. Everyone we have 10 minutes to extract the target from his hotel room. I'll take point, Alex you follow me. Jacob you and Elise sweep behind us. Night you take care of everyone's six." As Lorel gives out orders as coordination is very important in this situation as a mistake in the cooperation between teammates will cost them their lives.

Meanwhile on the rooftop support... "Grendel sitrep on the situation around the area I can't see them from here." Said Camille. "Nothing yet, Oh. There's some unmarked enemies on the west wing better take them out Camille." Said Grendel searching for heat signatures. "Rooftop, this is Overwatch 1-2. We have been given orders to inform you that the target Kilo has been disavowed the Council he's in we've been given the green light to take out the target can you confirm this message?" Said Overwatch over the radio.

"This is Rooftop, we're relaying this message to Saint be advise we will confirm once our captain agrees." Said Grendel. "Affirm, Rooftop waiting for response." As Overwatch is on hold after that. "So HQ has confirmed that the target is a traitor and we we're given orders to execute them what do you think Ma'am?" Said Grendel over the radio.

"I see we'll accept Overwatch's request give them my response. We're going in." Said Lorel over radio. "Overwatch, Saint has confirmed your request." Said Grendel. "Affirm Rooftop this is Overwatch 1-2 good luck out there soldiers." As Overwatch disconnects from the line.



