Chapter 15 – Kingdom of Yuinia’s Hero The Awakening

The Hero stood in the middle of a never-ending, dark green forest. On the trees, he noticed three distinct claw marks. "Where could you be hiding this time?" He said in a condescending tone. He walked and quickly jumped behind the tree, and he noticed that no was there.

"Pff, if you won't show yourselves, I will!" He exclaimed.

The Hero who was wearing white and golden armour leapt into the air and activated his legendary sword skill.

"Starfire Beam!"

Three circular magic arrays appeared in front of the sword as wind gushed away from his weapon. An enormous fiery beam charged up and instantly shot down towards the forest immediately vapourising everything within its path. Flames from explosions erupted dozens of meters into the air. The Hero spun as he continued to fire the beam into the forest below, leaving a fiery circular trench of scorched earth all around him half a mile wide.

╔══════════ "°❈° " ══════════╗

50% of the Dungeon has been Cleared.

Do you wish to exit now?


╚══════════ "°❈° " ══════════╝

He smiled, seeing the damage, and slowly descended back down.

"I hope you like my parting gift" he mentioned with a smile as he playfully swung his sword around.

Not soon after immense rumbling sounds could be heard coming from all directions.

"Oh, now you arrive after I damaged your home. Should have come sooner. Then I wouldn't have needed to waste 75% of my mana on that attack." He shook his head in pity.

Dozens of dark brown, furry beasts which stand at 5 meters tall came charging towards him on all fours.

The Hero sighed, "You guys never learn, do you!"

Just when all the beasts were about to strike the Hero with their sharp claws, he quickly chanted his second sword skill.

"Starfire Slice!"

He held onto the hilt of his sword with both hands as he swung it in a circular motion. The blade emitted large flames as it instantly melted anything it touched. He immediately sliced the bears in half as the fire extended from his sword so did the damage radius by a further ten meters which exterminated the beasts in the back.

He came to a halt and inspected his surroundings as flames gushed all around him as trees caught fire one by one.

"This is way too easy." He smiled as he noticed the Boss monster behind the flames.

"Last time you didn't even show a shred of mercy to me, I'm not going to hold back either!"

The Hero darted towards the bear just as he entered within the skill's range he threw his sword up in the air. He slid his right foot back while simultaneously raising his right hand, catching the hilt of the sword.

"Starfire Blazing Strike!"

He launched the sword as it pierced through the air, the flames erupted from the tip as it penetrated the bear's thick hide without resistance. Severely overpowered the bear could do nothing as it collapsed to the ground as the corpse burned. Within the flames, you could notice the sword sticking out of its body as sunlight reflected off the metallic blade.

╔═══════ "°❈° " ═══════╗

Dungeon Cleared Successfully

╚═══════ "°❈° " ═══════╝

You have received 45 low tier energy stones

You have received 4 mid-tier energy stone

"Way too easy, but 100% satisfying."

He left the Dungeon only to notice more people had mixed into his small entourage.

A young and intelligent-looking attendant walked over to him and explained, "We have received a message from the King himself."

The Hero smiled, thinking the King sent him something.

"Oh, I wonder what it is?" He followed the Attendant into a nearby tent and handed him the letter.

Instead of scanning over it he carefully read it line by line out of respect for the King.

"Yes! I got my first mission!" He excitedly mentioned and looked towards the faces of the guards and Attendant who held blank expressions.

"Ahem, the King has given me a first mission which is to track and capture a dangerous wanted criminal named Kibo. Hmm, let's see."

He looks back down at the letter. "Ah yes, his crimes are of Murder, Espionage and Treason. That's a pretty extensive portfolio he is racking up here." He joked.

Everyone still held the same blank expressions from before, and they almost pitied him.

"Ahem, I will accept this mission and head straight away do you have any clues where he might be?"

A Royal Gaurd suddenly spoke up and mentioned, "our sources tell us Kibo escaped from the Capital City heading North. However, there is a large river with only a few bridges which are already guarded. So it's most likely he turned and headed South West."

"Understood, we will begin by going through all the nearby towns, and villages South-West of Fialis."

"I will inform the Royal Palace immediately, and by the way may I ask what you are doing in a grizzly bear dungeon?"

The Hero recalled, 'When I was first starting, they threw me into this Dungeon. The bears were so unrelenting and savage, not even giving me a single break. But my guards kept coming to my help at the end. So I always wanted to visit them back when I had gotten stronger to take my revenge. Today was that day, and I annihilated them, it felt amazing! But I can't tell him that!'

"Ahem, I was just making my self familiar with the forest terrain for research purposes to make sure in harder dungeons I won't have any issues."

"Ah, definitely wisdom only a Hero would have. Thank you for the great insight. We will be taking our leave."

The Hero chuckled nervously at the undeserved compliment as he placed his hand on the back of his head. The Attendant just rolled her eyes as she knew the truth behind that raid.

She rolled her eyes as she looked back to the Hero. "So, are you going to conduct further research in this dungeon till you're satisfied, Great Hero?"

"Ah-ha-ha, I will be focusing on this first mission now. I need to prove myself reliable to the Kingdom."

"Will you be able to manage without us? If you get yourself in a tight spot, we won't be able to support you as we had in the Dungeon." The Attendant emphasised.

"Ha-ha, do not worry, he is only a criminal how hard can it be?"

The Attendant sighed thinking he was hopeless.

"Well good luck to you on your first mission, you should get going now."

The Attendant had walked behind the Hero and started to push him out of the tent.

"Alright, alright, I'll be going then. You better not miss me!" The Hero said. He climbed upon his horse and raced in a direction where Kibo will most likely be.

She blushed and muttered under her breath, "Who will miss you, hmpf!"