Chapter 16 – Solo Raid Blizzard Wolf Dungeon The Awakening

[One week ago]

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You have Entered the Dungeon

of the Alpha Blizzard Wolf

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Kibo emerged from the dying light of the portal. The howling winds raced all around him as it struck his face, the chilling touch sent shivers down his body. He raised his hand to shield his eyes from the countless flakes of snow which were carried by the ferocious winds. The unrelenting wind had forced him to press his chin against his chest. He pulled his fur hood over his head.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck. This is way too cold! I should have done some research before entering a random dungeon portal. All I knew this dungeon had wolves in it and thought wolves couldn't be that strong right? Right…" He said as his voice lost it's strength.

Not wanting to give up already, he pushed forward. Each stride sank his feet further into the snow. His visibility was low, but all he could do was press ahead. In a short few minutes, his speed had significantly decreased, and his vision was turning darker, unable to hold on in the extreme temperatures of this dungeon.

"Not now! I need to keep going forward!" he resisted. However, his legs buckled as he collapsed onto his knees.

He thought, 'No, it can't end here! I fucked up, I should have inquired more about this dungeon from the portal. But I was blinded by my desperation to get stronger summons. I didn't expect the environment to be so harsh!' He collapsed into the snow as he laid on his back. Snow started to quickly cover his legs and body. 'I can't go out like this. What the hell, after all I've been through I'm going to die due to coldness?' He became weaker as his vision darkened however the eerily familiar status screen popped up.

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User's Life is in Imminent Danger!

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Activating Skill: Void Immunity









Passive Skills:

Void Immunity,???,???,???,???, The Final Dodge,


Zana, Goblin Lord, Lizardmen Lord, Goblin (+12), Lizardmen (+70),

Mana Capacity:


Gradually the piercing feeling from the sub-zero temperatures decreased as he regained his senses in his fingers and toes. He raised his hands in front of his face.

"Void Immunity?" He spoke to himself, surprised by what just happened.

He thought, 'if I had a skill like this the entire time, why did it not activate immediately?' He facepalmed himself and poked his finger towards the text which read Void Immunity.

Passive Skill: Void Immunity (Lvl: MAX)

Description: Absolute Immunity towards all thermal fluctuations, poisons, and biological diseases within the network.

Kibo could not fathom what he was seeing. He couldn't decide what was more surprising, the fact that he has received a maxed out skill which would be considered in the realm of the gods or the fact it says within the network.

"What is this network? Does it mean dungeons or maybe it means the portals in general? I don't understan-" Kibo was cut off from a distant daunting howl which echoed between the peaks of the mountains.

After a momentary silence, dozens of smaller howls could be heard all around him. Kibo stumbled back onto his feet as he spun in a circle trying to locate the sound, but it was already coming from all directions.

Within the raging blizzard, gleaming blue eyes appeared all around him. In the distance, a gigantic figure of a wolf appeared hidden within the never-ending blizzard. An unsettling deep voice filled the air.

"Human if you know what's good for you, turn back now."

"Wow..." Kibo stood there looking up towards the horizon. Mesmerised by the hidden figure of the gigantic wolf with its shining blue eyes exaggerated within the darkness.

"My summon!" He told himself.

"That will be my summon!" He repeated with awe.

He smiled intensely at the fact he will command such a massive beast. Confidence was bursting through his skin, not aware of the level of threat which was before him all he could feel was excitement as adrenaline rushed through his veins.

Kibo quickly Awakened all his summons. The two Lords and Zana appeared behind him along with goblins and countless lizardmen. They quickly rushed all around him to push against the numerous blizzard wolves which had charged against them.

Not wanting to waste further time he jumped on Zana and raced towards the Alpha Blizzard Wolf.

"Boy, it does not seem like you value your life that much. Allow me to take it for you then."

Kibo smiled as he held onto his dagger in his right hand with the other holding onto Zana. As he got close he initiated his skill 'Leap'. Just as his first leap effect wore off he leapt again. He was flying directly towards the head and his dagger pierced through one of the eyes. He fell down still holding his dagger into the Alpha Wolf's skin. The resistance from the skin had slowed his descent. As he reached the knees of the Alpha Wolf he pushed his legs against it and flipped off it as he landed on Zana.

The beast moaned in pain and anger.

"Boy, you should have accepted my mercy when I had granted it. Your foolish mistakes will lead to your death!" He said in a deep angry voice.

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You have Cleared 50% of the Dungeon.

Do you wish to exit now?


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A blue magic circle appeared in front of the head of the Alpha wolf and numerous icicles pierced through the ground in a straight line. Zana instinctively invaded the straight attack as Kibo quickly dismissed the message.

Kibo looked back and realised his summons had already defeated all the wolves and were moving on to the Alpha wolf and chuckled.

'I can't believe how helpful it is for the summons to completely regenerate and never have to worry about stamina since I never reached that limit yet. I can win this if all my summons keep attacking and make this a battle of attrition!' he calculated within his thoughts.


He pointed his dagger towards the beast and Zana raced towards it once more. This time he invaded multiple lines of Icicles which pierced from the ground. She raced forward and leapt in a zig-zag formation as she evaded all the attacks. Just as she lept towards the Alpha wolf. A large icicle shard was heading straight for them.

Kibo focused all his strength into his legs and pushed against Zana's back using 'Leap'. The icicle had just missed them as it flew between the two. Kibo flew into the air and over the Alpha Wolf. He quickly regained control and landed on the wolves back as he slid down the back he had pierced his dagger into the spine of the wolf. Once again using the resistance from the skin to slow his descent.


The Alpha howled in pain as the daggers were directly over his spine. At the same time, his summons had done significant damage to the foot and ankles of the wolf and it collapsed to the ground. They all charged onto his body as the lizardmen pierced their spears into the body and the goblins crazily slashed the skin. The Goblin and Lizardman Lords were heading towards the head of the Blizzard Alpha Wolf with Kibo and Zana.

"You were saying?"

"Boy, as weak as you are your ability is overpowering. If it wasn't for your summons you would have died long ago!"

"Don't worry soon enough you will be joining them to protect me."

The Blizard Alpha Wolf was surprised by his words but didn't think much of it knowing in a few days his soul will be back in the dungeon in a new body. He closed his eyes. Kibo grabbed the Lizardmen Lord's spear and pushed it in between the eyes of the Alpha.

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Dungeon Cleared Successfully

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You have received 47 low tier energy stones

You have received 4 mid-tier energy stone

Kibo yawned as he was tired from all the leaping around. He noticed the message Awaken appear over all the bodies of the wolves.


The Alpha Blizard Wolf [Rank: 3] has awakened as your Summon.

Blizard Wolf [Rank: 1] has awakened as your Summon.

Blizard Wolf [Rank: 1] has awakened as your Summon.

Blizard Wolf [Rank: 1] has awakened as your Summon.

Blizard Wolf [Rank: 1] has awakened as your Summon.

Blizard Wolf [Rank: 1] has awakened as your Summon.


"Perfect let's go!"

Kibo returned all his summons into him as he finished gathering the stones. He exited the dungeon gate.

As he looked around he noticed a person standing far in front of him and tirelessly moaned out "Not again…"