Chapter 17 – Kibo vs The Hero The Awakening

'What is a random person in an empty trail doing in the middle of the woods? Is he also planning on raiding thi-' Kibo thought was cut off as three fireballs fired straight towards him.

He reflectively leapt over them, but before he could even have a chance to breathe the tip of the sword just narrowly missed his throat as he lowered his head back. The Hero lept back as dust kicked off from the ground as he came to a halt. The skill 'The Final Dodge' lit up in Kibo's view.

Kibos eyes widened from surprise as he realised how close he came to death. "Damn, he nearly had me there luckily my final dodge is a passive skill. Who the hell is this guy? Why is he trying to kill me?" He continued to race through his mind as he came up with numerous conclusions.

The Hero noticed the frustrated look on Kibo and asked. "You might be wondering who I am?"

Not giving Kibo any chance to think, he leapt forward instantly closing the distance. He swung his sword, which was blocked by Kibo's dagger. They stood there as they both pressed their weapons against each other as sparks fly from the continued exchange.

Kibo regathered some composure from the heated exchange and thought. 'What the hell does he read minds too?''

Desperate he shouts out, "who sent you!" Getting pushed back he continued to put up resistance against the Hero's strength!

"I was sent by the King. No one else can order my movements!" he responded as he gritted his teeth surprised by the resistance Kibo was putting on.

'What the hell, the kin-' Numerous cracks appeared in Kibo's dagger as it shattered. The corners of the Hero's mouth curled up as he chanted his skill. "Starfire Slice!"

The Hero spun his sword in a circle as fire erupted from the sword creating a windstorm of flames. Kibo panicked and simultaneously Awakened his three strongest Summons in front of him as he lept back.

Skill: Leap (LVL 1 > 2)

Mana Consumption: 100 (* 2) per leap

Description: Able to stack leap up to 10 times, allowing the user to cover a distance of 300ft to 3000ft. If the skill is not activated within 30 seconds, the skill will reset.

The Goblin Lord took the brunt of the attack as he quickly regenerated. Now angry, he lifted his club into the air and crashed it back down to where the Hero was standing. However, the attack was evaded quickly by the Hero.

'I didn't expect my leap skill to upgrade to level 2 today! Yes, I can try it out!' he quickly thought as his summon bought him time in front of him.

Kibo provoked hopelessly. "Ho, afraid?"

The Hero placed his palm on his forehead as he pushed back his hair. "You think some summons resembling dungeon monsters can defeat me, The Hero of Yuinia?" He scoffed.

Kibo became astonished. 'Wait. What? The Hero?' Kibo thought about it for a little while 'They sent the Hero of this Kingdom after me? Aren't they considered the strongest? How weak!' He realised he was better off dead and smiled.

"If you surrender quietly, I will treat you nicely as a summon."

Confused by his words he also became annoyed at the smirk the criminal put on, and he calmed himself down as he thought how his Hero would handle this situation. "I will never surrender. It will bring great shame upon the Knights of the round table, the great Heroes I look up to! If I have to stop a dangerous criminal like you at the cost of my life, so be it!"

"Wait. What? Knights of the round table a bri-"

Before Kibo could even finish his sentence, the Hero had finished chanting his skill.

"Starfire Blazing Strike!"

He threw his sword up in the air past the tree line. He slid his right foot back while simultaneously raising his right hand, catching the hilt of the sword. The flames erupted from the tip which were amplified as he held onto the handle of the sword. Within those seconds the skill's power reached its peak levels he threw it towards Kibo.

The Goblin Lord swung his giant club in front to block the sword, but the force was so strong it led to him crashing against a tree instead. Simultaneously the Lizardmen Lord launched his spear towards the sword; however, the spear just split in half. Zana, noticing the danger raced towards the weapon and clashed against it with her forehead. The flames erupted even further from the sword.

The mere seconds they had bought together allowed Kibo to chant leap multiple times. The force in his legs erupted, and instead of travelling 100ft. He had the power to cover a distance of over 1200ft. He went flying by Zana as his legs struck the Hero's armour at incredible speeds. The impact launched the Hero as he struck dozens of trees before he came to a stop as dirt and rubble were left falling back to the ground in his path.

Kibo stood there shocked and thought, "I can't believe how a skill considered Grade-E on Earth could become so powerful. If I can get my hand on more skills like these-" He cut himself off as he imagined the broken skills he could acquire which could make him undetectable. He quickly shook his head as he regathered his focus on the problem at hand.

He walked over to the Hero who was laying on the ground. Before he could even get up, he placed his foot over the Hero's broken chest piece. Kibo proceeded to kick the Hero in the face. He awakened a couple of goblins who also continued to strike the Hero's head with their ugly feet.

"AHHH!" The Hero moaned in pain.

"I'm sorry!"




"Kicking me!"


Kibo returned all his Summons back into him and said, "Are you willing to listen to me now?"

"Yes, YES! Please don't kill me, I have a lot of gold on me!" he muttered.

Kibo sighed and lowered himself as he placed his arm on his right knee, which was pressing down on the Hero. "I thought you would never surrender? Anyways you mentioned Knights of the round table. That's a British folklore story from Earth, right?"

The Hero's eyes widened as he tried to catch his breath. "Ho-How, do you know! Are you also from Earth?"

"Yes I'm from Earth, did you come through a portal?"

The Hero was bewildered. "What portal? Do you mean the dungeon?"

Kibo furrowed his brows as his eye twitched from the question. "No you idiot, I'm asking about the other world portals."

Kibo got angry from the Hero's stupid question. He stopped resting his arm on his knee and pressed harder onto his broken chest piece as he moved his foot left and right digging the metal shards further into the Hero's chest.

"AGHH, Relax, Relax if you're from Earth we are brothers then. I haven't met anyone from Earth. I was summoned here by this Kingdom!" He pleased as he held on to the Hero's ankles hoping for him to lift his foot.

Kibo became surprised as he relaxed the pressure he put on the Hero. "Huh? Summoned, what do you mean?"

Relieved he explained, "I don't know one day I was walking home from school and the next thing I knew a magic circle appeared below me and I was summoned inside the Castle in Fialis. They told me I was a hero and needed to defeat the Demon King on the other continent. My primary goal was to get stronger, so they sent me to dungeons only with a team hand-selected by the Royal Family. All I've been doing since is raiding strong dungeons."

After thinking about what the Hero had just said, it left him with more questions than answers. He asked, "Tell me what year was it for you on Earth!"

The Hero raised his right brow and tilted his head in confusion. "Eh, don't you know? It should be 2020!"

Kibo stepped back as he was overcome by surprise. The Hero looked up to him and saw his supposedly exaggerated reaction.

He awakened the Goblin and Lizard Lord once again.

"You piece of shit you think this is a joke? Tell me what the actual year on Earth was before you were summoned here!" Kibo demanded.

The Summons had raised their legs, and in those short moments, the Hero's face began to fill with fear.

"2020! 2020! I SWEAR IT'S 2020!" He mentioned in a quick panic as he raised his hands to shield his face.

Kibo raised his hand to signal the Summons to stop, and they stepped back.

"Have you heard of the Awakening War on Earth?"

The Hero lowered his hands as he became confused again. "Huh? What Awakening War? The only wars we had were World War 1 and 2."

Seeing the genuine expression of confusion, he went into deep thought. 'Impossible. Can a person from the Earth's past be summoned like this? It's like reading one of those classic Isekai stories from the past. We never heard of this happening in 2111. - Wait. We never knew because we never found out. No one on Earth wanted to travel to the other side of the other world portals because the majority of them were dangerous and led to death. The few where they did come out of either had just monsters ruling the entire continent or the nicer native civilisation just kicking them straight out. Well, I can't kill him if he is actually from 2020 he could be lying, but I can't test his knowledge until he comes to Earth.'

He placed his hand on his face as he sighed. "Alright listen up Isekai boy, I will let you go, just don't cross me and be wary of your King. It seems like they haven't exactly told you everything about this world."

Kibo became annoyed at the events which have transpired today and kicked the rubble on the floor as he walked away.

The Hero was left confused about how the dangerous criminal ended up being another person from Earth and around his age no less. Along with being told how Earth has also changed, he couldn't just sit by and let him leave. He quickly got onto his feet and reached out his arm as he shouted, "wait!" He chased after Kibo wanting to know the answers to the many questions he had.

"Please this is the first time I met someone from Earth, did you get summoned too? Are you a Hero as well? Please take me in as your student! Tell me what has happened on Earth since I have been away as well!"

Kibo who was already annoyed got a headache from the onslaught of irritating questions. He tried his best to ignore him and kept walking back to the village with a clenched fist which got tighter with time. He tried his best to calm down and within his thoughts, he told himself, 'Ignore him... Ignore him... He is just a kid. Ignore him.... Have patience. Patience is a virtue.'

The Hero kept nagging him as Kibo got angrier as his eyebrows twitched. Until eventually, He turned around in a fit of rage.

"You piece of shit if you're a high school student then you're only just 1-2 years younger than me. Back off unless you want to get beaten up again."

The Hero's eyes sparkled. "SENPAI! You're my Senpai. Please listen to me! Senpaiiii!"

Kibo facepalmed himself as he thought. 'Maybe I should have just stayed silent.'

[One week later]

Kibo came out of the Blizzard Wolf Dungeon after completing it for the 7th time. He opened his status and checked everything.








Leap (LVL 2),

Passive Skills:

Void Immunity(MAX),???,???,???,???, The Final Dodge(LVL 1),


Zana, Goblin Lord, Lizardmen Lord, Goblin (+12), Lizardmen (+70), Alpha Blizzard Wolf, Blizzard Wolf (+700)

Mana Capacity:


'Not bad at all, I have 786 summons. It's like having my very own army.' Kibo smiled, but it quickly faded as the week-long nuisance had come back again.

An echo was heard across the forest "Senpaiiii!"

The Hero rushed over and fell to his knees in front of Kibo as tears formed in his eyes and pleaded.

"Senpai please take me in under your mighty wings. You're so powerful, and I was beaten by you so easily. In this harsh world, I won't stand a chance against the powerful monsters. Please Senpai have mercy on a brother we are both from Earth please help me. With your strength, we can take out the monsters together, and we can both go back to Earth!" He cried out.

Kibo was left in an awkward position. He thought, ' this poor kid has lost his entire family. If he truly is from 2020 over 91 years have passed - chances are everyone he once knew has already passed away.' Kibo looked at the innocent yet genuine eyes of the Hero who wanted to know the truth and felt sorry for him.

'He has to know - If I don't tell him he will just continue living a lie, and when he eventually does find out about Earth, it will crush him. Reality is harsh - this world.' He paused. 'These worlds are unforgiving to the kind and innocent souls who inhabit them. Only the strongest will survive. Not only have the people who summoned him lied to him... They only see him as a tool.'

He looked back towards the Hero who was on his knees and had placed his palms together above his head. He continued to think, 'I hate people, I hate everything on how the world is run from Earth to Nestellia. All I want is power so I can take revenge for my friend and live my life in peace.' Kibo's expression was saddened as he recalled the memories of his friend from Earth. He decided on what to do and built up his courage to tell him and what to do with him.

"Listen up Isekai Boy. It's not 2020 anymore."

The Hero tilted his head in confusion as he continued to look Kibo in his eyes.

"It's 2111, the Earth you once knew of no longer exists. It's completely changed and so much time has passed. The people you once knew are no longer alive."

The Hero knelt there quietly as he processed the information. After a few minutes had passed, he looked up and smiled with teary eyes.

"I believe you Senpai if I really have no one left for me back home then you are the only person I know from Earth." His tears started to roll down his cheeks. " I no longer have my mother... father... brothers..." His voice cracked. "even my sis-". He started to cry loudly at the thought of his little sister no longer being alive.

"My friends from school are all gone too…" He sniffled. He clenched his fist in anger at what this kingdom and the King had done to him. He tried his best to calm himself down, so he doesn't look any more pathetic than he already is in front of his Senpai.

"Please Senpai, for the last time please take me with you on your journey. I promise I won't hold you back, and I will always fight by your side. I pledge my unyielding loyalty to you, and no one else." Kibo noticed he was holding back his tears as he kept up a strong appearance.

He placed his sword on the ground in front of him as he bowed on all fours.

'He has no one anymore, just like how I lost everything. Our circumstances are different, but I can't leave him behind. I don't need to worry about a backstab after such a pledge of loyalty. Plus he sees me as his Senpai. I'll take him. He might prove himself useful. Even if he does turn on me I will kill him without mercy no matter where he hides.'

"Get up," he ordered.

The Hero was saddened and thought he didn't accept him. He got up and turned around to walk off until he heard a voice.

"Leaving your Senpai already? I guess I haven't beaten you up enough." He smirked.

The corner of the Hero's mouth curled up as he wiped his last remaining tears from his eyes. He turned around and asked. "So what do we do now Senpai?"

"Hmm, let's see-" He placed his index finger and thumb between his chin and started to think. After a few moments, he said, "well after seeing your sword skills I don't have any offensive skills. Do you have any attack skills I can use? The stronger, the better."

"There were a bunch in the treasury, but I only took a few which caught my eye and already used them."

Kibo began to smile at the thought of raiding the castle treasury but quickly came back to reality as he realised he's not strong enough to storm the Royal Family Palace just yet. 'If it wasn't for that palladium ranked guard I would have destroyed that place in two' He angrily thought as he clenched his fist however his feelings quickly dissipated as he thought of something else.

'Hmm, hold up. If he is with me, then he will become my offence since I lack in offensive skills at the moment. Along with my 700+ summons isn't it about good time I raided the other world portal which is protected by the bunker. They destroyed a portion of this Kingdom's army. Whoever is on the other side if I can kill enough of them, I could grow my power in leaps and bounds.'

The Hero stood there, watching Kibo's expressions change to one thing and then another repeatedly. He nervously asked. "What are you thinking about, Senpai?"

"I'm thinking if we should raid the other world portal the bunker is protecting. The one which caused the Reckoning 6 years ago for this kingdom."

"Oh, that." The Hero got frustrated after hearing the King had lied to him again and continued.

"I was told it was just a powerful dungeon. Sure why not with you there I'm pretty sure we can take a look at what's on the other side. Maybe we can find some treasures?"

"They didn't tell you anything, huh? They might have been afraid you would escape to another world. Well, let's go infiltrate that bunker and check out this new world."

They both climb onto Zana, and they race in the direction of the bunker.

( No updates from now on)