We're Being Punked Pedro

~ Lucien's Pov ~

I woke up hearing knocking at my door i groaned and tried to go back to sleep but the knocking continued and said "go away" but whoever was knocking on my door didn't seem to care , I got up but was immediately pulled back down by a sleeping Josie " no don't go open that door " it's was cute to see her sleepy face " if I don't open that door whoever's knocking on it will break it down " I got up and opened it to be met with a not so happy Lizzie Saltzman " good morning Liz " she just walked right past me and into my room and looked at Josie " wake up we're late for class " I just stood at the doorway watching them but Lizzie started checking me out


I was in lycanthropy class when a piece of paper flew and hovered towards the teacher " Lucien Corvinus you're needed in the office immediately " I sighed to myself and gathered my things and walked to the door and I heard the teacher say something under his breath " I guess some things never change " I looked at him and put his hand on fire with my eyes and said "yeah they don't still like the old times" and walked out the door laughing by myself


I got to the office and heard voices inside " guess I'm not the only one here " I walked in and everyone went silent and just looked at me " before we start with the argument or whatever you were talking about I know I didn't do anything so Alaric why don't you enlighten me on why I'm here " he looked at me with a serious face " well since you're here I need someone to help Dorian supervise over everyone and seeing as how everyone is afraid of you but somehow still like hanging out with you I thought why not have Lucien supervise with Dorian and you can't say no " I stood there shocked and looked at the faces in the room and then my eyes landed on Hope " Nope I'll pass, need to catch up on my studies seeing as I wasn't here for three years " but then I felt someone staring at me and knew it was Josie and sighed ' sometimes she can be a little controlling " fine I'll go but on one condition " Alaric seemed to know what I was going to say " no you cannot have any of the bottles of bourbons I have stashed away " I just shrugged my shoulders " at least I tried asking "


we arrived in the park and everyone was busy cleaning either picking up trash or washing off grafitti while I was just looking up into a tree watching a squirrel do it's thing when I heard Josie and Hope talking " you're dad's mad cause I did black magic and don't worry I didn't tell him you help me do the spell to find Landon " I heard Josie release a breath she was holding in I stood up and made my way over to them " you did black magic " she jumped when heard my voice " hey baby look = "I held up my finger "don't come up with excuses because I know when you're lying to me " I looked at her and she looked down trying to avoid looking me in the eye " Jo you know what black magic does to you right " she nodded her head and Hope cut in " it wasn't her fault i forced her to help me do the spell " I just nodded and started walking away not before saying something to them " next time don't do black magic at school do it somewhere else " and walked back to school I saw Lizzie storming off from a bunch of pricks from mystic falls high and so I made way to them and stood in front of who I assumed was Connor " what's so funny "he pointed at the direction Lizzie went I just nodded and headbutted him not with my full strength and he fell to the ground everyone stood there shocked at what i did I picked him back up and he was still holding he's nose and hit him with my knee in his gut and he fell to his knees I went down to his level and right hooked him and stood back up " ok listen up if I see any of you near the salvatore school or Lizzie Saltzman I won't hesitate kicking your asses just like Connor here but this isn't the worst thing that I can do to you now do I make myself clear " everyone nodded and got Connor and left I turned around and saw Kaleb standing there with a scared face " what you seem scared " he just nodded his head and went back to cleaning the wall and I continued my journey back to school


I got to school I felt a barrier around the school and just blasted hellfire on it which made a little passage for me I walked into the school and it seemed to quiet I walked around the hallways until I heard something behind me I turned around and was met with a gargoyle staring at me with it's head tilted it's head looking at me curious as to what I am I took this opportunity to flick my claws out and will my eyes to glow their ice cold blue and ran at it with all my speed it came out of it's trance and ran at me as well we crashed into one another and sent each other falling to the ground when I got back up it started walking walking away but I didn't let it i grabbed ahold of one of it's wings and ripped it off it let out a blood curling shriek and turned around and clawed me on my chest but I didn't let it get away with that and clawed one of it's eyes out it reached for it's eye and turned back to me and sent me flying into the wall when I crashed into the wall and fell to the ground I felt my strength leave my body my hellhound healing didn't help and i passed out from the pain

~3rd Person View~

the gargoyle had just attacked Alaric and got the knife and was roaming the halls looking Lizzie after finding out it could not walk out the school and remembered the girl that it attacked meanwhile outside Hope and Josie had arrived at the front of the school and took down the barrier that was keeping the gargoyle inside

Hope and Josie were now in the hallway " okay I think we should split up and find your dad or Lucien " Josie nodded and ran the other way splitting up with Hope while Hope went the other way, down the hall Lucien could be seen laying on the floor in a corner and tried to put his hand up or do anything but the gargoyle venom was making it hard for him to do anything 'fuck it sucks not being able to move or talk if I could Just stab myself with my claws than maybe it'll trigger my healing factor so that this venom can go the fuck away ' Hope came running into view and saw Lucien laying on the floor and looking straight at her with his eyes still glowing from his encounter with gargoyle but something happened he's eyes started flickering from his glowing state to his normal eyes " oh my god Luci what happened wait right here I'll be back " with that said she started when suddenly she bumped into Alaric " oh my god I thought you were the gargoyle " Ric said while putting his crossbow down and heard someone moaning in pain and looked behind Hope to see Lucien with a claw mark going from his chest to his abdomen when he saw state he was in he ran to he's side to check on him " oh no it got to him too " Hope who was still registering that there's a gargoyle roaming the halls looked at Alaric and said " what do you mean that there's a gargoyle in the school ? " as if right on cue they heard a creature shrieking from pain and anger they got up and carried Lucien to safety Alaric looked at hope and asked her " Lizzie set up a barrier how'd you get it down " Josie came around the other corner and said " she didn't I did " and took the mini axe from hope but dropped it when she saw Lucien's state and ran to his side pushing her dad out of from beside him " what happened to him " she asked while looking from Hope to her father , Alaric was the first to answer " there's a gargoyle in the school and you both weren't supposed to be here which means now the gargoyle can out of here and wreck havoc on the town " Hope seemed to remember something and said " oh yeah before we came Dorian gave a book on how to kill a gargoyle 101 " after saying she reached into her backpocket brought out the book and gave it to him Alaric upon seeing the books pages " damn it , it's gaulish why is it always gaulish " Lucien let out a muffled laugh at Alaric dilemma " so does it say anything about how we can kill this gargoyle " Alaric after skimming the book looked at Hope and Josie and said " well only one thing which is hit hard "


they were now down stairs looking for Emma and the children while the girls were carrying a immobilized Lucien who was trying to will his healing to take effect but nothing he tried to do worked , right when they passed the dinning hall the doors opened with Emma standing on the other side she said in a whisper " Quiet " and gestured for them to come in but it was too late as they heard loud stomping and growling above them , but what they failed to notice was Lucien's eyes changing color from normal brown eyes to orange-fire like eyes glowing brightly both put him in the room where Lizzie was laid down on the table with all the kids gathered around her

~ Lucien's POV ~

I was inside dinning hall with the others and I started to heal but it was slow when I heard Josie screaming " NO" that's when I got angry and got up from the floor and willed myself to transform but not my werewolf side instead I took my hellhound and ran out the doors with both girls looking at me I saw the gargoyle missing it's other wing but we both locked eyes and ran towards each other with it looking to strike me with it's claws but I caught it's hand right before it could bring it back down and headbutted it and so it reeled back from the impact I took this chance and kneed the gargoyle in the gut and claw its abdomen followed by a flaming right hook to the face sending it flying towards the floor when I went to strike it again it kicked me away sending me crashing in to the wall I started getting up when I heard both girls chanting a spell immobilizing the gargoyle temporarily giving me enough time to rip it's head off clean and causing it's body to explode into pieces I looked behind me breathing heavily " I hate this knife "


I was down by the dock drinking some of Alaric's bourbon and looking up at the stars when I heard footsteps approaching I looked behind and saw Hope standing there " hey " I just nodded my head not really in the mood to talk " Landon so is Rafael " I nodded again but she still continued talking " are you okay " i stood up from my spot and looked at her and sighed " I forgive you hope . I never hated you well maybe just a little but this " I motioned between us " we're not getting back you might be my mate but so is Josie and plus to top it all off you betrayed Josie never betrayed me so I'm sorry but we're not getting back together maybe in the future but not now " I went back to my spot picked up my jacket and the bottle took a big gulp from it before walking away .

~to be continued~