Hope is not the Goal

~~3rd Pov~~

a police cruiser can be seen driving into the school yard while inside students are gathered in the hall listening to Alaric and the sheriff Matt Donovan

Alaric: Given our recent influx of monsters , the sheriff and I have decided we need to take drastic action. Please give him your full attention.

Matt: Like Dr. Saltzman was saying, local girls Dana Lilien and Sasha Stoteraux didn't come home last night. Dana sometimes skips town to party for a few days, But this a first for Sasha.

As he spoke a picture was passed around of said girls and everyone looked at the pictures

Alaric: Thank you sheriff Donovan now while the knife is away with Dorian and things are quiet on his end, it won't hurt to assume the worst

While Alaric talked MG kept looking at Kaleb with accusing eyes and Lucien who stood at the back listened into their conversation

Kaleb: Dude, if you don't stop bugging me, You heard Ol' blue eyes. Dana has a history of running away

MG: I saw you feed on her.

Kaleb: Yeah feed not kidnap. MG I'm telling you... vampire to vampire this ain't on me

They both turned feeling someone staring at them and saw Lucien looking straight at them more specifically at Kaleb with his eyes glowing and both of them paled in color

Alaric: So I'll need a few of you to go to Mystic falls high under the guise of an exchange program meant to improve relations between our schools, which unfortunately is necessary, given recent events, now I give you permission to compel them, to gather materials for locator spells, because any information we can get will make all the difference

Lizzie stood up straightening her blazer and stood infront of everyone

Lizzie: Well I guess I can set aside my differences with Dana for a day because that is what heroes do..... so I volunteer as tribute

Hope: *Looks at the guy next to her* she battles on gargoyle and suddenly she's mother Teresa

After Lizzie Kaleb looked towards MG

Kaleb: You're gonna be real embarrassed when I prove you wrong. *Stands up* I'm in

MG follows suite worried he might feed on another human at the highschool

MG: I'm in, too

Hope looked at them before she stood up shocking everyone

Hope: I'd like to help

Lucien had enough and walked out grabbing his packet of cigarettes and lighter from his pocket and lights it walking towards the woods

Lucien: Fuckin' wakes me up just for that, humans go missing everyday *lights one and takes a puff* And then forces me to be there *Mockingly* I won't allow you to be with my daughter if you don't do this

He takes another drag walking into the old mill and sees spiderwebs covering almost everything he listens closely hearing someone breathing slowly like he/she was being suffocated

He walks up the stairs and sees a cocoon he walks towards it before hearing a hissing sound turned around and saw a huge humanoid spider and took a drag from the cigarette and blew the smoke towards it and it pounces at him but all he did was sidestep it and threw a fire ball hitting it in the face and burned it causing it to start shrieking from the pain and swipe at him landing one hit that sent him flying through the wall

and tumbling across the ground, He groaned from the pain and stood up walked back towards the mill and saw that it was gone only thing that was left behind was a puddle of orange goo and he walked away while mumbling to himself

Lucien: Fuckin hate spiders, now. And it ruined my relaxation time


Lucien walked through the hallway dusting himself of any dirty on his clothes as everyone looked at him wondering what he was doing

He looked up when he was done and saw everyone looking at him and said in a loud booming voice

Lucien: What the fuck are y'all looking at?!

They all looked away going back to what they were before he walked in and he made his way to a certain brunette who stood talking to other witches and wrapped his arms around her waist and she squealed from surprise

Josie: Hey

Lucien: Hey

They shared a kiss and walked off from the group not before Josie said her goodbyes to all of them, they walked around a corner and came across Jed and his werewolf lackeys beating down on Raf And Josie walked up

Josie: Hey *Ignored* Hey! *Still ignored*

She puts her hand on the wall and siphons a bit of magic from it and murmured a spell under her breath and a wave was sent towards the werewolves who in return covered their ears and whimpered

Josie: Loud enough for you?

She walked up to Raf and helped him stand up as Jed walked towards her but Lucien sped Infront of him and grabbed him by the throat lifting him up effortlessly

Lucien: What were you gonna do, now? Hmm? *Applies pressure*

He threw him towards his betas and watched as they ran off

Lucien: Pussies

He turned back around and saw that he was alone now and shook his head before speeding away

~~Mystic Falls High~~

The Salvatore students walked off the bus seemingly in slow motion and Lucien next to the bus watching them and he shook his head before taking out a cig and lit it walking towards them as he chuckled when Landon bumped into Lizzie

Landon: Sorry. I'm sorry

Lizzie: I was making an entrance

Landon: I'm sorry, I just had a flashback of my soph-

Lucien: Okay, enough of the sob story and you *Points to Lizzie* Don't think just because you put a barrier on the school makes you a hero or some fucked up bullshit you think you are

After saying this he walks into the school and takes a drag of the cig in his mouth before throwing it at a kid's forehead who walked by him and sniffed in the air before he looked back and saw the boy who threw the milkshake at lizzie looking directly at him with his head titled to the side before a look of anger appeared on his face

he turned and walked away with Lucien going after him at a slow pace before breaking out into a sprint when he got outside

he looked around and saw no-one there and he turned to go back into the school before he heard a clicking he turned around just to be webbed onto the wall and watched as the creature walked up to him and raised one of it's arms and slammed it's fist into his face and knocked him out

~~With the others~~

The group of Salvatore students gathered around arguing about What the monster was when Kaleb stepped towards Landon

Kaleb: It might be you

Landon: What?

Kaleb: Think about it, boy appears out of nowhere steals the knife and all these monsters start appearing out of nowhere it doesn't add up

Landon: Come on you guys don't believe him, right?

He looks at everyone and sees all of them and looks towards Hope and sees she's looking down to the ground

Landon: I got my answer

And walks away and into the school

~~Lucien's POV~~

I woke up minutes later and to say I was pissed was an understatement and so I burnt the webs off of me causing me to fall to the ground with a thud

I groaned and stood up growling with intent to kill that bug, I walked off and started a sprint towards the old mill where I know that spider would be

I got to the Old Mill and saw the others were here already and walked past and straight inside where I saw it go after the Hobbit I sped infront of him and grabbed it by one of it's legs

And threw it across the room and sped towards it grabbing it and started burning it and it started thrashing in my hold and shrieking but I held it in place and heard Josie, Hope and Lizzie start chanting before I started floating with it and it exploded all over me

Covering me with an orange goo and I walked out and saw the girls were covered in it as well everyone looked at me and Josie covered jer mouth trying to hold in her laughter and I playfully glared at her

Lucien: Don't say anything

After I said this I walked away and towards my room to shower

~~3rd POV~~

~~2 hours later~~

Lucien walked out of his bathroom drying his hair with a towel and walked over to his closet opened it and a small silver box fell out from the top

he picked it up and opened it inside the box laid a picture, a silver locket and two rings, in the picture stood a man in a long black coat and two children held onto both the man's arms with smiles on their faces

He walked over to his bed and sat down on the edge as he looked at the picture in his hand and a single tear fell from his eye and he put the picture back in the box and picked up the locket and opened it and saw a picture of him on one side and on the other a girl with brunette hair and a white streak through her hair smiling

He closed the locket and said softly as he looked at the ground with tears rolling down his face

Lucien: I miss you guys

He got up and got dressed in a pair of sweats and a grey hoodie and grabbed his packet of cigarettes from his dresser and climbed through the window and onto the rooftop and lit one before looking up to the sky watching the stars while he hummed a song and smoked

He laid on his back and took another drag from the cig before throwing it away and just laid there looking at the stars before climbing back into his room

/\To Be Continued/\